FBI and CIA were targeting Trump even before the FISA warrants.

and why is this a concern, if he doesnt have anything to hide of course... :)
and why is this a concern, if he doesnt have anything to hide of course... :)
If you really have to ask, you wouldn't understand.
mail (3).gif
the fisa warrant for Page was not until mid October 2016.....

WHY would you even think the investigation in to the Trump campaign's Russian operative contacts didn't begin before October?

It's been known for years, and years.... the official investigation in to Russian election meddling and any Trump Camp witting or unwitting help... began in late July?
the fisa warrant for Page was not until mid October 2016.....

WHY would you even think the investigation in to the Trump campaign's Russian operative contacts didn't begin before October?

It's been known for years, and years.... the official investigation in to Russian election meddling and any Trump Camp witting or unwitting help... began in late July?
For starters, those orders traditionally come from the White House.
the fisa warrant for Page was not until mid October 2016.....

WHY would you even think the investigation in to the Trump campaign's Russian operative contacts didn't begin before October?

It's been known for years, and years.... the official investigation in to Russian election meddling and any Trump Camp witting or unwitting help... began in late July?

You can't truly be this dumb, can you? Or do you support the US becoming a banana republic police state?
and why is this a concern, if he doesnt have anything to hide of course... :)

Because these are the actions of a POLICE STATE you fucking moron.

so you are anti-police now ha...
i bet you gonna suggest to defund the police next... :)

Wow, you truly are a dipshit. Chinese stooge would be my guess.

Let me break it down for you because you are clearly a moron, police are for the most part good. Some, like the chicken shits in new York spying on school kids, are scum. Those are police state type police. You know, like the GESTAPO.

I have no problem killing the GESTAPO.

Most human beings agree with me.
and why is this a concern, if he doesnt have anything to hide of course... :)

Because these are the actions of a POLICE STATE you fucking moron.

so you are anti-police now ha...
i bet you gonna suggest to defund the police next... :)

Wow, you truly are a dipshit. Chinese stooge would be my guess.

Let me break it down for you because you are clearly a moron, police are for the most part good. Some, like the chicken shits in new York spying on school kids, are scum. Those are police state type police. You know, like the GESTAPO.

I have no problem killing the GESTAPO.

Most human beings agree with me.

ahh ok...
the classic good cop bad cop ha... :)

if you only knew how stupid you sound... :D
It just keeps getting more interesting, doesn't it ?

Peter Strzok’s new text messages were released yesterday by 2 Senators, suggesting the FBI was investigating Trump, like the president’s supporters have claimed.

strzoks needs to be put against a wall with a firing squad.
Communist democrats have vowed that this country will be under communist democrat domination from now on. They will do to any republican what they did to Trump. This is it from now on. Fraudulent elections and constant harassment.
You are too kind.
I wouldn't be a good torturer.

If I knew the full extent of how dirty these guys were--how many hundreds of lives
they've ruined --General Flynn nearly being one, I may feel less merciful. If they almost got away with that, God knows how many smaller fish they've taken out.

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