FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
The republican led senate acquittal over the already decided guilty votes of every democrat in the senate?

you betcha
Quote them....
I dont need a signed confession from the demsto know what they are up to
Thanks for admitting you made that up.
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
Actually the DEEP STATE did admit serious wrongdoing according to government funded and ultra liberal NPR

This is the liberal mouthpiece headline

“FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser”

Yes that happened.

But an admission of spying on Trump did not happen.

Are you a moron?

Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser” what other language do you need that in to read it? you obviously didn't.

Not while he was a campaign advisor. That’s the key point, moron.
the rogue fbi plotted against him while he was was on the trump campaign

and ONLY because he was volunteering for trump
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
Actually the DEEP STATE did admit serious wrongdoing according to government funded and ultra liberal NPR

This is the liberal mouthpiece headline

“FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser”

Yes that happened.

But an admission of spying on Trump did not happen.

Are you a moron?

Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser” what other language do you need that in to read it? you obviously didn't.

Are you confusing Trump and Page again? You know they’re different people, why can’t you keep them straight?
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies
There is no Deep State. It's a fiction devised so The Following could have something to rage against.
The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected. I was pointing out that was not necessarily the case in all circumstances. The Trump campaign was well aware, at the highest levels, of Russia’s attempt to help them along the way.

It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal.
It may have been illegal. Mueller decided that Trump Jr and Kushner were too clueless to have known that what they were doing was illegal
but it wasn't illegal. post the law that says it was.

The other poster claimed that overtures from Russia were rejected.
well they were. that is factually correct. not sure your point again, accept to be the dick you are.
Campaign finance says it’s illegal to take something of value from a foreigner. Sitting down and asking for dirt coming directly from a foreign country would seem to qualify. It would be hard to prove that the top minds in that room knew that.

Did Trump Jr reject the overture from Russia that lead to the meeting? No. He actually was excited about it.
yep no gifts. none. how do you justify the dossier then?

I think Christopher Steele is a foreigner, last I looked. right? So the dossier blows your post up.

"Blown up sir!!!"


Steele was a subcontractor of a subcontractor. Clinton didn’t hire him. She didn’t know him. No one in the campaign had anything to do with him. And, he was paid to collect information. Kinda hard to say that the Clinton campaign broke campaign finance law when they didn’t have anything to do with Steele’s participation.

That’s quite a bit different than sitting down with Russians who want to offer dirt on your opponent.
was he a foreigner? come on dick, stop maintaining the dickness once and answer the question asked.
Of course he is a foreigner. Who said he isnt?
Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
Actually the DEEP STATE did admit serious wrongdoing according to government funded and ultra liberal NPR

This is the liberal mouthpiece headline

“FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser”

Yes that happened.

But an admission of spying on Trump did not happen.

Are you a moron?

Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser” what other language do you need that in to read it? you obviously didn't.

Not while he was a campaign advisor. That’s the key point, moron.
again, why does it say it? Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies
There is no Deep State. It's a fiction devised so The Following could have something to rage against.
Amazing - The criminals admit and apologize for what they did, and snowflakes still reject the truth.

Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
Actually the DEEP STATE did admit serious wrongdoing according to government funded and ultra liberal NPR

This is the liberal mouthpiece headline

“FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser”

Yes that happened.

But an admission of spying on Trump did not happen.

Are you a moron?
They were spying on trump through trump associates in the campaign

the FBI/DOJ even considered meeting with trump while wearing a wire
No one spied on Impeached Trump. Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was spied on and he was barely attached to the campaign when he was with it. He never once met, or even spoke, with Impeached Trump.
If so its makes you wonder why page and trump are usually mentioned in the lib news media in the same breath
I apologize for growing evil plants, owning illegal weapons and robbing the super market.

I am free to go now right?
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Apology simply isn't enough and won't do the trick? What they did was highly illegal and some of the assholes need to go to jail, starting with that asshole Comey. If ever an example needed to be made this is it.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them
What do you think they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskiesthey were doing?
“They” referring to who?
Dunno for sure. You used the pronoun first. “they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies”. I assumed you were talking about the FBI but I could be mistaken.
I was referring to the Deep State

Now what was your question?
Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies
There is no Deep State. It's a fiction devised so The Following could have something to rage against.

Or you could just blame everything on Soros again. Y’all love creating boogey men to help your distorted reality make sense.
Nobody admitted to any such thing. You guys lie all the fucking time. It must be depressing for you.
Actually the DEEP STATE did admit serious wrongdoing according to government funded and ultra liberal NPR

This is the liberal mouthpiece headline

“FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser”

Yes that happened.

But an admission of spying on Trump did not happen.

Are you a moron?
They were spying on trump through trump associates in the campaign

the FBI/DOJ even considered meeting with trump while wearing a wire
No one spied on Impeached Trump. Page was not with Impeached Trump's campaign when he was spied on and he was barely attached to the campaign when he was with it. He never once met, or even spoke, with Impeached Trump.
If so its makes you wonder why page and trump are usually mentioned in the lib news media in the same breath
Well they mentioned Page as a former campaign member, which technically he was. But according g to Impeached Trump's campaign, Page was an adviser who never advised. Never met with Impeached Trump. Never spoke with Impeached Trump. And was thrown out of the campaign.

And spying on Page after all of that is your idea of spying on Impeached Trump. :lmao:
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Apology simply isn't enough and won't do the trick? What they did was highly illegal and some of the assholes need to go to jail, starting with that asshole Comey. If ever an example needed to be made this is it.
I cant believe the FISA judges could be so easily fooled

if they knew about the scam they should go to jsil too

if they didnt know then they should be removed from the FISA court
Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them
What do you think they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskiesthey were doing?
“They” referring to who?
Dunno for sure. You used the pronoun first. “they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies”. I assumed you were talking about the FBI but I could be mistaken.
I was referring to the Deep State

Now what was your question?

My question is the one I asked in the first reply.

What do you think they were trying to do?
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.

Wow- are you Donald Trump? Certainly you have 'alternative facts' like Donald Trump.

The FBI never wiretapped Donald Trump- and didn't apologize for doing so.
The FBI never spied on Donald Trump- and didn't apologize for doing so.
The FBI did spy on a former Trump campaign advisor- and apologized for mistakes made during that surveillance.
FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser
The FBI apologized to the secret court that handles national security investigations for the way it conducted surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser during the 2016 election, according to a court filing made public on Saturday.

FBI Director Christopher Wray outlined steps the bureau is taking to ensure it doesn't make the same mistakes again. He wrote in the filing to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the FBI will tighten procedures governing wiretapping applications to the court, which oversees intelligence gathering under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

But you knew all of that- you were just lying. Like your Dear Leader.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Obama DOJ Attorney John Carlin Did Not Tell FISA Court that Carter Page Had Previously Worked with FBI When Applying for Fraudulent Page FISA Warrant

"The Carter Page FISA warrant was used to legitimize the spying on candidate, President-elect and President Trump. Carlin and his team did not provide the information that Page worked for the FBI to the FISA Court. This was another material lie and it can be attributed to Obama’s dirty cop John Carlin and his team at the DOJ!

We now also know that Page worked for another agency in the US government and this too was withheld from the FISA Court.

The Durham Criminal Investigation finding and list of Obama / FBI officials to be indicted is going to be fun to watch...

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Obama DOJ Attorney John Carlin Did Not Tell FISA Court that Carter Page Had Previously Worked with FBI When Applying for Fraudulent Page FISA Warrant

Snowflakes acknowledge that Barry:

Illegally weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans legally opposing his re-election...

Illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES....

...but they believe / claim to believe Obama would do a of that without hesitation but would never illegally spy on Trump and his team...

:lmao: Bwuhahahahahahahaha.. .


Donald? Donald? Are you posting on USMB again?

Easyt65' lies for Donald and lies against Obama continue his proud tradition of blatant partisan lying.
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
So Nixon was well within his rights to tape the hotel? wow. I didn't think the demofks would actually go there.

Sure. All Nixon had to do was go on Fox News and claim that he was trying to root out corruption by Democrats and that he couldn’t trust the DoJ and FBI to do it so he had to use his personal lawyer to engage in an investigation into his political opponents.
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies
There is no Deep State. It's a fiction devised so The Following could have something to rage against.
The Deep State are high ranking UNELECTED career burocrats in washington who exercise power behind the scenes

they tolerate elected swamp rats as an unavoidable nuisance

but trump was an outsider and they refused to stand for that
That's the lame excuse the Deep State used

according to them
What do you think they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskiesthey were doing?
“They” referring to who?
Dunno for sure. You used the pronoun first. “they were just trying to save the country from those evil ruskies”. I assumed you were talking about the FBI but I could be mistaken.
I was referring to the Deep State

Now what was your question?

My question is the one I asked in the first reply.

What do you think they were trying to do?
Unseat donald trump

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