I just posted a link where Trump is ahead in Fla and AZ and I said I don't believe that data. That totally proves you're an asshole.I’m not surprised given that the data tells us something you don’t want to believe.I do not believe the data in your link.The data in the link I provided you.What data? The same data that said HRC had a 92% chance of winning? Data these days is highly flawed.The data suggests the announcement of her investigation reopening was critical to Trump’s victory.Nope. Cannot broad brush like this, Trollfax. Private server, bleaching, 33k missing emails created a level of distrust with enough voters for her to lose to someone with zero political experience.The FBI agents who leaked to Trump the presence of these emails acted with more prejudice and attempted to influence the election than anything anyone in government did to Trump.
The fact that anyone sees it differently merely reflects their lack of respect for the equal application of law.
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election
So why won't the media admit as much?fivethirtyeight.com