FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
The OP is fake news. 2 of the 3 sources he gives don't corroborate his claims and his third source is a known rightwingnut hack site pretending to be news.







Poke a con, watch them implode.


ROTFLMFAO....Tell THE TRUTH, and watch deranged little leftists, TRY to spin, LIE, and misdirect....The DNC needs to hire BETTER PROPAGANDISTS, that can NOT look like assholes calling out a VIDEO, and NOT the FACTS presented....But, Pawn is my entertainment in this thread....come on clowns, give us more!...LOLOLOLOL :ahole-1:
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
Taken from a KNOWN COMMIE LIAR...that is hysterical!!!
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
You DO realize, right, that the US IG already proved they did, that former NSA Director not only admitted they did but declared they only did what President Obama told them to do, and the FISA Court confirmed the FBI did it and demanded the FBI submit a plan to show they will never do it again?!

You DO realize the FBI admitted to doing this by submitting the plan to stop committing FISA Court abuses as the FISA Court ordered them to do instead of telling the FISA Court, "F* you - we didn't do it"?!

You have serious 'denial' issues....it may be 'terminal'.

Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.

Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality

AG Barr said spying did occur. Who says that it didn't?
Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was spied on.

That's a lie. Page was under surveillance (even as a CIA asset) from 2014 thru 2017. The original FISA warrant was renewed 4x.

Carter Page - Wikipedia
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in the "Trump–Russia / Steele dossier" containing allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. By the end of January 2017, Page was under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Page was not accused of any wrongdoing.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".







Poke a con, watch them implode.


ROTFLMFAO....Tell THE TRUTH, and watch deranged little leftists, TRY to spin, LIE, and misdirect....The DNC needs to hire BETTER PROPAGANDISTS, that can NOT look like assholes calling out a VIDEO, and NOT the FACTS presented....But, Pawn is my entertainment in this thread....come on clowns, give us more!...LOLOLOLOL :ahole-1:


You didn't tell any truths, con. You cited a known fake news outlet.

Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
Taken from a KNOWN COMMIE LIAR...that is hysterical!!!
Good one. Really slayed me.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
Nobody spied on the Trump campaign.

Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality

AG Barr said spying did occur. Who says that it didn't?
Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was spied on.

That's a lie. Page was under surveillance (even as a CIA asset) from 2014 thru 2017. The original FISA warrant was renewed 4x.

Carter Page - Wikipedia
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in the "Trump–Russia / Steele dossier" containing allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. By the end of January 2017, Page was under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Page was not accused of any wrongdoing.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Barr is a political hack. Trump wasn’t spied on. Page was but he wasn’t even working for the campaign at the time. He never had any contact with Trump. Never even talked to him. Trump has no idea who he is. He has no idea why he was part of his campaign. He had no authority in the campaign. He had no relevance. Page is just an idiot who keeps stumbling into these situations.
$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
I didn't post it, nor say it, it was the FBI. So now you know more then them? dude, once a dick, always a dick.
You keep mischaracterizing what the FBI said. I don’t know more than the FBI. I know more than you.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate..
Carter Page was linked to Trump. Hell, Democrats and their surrogate propaganda-pushing media attempted to paint the picture that Papadopoulos was a senior advisor / a key cog in the Trump campaign when they set him up and tried to claim he was proof that Trump himself was the compromised Putin agent they claimed him to be. The Democrats were trying to take down and use anyone linked to Trump so they could illegally squeeze them and force them to testify against Trump, even if that testimony was bogus and / or written for them.

You really wanna go there Easy? Well's just stroll down memory lane together shall we?

It's the old chicken and egg theory, Easy. Which came first, Trump's ties to Russia, or Russia's ties to Trump? Trump's ties to Russia started in the early 2000's. Trump has been trying to do business in Russia since he took the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow.

But when Trump announced he was running for President, he surrounded himself with a lot people who had strong financial ties to Russia. People like Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, all of whom were already under surveillance by the FBI because of their business dealings with questionable people in both Russia and the Ukraine (in the case of Manafort and Gates), and those ties with Russia were ongoing througout their time with the campaign.

The FBI stopped surveillance of both Manafort and Carter while they worked for the campaign, but resumed it after they left.

As for George Papadopolous, I've seen his drama queen act on reality television. He is exactly the kind of person who would get drunk in a bar and brag about knowing where Hillary's missing emails were. What a tool! Now he claims he was "set up". So why did he lie to the FBI?

If all of these over 200 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents were all so innocent on the Trump side, why did all of the Trump staffers lie to the FBI about these contacts? Paul Manafort has confessed to giving the Republican voter data base to Konstantin Killimnik. These are things that actually happened and are contained in the court filings when Flynn, Papadapolous, Gates, Cohen, and others admitted to the Courts that they deliberately lied to the FBI.

General Flynn was the head of the NSA, who KNEW that the Russian Ambassador's phone calls were tapped, he knew that lying to the FBI was a criminal offence, and yet he lied to the FBI about what he said on that call. How dumb is that?

Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, and other Trump staffers and advisors had to make numerous revisions to their security clearance documents because they lied on these forms about their contacts with Russia.

Then there's Trump continual promotion of Putin's propaganda, i.e. Putin's claim that Russia invade Afghanistan because of terrorist attacks on Russia. That's a lie, just as the whole Crowdstrike theory of Ukranian hacking the DNC. The "Deep State" is another Putin piece of propaganda.

As for Trump's actions, the Congress and the Senate, in a rare show of bipartisanship, both voted almost unanimously to take all authority for lifting Russian sanctions away from President Trump. That tells you everything you need to know about Trump and Russia. That and the fact that Trump has talked tough about Russia, but has yet to impose a single one of the sanctions he announced with such fanfare.

The Democrats weren't running any investigations of Donald Trump. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Mueller, and Rosenstein are all Republicans. It's always been the Republicans who investigated Donald Trump. And Republicans who made the decisions to investigate Donald Trump.

The American people demanded checks and restraints on this President. That is why they gave the House to Democrats. This is a criminal President who is only working to enrich himself and his cronies. The American people stayed home in 2016 and wouldn't vote for either candidate. That's how Trump won - with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in 2012.

Americans turned out in record numbers in 2018 to take the highly gerrymandered House away from Republicans. The American people are sick of this public embarassment of a President. People are dying because of his decisions. Hundreds of people. Enough is enough.
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate..
Carter Page was linked to Trump. Hell, Democrats and their surrogate propaganda-pushing media attempted to paint the picture that Papadopoulos was a senior advisor / a key cog in the Trump campaign when they set him up and tried to claim he was proof that Trump himself was the compromised Putin agent they claimed him to be. The Democrats were trying to take down and use anyone linked to Trump so they could illegally squeeze them and force them to testify against Trump, even if that testimony was bogus and / or written for them.

You really wanna go there Easy? Well's just stroll down memory lane together shall we?

It's the old chicken and egg theory, Easy. Which came first, Trump's ties to Russia, or Russia's ties to Trump? Trump's ties to Russia started in the early 2000's. Trump has been trying to do business in Russia since he took the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow.

But when Trump announced he was running for President, he surrounded himself with a lot people who had strong financial ties to Russia. People like Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, all of whom were already under surveillance by the FBI because of their business dealings with questionable people in both Russia and the Ukraine (in the case of Manafort and Gates), and those ties with Russia were ongoing througout their time with the campaign.

The FBI stopped surveillance of both Manafort and Carter while they worked for the campaign, but resumed it after they left.

As for George Papadopolous, I've seen his drama queen act on reality television. He is exactly the kind of person who would get drunk in a bar and brag about knowing where Hillary's missing emails were. What a tool! Now he claims he was "set up". So why did he lie to the FBI?

If all of these over 200 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents were all so innocent on the Trump side, why did all of the Trump staffers lie to the FBI about these contacts? Paul Manafort has confessed to giving the Republican voter data base to Konstantin Killimnik. These are things that actually happened and are contained in the court filings when Flynn, Papadapolous, Gates, Cohen, and others admitted to the Courts that they deliberately lied to the FBI.

General Flynn was the head of the NSA, who KNEW that the Russian Ambassador's phone calls were tapped, he knew that lying to the FBI was a criminal offence, and yet he lied to the FBI about what he said on that call. How dumb is that?

Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, and other Trump staffers and advisors had to make numerous revisions to their security clearance documents because they lied on these forms about their contacts with Russia.

Then there's Trump continual promotion of Putin's propaganda, i.e. Putin's claim that Russia invade Afghanistan because of terrorist attacks on Russia. That's a lie, just as the whole Crowdstrike theory of Ukranian hacking the DNC. The "Deep State" is another Putin piece of propaganda.

As for Trump's actions, the Congress and the Senate, in a rare show of bipartisanship, both voted almost unanimously to take all authority for lifting Russian sanctions away from President Trump. That tells you everything you need to know about Trump and Russia. That and the fact that Trump has talked tough about Russia, but has yet to impose a single one of the sanctions he announced with such fanfare.

The Democrats weren't running any investigations of Donald Trump. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Mueller, and Rosenstein are all Republicans. It's always been the Republicans who investigated Donald Trump. And Republicans who made the decisions to investigate Donald Trump.

The American people demanded checks and restraints on this President. That is why they gave the House to Democrats. This is a criminal President who is only working to enrich himself and his cronies. The American people stayed home in 2016 and wouldn't vote for either candidate. That's how Trump won - with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in 2012.

Americans turned out in record numbers in 2018 to take the highly gerrymandered House away from Republicans. The American people are sick of this public embarassment of a President. People are dying because of his decisions. Hundreds of people. Enough is enough.
You have one problem with your INSANE RANT. None of it is true, & Not one line of The Mueller Report appears in The HOAX Articles. The Mueller Report Exonerated Trump and exposed THE Democrat Party for what they did.
yeah, those fbi guys.

$10 says you never read what “those fbi guys” actually said and are just making it up as you go along.
didn't you read the OP? hmmmm
I did. The OP is about as reliable as you are. Y’all never read the source material. You just take the headline and spin it so that it fits with your preconceived narrative.
why? you don't believe the FBI?
I don’t believe you. You aren’t reliable at being able to recognize the difference between what is real and what is fake but consistent with what you want to believe.
so Christopher Wray is lying? hmmmm

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.
Not one line of the Mad Moscow Mueller report appears in the Hoax Articles. Now, that's a serious case being bitch slapped by your own hoax.

Exonerated Trump will be Exonerated Forever.

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