FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
Barr is a political hack.

based on what exactly? what's your definition of a political hack exactly? nice words, but what is the definition?
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
You keep mischaracterizing what the FBI said. I don’t know more than the FBI. I know more than you.
then why did Christopher Wray make this statement under oath?

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.
$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
so Christopher Wray is lying? hmmmm

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser
Where does that article say the FBI apologized for "lying??"

That's the claim made by the lying OP.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
Barr is a political hack.

based on what exactly? what's your definition of a political hack exactly? nice words, but what is the definition?

I consider a political hack someone who has substantial double standards when it comes to supporting their candidates. Barr has demonstrated such. His speeches before various conservative groups demonstrate this as do his statements in front of congress. He has what I consider an extremists view on the unitary executive and has been abetting Trump’s destruction of normal governance which has served us well through centuries and constitutional crises in the past.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
Barr is a political hack.

based on what exactly? what's your definition of a political hack exactly? nice words, but what is the definition?

I consider a political hack someone who has substantial double standards when it comes to supporting their candidates. Barr has demonstrated such. His speeches before various conservative groups demonstrate this as do his statements in front of congress. He has what I consider an extremists view on the unitary executive and has been abetting Trump’s destruction of normal governance which has served us well through centuries and constitutional crises in the past.
well post an example.
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
You keep mischaracterizing what the FBI said. I don’t know more than the FBI. I know more than you.
then why did Christopher Wray make this statement under oath?

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because it’s true. The FBI mishandled the surveillance of Carter Page. Y’all are confusing surveillance of Page and surveillance of Trump.
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.
It's sickening what they have tried to do for the last three years, going on 4 now. My mom is 77 and she says she's never seen anything like it. It's essentially a Civil War only with politics.

My take on it is, that they thought they had it rigged. They were on course to "End America" and they had it all set up, and then Trump pissed on their parade. They were taking victory laps before the election had ever begun.
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.







Poke a con, watch them implode.


ROTFLMFAO....Tell THE TRUTH, and watch deranged little leftists, TRY to spin, LIE, and misdirect....The DNC needs to hire BETTER PROPAGANDISTS, that can NOT look like assholes calling out a VIDEO, and NOT the FACTS presented....But, Pawn is my entertainment in this thread....come on clowns, give us more!...LOLOLOLOL :ahole-1:

Typing in all caps with lots of emoticons doesn't make your angry diatribe true.

The Inspector General found some small errors in an 80 page technical document and you fools have been trying to spin this as some great scandal, since all of Trump's "investigations" are coming up empty.

4 Hillary Clinton email investigations have utterly exonerated Clinton of any wrong doing with regard to her emails, including Chuck Grassley's Senate Investigation, which Grassley convened because he was so angry that Jim Comey "let Hillary off the hook". Well Grassley exonerated her too.

The Huber Investigation, being conducted by a righteous conservative prosecutor in Utah, outside of the Deep State Swamp, spent three years reviewing all things Clinton, including the emails, Uranium One, and the Clinton Foundation, and found "nothing worth pursuing".

None of the Inspector General Reports have found any evidence of wrong doing by the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, or the Justice Department in relation with the Russia Investigation, or the various investigations of the Trump Campaign.

There is no evidence that the Trump Campaign was "spied on". Trump saying something happened doesn't make it so. In fact, Trump saying something happened, makes it highly likely that it NEVER happened at all.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
Barr is a political hack.

based on what exactly? what's your definition of a political hack exactly? nice words, but what is the definition?

I consider a political hack someone who has substantial double standards when it comes to supporting their candidates. Barr has demonstrated such. His speeches before various conservative groups demonstrate this as do his statements in front of congress. He has what I consider an extremists view on the unitary executive and has been abetting Trump’s destruction of normal governance which has served us well through centuries and constitutional crises in the past.
well post an example.

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign, an investigation that was never made public during the campaign but forgets that Clinton was also under investigation during which Comey made numerous public statements attacking Clinton and damaging her campaign. Barr supported such actions.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.

Are you sure the world won't end before then Tree? Aren't you cheering for war and waiting for Armageddon?
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
You keep mischaracterizing what the FBI said. I don’t know more than the FBI. I know more than you.
then why did Christopher Wray make this statement under oath?

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because it’s true. The FBI mishandled the surveillance of Carter Page. Y’all are confusing surveillance of Page and surveillance of Trump.
how is it that the media includes Page with trump? even Wray?
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality

AG Barr said spying did occur. Who says that it didn't?
Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was spied on.

That's a lie. Page was under surveillance (even as a CIA asset) from 2014 thru 2017. The original FISA warrant was renewed 4x.

Carter Page - Wikipedia
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in the "Trump–Russia / Steele dossier" containing allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. By the end of January 2017, Page was under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Page was not accused of any wrongdoing.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
You really wanna go there Easy? Well's just stroll down memory lane together shall we?

It's the old chicken and egg theory, Easy. Which came first, Trump's ties to Russia, or Russia's ties to Trump? Trump's ties to Russia started in the early 2000's. Trump has been trying to do business in Russia since he took the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow..

YES, I REALLY do want to go there, lying lil' snowflake....

...but before we go THERE why don' you finally prove you are not a flaming LIAR with ZERO credibility by producing the link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that affords whistle blowers 'anonymity' ad 'immunity'....

...because until you do not a damn word you post - especially without any link to any legitimate sources validating what you claim / post - is worth a damn!

That was an awfully long OPINIONATED post, one you have proven in the past is not worth reading because what you have claimed in the past - what you have been challenged n the past to prove - has turned out to be LIES, ones you run away from.

I noticed you have no link to support anything you said this time, either.

The biggest thing that proves your false Russian narrative / continued parroting of 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' is the FACT that WEISMANN'S Mueller Report declared undeniably that zero collusion between Russia and Trump, his family, or anyone on his team - anyone associated with him - was found. The claim that there was is like your attacks on Trump over the debunked claim now - all hate / bias, no intelligence, no evidence, no truth to it.....which, again, is shy you avoid actual links / the Mueller report's findings and stick to posting hate, baseless opinion, and lies.

Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Exonerated Trump will Be Exonerated Forever.
Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
Barr is a political hack.

based on what exactly? what's your definition of a political hack exactly? nice words, but what is the definition?

I consider a political hack someone who has substantial double standards when it comes to supporting their candidates. Barr has demonstrated such. His speeches before various conservative groups demonstrate this as do his statements in front of congress. He has what I consider an extremists view on the unitary executive and has been abetting Trump’s destruction of normal governance which has served us well through centuries and constitutional crises in the past.
well post an example.

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign, an investigation that was never made public during the campaign but forgets that Clinton was also under investigation during which Comey made numerous public statements attacking Clinton and damaging her campaign. Barr supported such actions.
dude, too funny, what the fk does this mean to you?

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
You keep mischaracterizing what the FBI said. I don’t know more than the FBI. I know more than you.
then why did Christopher Wray make this statement under oath?

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because it’s true. The FBI mishandled the surveillance of Carter Page. Y’all are confusing surveillance of Page and surveillance of Trump.
how is it that the media includes Page with trump? even Wray?
What do you mean the media includes him? How does Wray do that?

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