Fauci: Masks Outdoors Even For Vaccinated

In another change of direction, Fauci just said today that kids can go trick or treating. He still hasn't said whether he will permit them to remove the mask while eating their candy. Taxpayers should be very happy to know that this useless asshole is the government's highest paid employee.

I'll decide if our children will trick or treat. Not Fauci
/——-/ Yes. The state governors shut their states down, not the President.

Governors of BOTH parties. It was hardly some highly partisan thing. Far, far too many on both sides only care about how they can push their politics, not actually deal with the situation which is really sad.
/----/ For crying out loud - I said "The state governors " not just the dem governors, the state governors. Geeze it's like you are looking for a fight. ALL THE STATE GOVONERSMADE THE DECISON. DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. ALL OF THEM. OK, happy now?

Sorry, I was just making a general comment that wasn't really directly made towards you.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be pro-Covid. Masks and vaccinations slow the spread Dum Dum.

There is no evidence at all that masks slow the spread. If masks slowed the spread you wouldn't see hundreds or thousands of new cases daily in states months after mask usage was mandated. In fact, there is no correlation between mask mandates and whether or not cases surge or decline. Masks are simply the idol of the Branch Covidians.
Just like the Polio vaccine!

I grow very tired of the control mongers. I want those who think masking is doing ANYTHING to prove it. Even the CDC shows masking a failure exceeding 90% as a mitigation strategy in every weekly report since this pandemic began.

I will be glad to openly debate this topic.

COVID-19 virus dry = 0.137 microns in size

COVID-19 virus water encapsulated = 1.675 microns in size

Cloth face covering- No seal, greater than 100 microns sized holes.

Medical procedure mask- No seal, Greater than 50 microns sized holes.

N-95 mask- Sealed if properly worn and fitted, begins filtering at 2.5-5 microns.

Not one of the masks listed above can stop these aerosolized particles.. NONE OF THEM. The current study out of Israel shows that doctors and nursing staff contracted COVID through full PPE and N-95 masking.
I am attaching a comparison graphic, while it is not representative to actual size it does accurately represent the sizes in relation to one another.

University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png
I grow very tired of the control mongers. I want those who think masking is doing ANYTHING to prove it. Even the CDC shows masking a failure exceeding 90% as a mitigation strategy in every weekly report since this pandemic began.

I will be glad to openly debate this topic.

COVID-19 virus dry = 0.137 microns in size

COVID-19 virus water encapsulated = 1.675 microns in size

Cloth face covering- No seal, greater than 100 microns sized holes.

Medical procedure mask- No seal, Greater than 50 microns sized holes.

N-95 mask- Sealed if properly worn and fitted, begins filtering at 2.5-5 microns.

Not one of the masks listed above can stop these aerosolized particles.. NONE OF THEM. The current study out of Israel shows that doctors and nursing staff contracted COVID through full PPE and N-95 masking.
I am attaching a comparison graphic, while it is not representative to actual size it does accurately represent the sizes in relation to one another.

View attachment 550490
Hard to believe that a T-shirt over the head offered no protection.

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