Fauci: ‘Hopefully’ Forcing Kids to Wear Masks Won’t Have ‘Lasting Negative Impact.’

So liberals don't want children emulating Obama and the TX fleebaggers? Interesting.
Children under 12 can't be vaccinated.

Break through infections of vaccinated people so far is running 1/1000th of a percent.

Vaccinated people with other fully vaccinated people does not cause spread, that amounts to anything.
Why this ridiculous, democrat, satanic maniac is not in prison is mind boggling. This clown funneled taxpayer cash to fund numerous experiments that would have freaked out any deranged scientist of yesteryear. Plus, he has no idea as to the science at any level, but as the public relations arm of the funding of assorted insane experiments, the fake news presents him as credible. So bizarre. Anyone with an IQ above 85 knows masks do not work to block small particles.

No one spends that time in that job and is an idiot. Look what happened to trump. They soon showed that idiot the do it.
Successive governments supported that program in China and Fauci DID NOT secretly funnel illegal funds to it.
It was government policy and trump approved it.

I can certainly inform you he has forgotten more about science than you'll ever understand. Basically, it's the same old repig rant on how you hate Every thing and Every one that's a Democrat.
If that's you're only opinion, you have nothing. Go back down your burrow.
Children under 12 can't be vaccinated.

Break through infections of vaccinated people so far is running 1/1000th of a percent.

Vaccinated people with other fully vaccinated people does not cause spread, that amounts to anything.
How many kids again? How many have died how many have been hospitalized? Ohh wait, you say less then for the usual flu season, OHH NO lets lock them down.
Not a dodge....a FACT, and prediction that you and your actions will end up shutting schools down....and the economy.... This is OBVIOUSLY the Republican plan! Seriously, why do you hate the USA so much???? Why???

The real question is why has Covid Importing Super Spreader *Joe failed to stop the spread of covid?
Might as well close the schools now from covid spread en mass, and then the economy because parents have to stay home to teach....

LOOKS LIKE, that's the Republican plan!

Is the child hurt more by the medical mask, or by not being able to have in school learning??
Screw you, Fauci wanted the shutdowns to begin with. If we didn't we would be over this by know. Fauci should be executed!
How many kids again?
thousands have been infected, and we do not know all the long term or life long adverse effects. Hundreds have died.

and this Delta variant is different, in hot spots p
Pediatric hospitals are filled to the rim with sick children, sick children with masks and ventilators and needles and probing....all in an isolated room with strangers and without their parent being allowed by their side....

Death is NOT the only bad outcome....lots of other bad things are going on sarge.

And spreading infection, from person to person, allows the virus to mutate.... Mutate in to a virus even the vaccinated, won't be protected from....

Please get vaccinated, if you haven't already done so.
Whiny Trumptards, of course whining about masks.
Oh' the trauma they must endure from a piece of cloth.

Bet they don't whine when the doctor comes in the operating room with a mask on.

18 months in and these folks still don't know that surgical masks in the operating room are not used to protect against an airborne respiratory virus

Because they cannot
If we would've listened to Trump to begin with, we would be over this right now. Since Biden has been in office we are back to the beginning of this thing.

You have to be joking or demented.
Fauci pleaded with him to start but he dithered for 3 weeks. He called it a probable Democrat hoax. He said it would disappear overnight like a miracle. Yet you think Fauci is at fault?
You're as dumb as dogshit and a liar.

Biden is dealing with a new strain which is why it is gathering speed. You repigs conspiracy theorists won't get jabbed because it's some Democrat conspiracy to destroy the country or possibly waiting for God to save you. You people are barking mad.

Look at the statistics about the huge percentage of hospital admissions who were unvaccinated. Don't call me a liar on that one because you can research it easily.
You know nothing. Go away.
Why this ridiculous, democrat, satanic maniac is not in prison is mind boggling.
With 270,000 dead from AIDS and millions more infected with HIV, you should
not be honored at a dinner. You should be put before a firing squad.

Open the schools and lose the masks. Those who don't want to be around unmasked people are free to find alternative education outlets or other teaching jobs. That alone would improve our failing government schools immensely. Maybe we could even get rid of our overprice and underperforming teachers unions while we're at it. Now that would be a dream worth praying for. Teachers unions-monopolies must go.
With 270,000 dead from AIDS and millions more infected with HIV, you should
not be honored at a dinner. You should be put before a firing squad.


That's relevant.
Children under 12 can't be vaccinated.

Break through infections of vaccinated people so far is running 1/1000th of a percent.

Vaccinated people with other fully vaccinated people does not cause spread, that amounts to anything.

My county is 70% vaxxed and is at the same % as all surrounding counties. In fact, is at a higher percentage of cases than counties with less people vaxxed. So I have no idea where you're getting this "1/1000 of a percent" but it's obviously blatant garbage.

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