FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
He wasn't spied on.
page was - and it was wrong of them to do it in the manner in which they did.
So? Page wasn't with Impeached Trump's campaign when they spied on him.
so. the FBI still broke laws and processes "in search of" something - anything - to go after trump with.

you can deny it all day long and hide behind wordsmithing, but that just keeps your level of ignorance as high as you like to keep it.

No. They were not going after Trump. That’s a lie.
so we just rolled into 2 years of RUSSIA for no good reason or basis of foundation?

that's just bullshit, but i've come to expect that from you.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
He wasn't spied on.
page was - and it was wrong of them to do it in the manner in which they did.
So? Page wasn't with Impeached Trump's campaign when they spied on him.
so. the FBI still broke laws and processes "in search of" something - anything - to go after trump with.

you can deny it all day long and hide behind wordsmithing, but that just keeps your level of ignorance as high as you like to keep it.
They went after Impeached Trump by going after someone who was not in his campaign while they surveilled him??

You're a fucking loon. :cuckoo:

Faun, Iceberg, and the rest--------------->you DO know why all the books are called Spygate, and spy this and spy that don't you? Because it wasn't JUST about Trump!

Who did Carter Page work for, BEFORE Trump? You don't know, do you, lol. It was BEN CARSON! This wasn't about Trump, it was about the GOP, or rather 3 of the GOP candidates that ran for President in 16. Trump was one, Carson was another, and there was a 3rd that I can't recall and would have to look up. The 3 were talked about in a DNC memo in early 15, and what was said was--------->they are all unpredictable because they are outside of mainstream politics.

You will find all of this out within a few months though, so remember what I said!
He wasn't spied on.
page was - and it was wrong of them to do it in the manner in which they did.
So? Page wasn't with Impeached Trump's campaign when they spied on him.
so. the FBI still broke laws and processes "in search of" something - anything - to go after trump with.

you can deny it all day long and hide behind wordsmithing, but that just keeps your level of ignorance as high as you like to keep it.

No. They were not going after Trump. That’s a lie.
so we just rolled into 2 years of RUSSIA for no good reason or basis of foundation?

that's just bullshit, but i've come to expect that from you.

Please. You are ignoring the fact that Trump publicly asked for Russia to find the emails. They did. They hacked the DNC and disseminated the emails in a manner which maximized their effect on the Clinton campaign. You are ignoring the fact that Trump’s campaign manager and his kids were actively pursuing communication with Russian government personnel in an attempt to influence the election.

These things happened. That’s where the two years comes from.

You are ignoring the fact that the only thing that prevented the Mueller team from indicting Trump with crimes is an internal FBI policy.

You are ignoring the fact that Comey did not announce that Trump was being investigated but did announce that Clinton was. That’s a fucking weird way to “go after” Trump leading up to the election.

You ignore so much. Mueller gave Trump every benefit of the doubt while investigating the campaign. And then he let Barr lie about his findings when they were released.

Nobody fucking went after Trump.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Notice that the NY Times article says talks about spying on "FORMER TRUMP ADVISOR". Carter Page was NOT under surveillance while he worked for the Trump Campaign.

The Trump Campaign was not spied on. Period. Trump is lying but that's hardly news at this point.







Poke a con, watch them implode.

He wasn't spied on.
page was - and it was wrong of them to do it in the manner in which they did.
So? Page wasn't with Impeached Trump's campaign when they spied on him.
so. the FBI still broke laws and processes "in search of" something - anything - to go after trump with.

you can deny it all day long and hide behind wordsmithing, but that just keeps your level of ignorance as high as you like to keep it.
They went after Impeached Trump by going after someone who was not in his campaign while they surveilled him??

You're a fucking loon. :cuckoo:
whatever they did - whoever they were doing it to - was done illegally.

god damn you're a tool.
Now you're lying. The IG report reached no such conclusions.
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.
I have but one saying for someone like him, he's going to be a dick his whole life.
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.

Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.
then why did the fbi say they did?

BTW, you aspire to be a dick your entire life huh?
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.

Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.

Your are arguing cold hard undisputed facts, not opinions. They did surveil/spy on the Trump campaign and admitted to doing so. Is the sky blue? Is water wet? I guess if the left said no, you would believe that also.

No. They didn’t and they admitted no such thing. You believe things that are not true. America will survive this but it’s taken a toll. The fact that so many of you fuckers buy into bullshit coming from Trump and his media arm is definitely taking a toll.
then why did they just admit it? hmmmmmm your what hurts?
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate..
Carter Page was linked to Trump. Hell, Democrats and their surrogate propaganda-pushing media attempted to paint the picture that Papadopoulos was a senior advisor / a key cog in the Trump campaign when they set him up and tried to claim he was proof that Trump himself was the compromised Putin agent they claimed him to be. The Democrats were trying to take down and use anyone linked to Trump so they could illegally squeeze them and force them to testify against Trump, even if that testimony was bogus and / or written for them.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
He wasn't spied on.
page was - and it was wrong of them to do it in the manner in which they did.

We have agreement. Now go the distance and tell your pals here that it had nothing to do with the Trump campaign.
then why did the media put him in the trump campaign?
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Notice that the NY Times article says talks about spying on "FORMER TRUMP ADVISOR". Carter Page was NOT under surveillance while he worked for the Trump Campaign.

The Trump Campaign was not spied on. Period. Trump is lying but that's hardly news at this point.
"Former" -- correct. Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was surveilled.

"Advisor" -- incorrect. Even the Impeached Trump campaign said he was nothing to them, not even an advisor...

You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ attorney for Impeached Trump's campaign

Page never met Impeached Trump. Never even spoke with Impeached Trump. Was involved with one meeting that didn't even include Impeached Trump before being thrown out of the campaign.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
Someone call the people in the white jackets and tell them we found another one. I thought all the reality-denying extremists had been rounded up, institutionalized, and heavily sedated until a cure is found for 'TDS'...or 'Stupid'...

Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
Someone call the people in the white jackets and tell them we found another one. I thought all the reality-denying extremists had been rounded up, institutionalized, and heavily sedated until a cure is found for 'TDS'...or 'Stupid'...


You’re brainwashed by your cult leader and assume everyone that doesn’t believe in your warped reality is stupid.

Go back to the loving arms of Alex Jones, reality is too harsh for snowflakes like you.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.

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