FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
There's been zero evidence Impeached Trump was spied on. There was spying on Page while he was not with Impeached Trump's campaign and that is what was mishandled at best, lied at worst.
I consider a political hack someone who has substantial double standards when it comes to supporting their candidates. Barr has demonstrated such. His speeches before various conservative groups demonstrate this as do his statements in front of congress. He has what I consider an extremists view on the unitary executive and has been abetting Trump’s destruction of normal governance which has served us well through centuries and constitutional crises in the past.
well post an example.

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign, an investigation that was never made public during the campaign but forgets that Clinton was also under investigation during which Comey made numerous public statements attacking Clinton and damaging her campaign. Barr supported such actions.
dude, too funny, what the fk does this mean to you?

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign
Barr makes a real show claiming the investigation into the Trump campaign was such a big deal. As if presidential candidates are somehow protected from investigation.

Meanwhile there are numerous politically motivated investigations and maltreatment of Trump’s enemies.

It’s hypocrisy.
well actually spying on a US citizen by the FISA procedure is against the law. I'm certainly looking at you as someone with no knowledge of anything FISA related. You're just a dick, been a dick for awhile, and will be moving forward. congrats.

It’s really hard to prevent you from getting confused. You can’t even keep different posters straight.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.

The Impeachment was based entirely on the Ukranian Military Aid scandal. The House is considering further Articles of Impeachment around the Mueller Report, now that the case of blanket executive privilege has been denied by the courts.

As for the Mueller Report being a "hoax", when was the last time a "hoax" resulted in over 120 charges against 22 individuals and entities, 9 of whom plead guilty?

Thou shall not bear false witness Tree, and yet you do so daily. This is why I know that you are not a Godly man, and that your claims of righteousness ring false. By their deeds you shall know them, and your words and deeds speak of wanting war and violence against those who oppose you.
Zero crimes were leveled at The President. Mueller was unable to make a single recommendation for indictment against The President.

The Special Counsel in Clinton's case was able to list 13.

Thanks for playing.

Show me in The Articles what Crime is referenced to The Mueller Report by Mueller?

You can't.

Can you show me a single violation of US Code and site US Code while doing it?

You can't.

You are deluded and your hatred clouds your judgment, same with many of your allies. All of you have been given over to delusions because of your sins and wickedness, and you will no longer be able to see truth, as God has abandoned you over to perverse thoughts and iniquity.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
he just admitted it in a reply to me. here's what he just posted. what else does it mean if not spying on the trump campaign?

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign

Spying and investigating are not synonyms. Good lord, this is why I said you guys are hopeless.
My apologies to Trumpist's for injecting some reality in to the thread.

DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign
DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.
I even say the dossier was gotten legally. To use it for a FISA warrant is illegal. What was the dossier? dirt on a political opponent from russia and England. Why hasn't your dickness stated anything about the dossier? it was foreign based. right? hypocrite and dick for life.

What was illegal about using the dossier as part of a FISA warrant?
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
he just admitted it in a reply to me. here's what he just posted. what else does it mean if not spying on the trump campaign?

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign

Spying and investigating are not synonyms. Good lord, this is why I said you guys are hopeless.
My apologies to Trumpist's for injecting some reality in to the thread.

DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign
DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign
then he didn't pay attention to the FBI director Christopher Wray. hmmmm

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.
I even say the dossier was gotten legally. To use it for a FISA warrant is illegal. What was the dossier? dirt on a political opponent from russia and England. Why hasn't your dickness stated anything about the dossier? it was foreign based. right? hypocrite and dick for life.

What was illegal about using the dossier as part of a FISA warrant?
if you ask that question, it isn't worth a response.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
The republican led senate acquittal over the already decided guilty votes of every democrat in the senate?

you betcha
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
so what is the issue with the meeting? again, getting dirt on an opponent isn't a crime. so what exactly is your point?
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
dude, your dickness is in the way again.
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
so what is the issue with the meeting? again, getting dirt on an opponent isn't a crime. so what exactly is your point?
The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected. I was pointing out that was not necessarily the case in all circumstances. The Trump campaign was well aware, at the highest levels, of Russia’s attempt to help them along the way.

It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal.
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
dude, your dickness is in the way again.
Just having fun. Be an adult and stop the whining.
I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
so what is the issue with the meeting? again, getting dirt on an opponent isn't a crime. so what exactly is your point?
The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected. I was pointing out that was not necessarily the case in all circumstances. The Trump campaign was well aware, at the highest levels, of Russia’s attempt to help them along the way.

It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal.
It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal
but it wasn't illegal. post the law that says it was.

The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected.
well they were. that is factually correct. not sure your point again, accept to be the dick you are.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
The republican led senate acquittal over the already decided guilty votes of every democrat in the senate?

you betcha
Quote them....
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
so what is the issue with the meeting? again, getting dirt on an opponent isn't a crime. so what exactly is your point?
The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected. I was pointing out that was not necessarily the case in all circumstances. The Trump campaign was well aware, at the highest levels, of Russia’s attempt to help them along the way.

It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal.
It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal
but it wasn't illegal. post the law that says it was.

The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected.
well they were. that is factually correct. not sure your point again, accept to be the dick you are.
Campaign finance says it’s illegal to take something of value from a foreigner. Sitting down and asking for dirt coming directly from a foreign country would seem to qualify. It would be hard to prove that the top minds in that room knew that.

Did Trump Jr reject the overture from Russia that lead to the meeting? No. He actually was excited about it.
1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.
so what is the issue with the meeting? again, getting dirt on an opponent isn't a crime. so what exactly is your point?
The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected. I was pointing out that was not necessarily the case in all circumstances. The Trump campaign was well aware, at the highest levels, of Russia’s attempt to help them along the way.

It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal.
It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal
but it wasn't illegal. post the law that says it was.

The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected.
well they were. that is factually correct. not sure your point again, accept to be the dick you are.
Campaign finance says it’s illegal to take something of value from a foreigner. Sitting down and asking for dirt coming directly from a foreign country would seem to qualify. It would be hard to prove that the top minds in that room knew that.

Did Trump Jr reject the overture from Russia that lead to the meeting? No. He actually was excited about it.
yep no gifts. none. how do you justify the dossier then?

I think Christopher Steele is a foreigner, last I looked. right? So the dossier blows your post up.

"Blown up sir!!!"


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