Fauci: Masks Outdoors Even For Vaccinated

It's foolhardy to compare political talk with health directives from an apparent "health expert".

Fauci is and always was, a political operative. Potentially even worse if and Pauls line of questioning and allegations has any merit. Extremely dangerous when lives and livelihoods are at stake.

It's all irrelevant anyway. It's not coming here, Trump told us so.
He also said a pandemic would be worth the cost of doing the research. There is no way you can trust a person that would say that.
Link to that statement.... ???

Seems horrible on its face, if he did really say and mean that... :(
Fauci's big problem is that he keeps changing his mind about what people are supposed to do and that makes him look like he doesn't know what he's doing.

With an evolving situation in a pandemic, I can allow some leeway in this regard. Fauci is far from alone.

What is the biggest problem is when the "facts" become political. In some cases even disinformation as it doesn't shift on a dime when needed. No discussion of alternative preventive measures? No information about long studies and data from the U.K and Israel? No discussion as to why Denmark and other countries abandoned entirely all of the approaches and have now accepted the virus?

We shouldn't have to search online for information and study results. Our governments should be willingly offering it.

It's why I said that I respected the new Chief of Health in Ontario who recommended against the Moderna vaccine for young adults due to the small risk of heart issues, even though his own children took the vaccine. As he said, "he wouldn't be doing his duty to the public in not disclosing this". That's a guy I want in such a position when the chips are down.

That is all functioning adults want during these times: the facts. No B.S, no concerns for politics. Give us the facts, stop cohercing people and let us make the decision as free citizens.
Because he doesn't.
And if he doesn't, he needs to say so. People would respect a scientist who admits they don't know everything and that they are making the best recommendations they can given the information at hand. Then he needs to lay out his sources so people can check out what he says and decide for themselves what steps to take.
Fauci once argued for risky viral experiments — even if they can lead to pandemic

We have NO business doing this. NONE. The guy should be treated like a pariah, not some health expert.
I think after reading the article in the post, it is not as bad as I thought.

The ultimate thesis of the commentary piece was to express support for a pause on gain-of-function research related to the transmissibility of the “highly pathogenic” H5N1 influenza virus. Fauci’s abstract noted the moratorium should continue “pending the resolution of critical policy questions concerning the rationale for performing such experiments and how best to report their results.”
And if he doesn't, he needs to say so. People would respect a scientist who admits they don't know everything and that they are making the best recommendations they can given the information at hand. Then he needs to lay out his sources so people can check out what he says and decide for themselves what steps to take.

That isn't the fau chi way. I have never seen a doctor who has been so consistently wrong about every subject.

Going all the way back to his catastrophic AIDS response.
I think after reading the article in the post, it is not as bad as I thought.

The ultimate thesis of the commentary piece was to express support for a pause on gain-of-function research related to the transmissibility of the “highly pathogenic” H5N1 influenza virus. Fauci’s abstract noted the moratorium should continue “pending the resolution of critical policy questions concerning the rationale for performing such experiments and how best to report their results.”

He supported it because of politics. Lets look at what happened after that. As soon as Obama is out of office (this ban on funding is one of the few things Obama did that I fully support) Fauci runs to Trump to get the funding ban lifted.

What you are doing is no better than the lame excuses Trump supporters make for him.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be pro-Covid. Masks and vaccinations slow the spread Dum Dum.

No idiot, Masks do absolutely nothing to slow the spread of the Wuhan Designer Virus®. Using a mask to filter a virus is like catching butterflies with a hula hoop.


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