FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign


Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser” what other language do you need that in to read it? you obviously didn't.

Not while he was a campaign advisor. That’s the key point, moron.
again, why does it say it? Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
First, the Deep State is a fiction.
Second, why would anyone feel desperate to tie Vlad's favorite candidate to Russia when the evidence of such is everywhere?
You keep saying that and I keep disagreeing with you

we arent making much progress are we?
Not while he was a campaign advisor. That’s the key point, moron.
again, why does it say it? Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
Umm... Carter Page was on the FBI's radar even before Impeached Trump had a campaign.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign

That's no entirely true. The FBI had been having "chats" with Carter for a while, warning him of attempts to recruit him as a spy by Russian operatives". Trump has tried to portray this as Page being an "FBI informant", but that was hardly the case. Page may have been desperate to prove his loyalty and offered to keep the FBI informed if anything came his way.

To his credit Carter Page is one of the few Trump staffers who DIDN'T lie to the FBI. Smarter than your average Trump staffer.
Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
Umm... Carter Page was on the FBI's radar even before Impeached Trump had a campaign.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign
Umm, actually, the FBI had spied on Page years earlier....

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
That's a lie. Page was under surveillance (even as a CIA asset) from 2014 thru 2017. The original FISA warrant was renewed 4x.

Carter Page - Wikipedia
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in the "Trump–Russia / Steele dossier" containing allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. By the end of January 2017, Page was under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Page was not accused of any wrongdoing.
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
He was not spied on constantly through those dates. We know the dates he was spied on. It's spelled out in the IG report. He was not spied on while he was with Impeached Trump's campaign.

Now we're getting into the weeds of what all constitutes spying. Lets say that Mike Rogers, the NSA director knew that the NSA database was being used illegally to spy on the Trump campaign and transition team, and told Trump so. Remember, its not the actual spying on Carter Page that is the target, its using Page and the 2-hop rule to spy on Trump. Page was never charged with anything. He was just the front door to all things Trump.
again, why does it say it? Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
Umm... Carter Page was on the FBI's radar even before Impeached Trump had a campaign.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign

That's no entirely true. The FBI had been having "chats" with Carter for a while, warning him of attempts to recruit him as a spy by Russian operatives". Trump has tried to portray this as Page being an "FBI informant", but that was hardly the case. Page may have been desperate to prove his loyalty and offered to keep the FBI informed if anything came his way.

To his credit Carter Page is one of the few Trump staffers who DIDN'T lie to the FBI. Smarter than your average Trump staffer.
The bottom line is that Carter Page did not turn out to be the smoking gun that the Deep State was hoping for to bring trump down
FBI admits illegal wiretapping of President Trump, issues apology - Whatfinger News - Videos

F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes

FBI Apologizes To Court For Mishandling Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Notice the softened code words. "listening in,"

Libs on this forum have maintained for months if not years that Trump wasn't spied on or wiretapped.
Well the FBI just apologized for doing it. So that does it.

Oh and ya
the libs aren't going to take our guns either. Just ask em.
Are left wingers laughing? Why?

Explain it.
Well they mentioned Page as a former campaign member, which technically he was. But according g to Impeached Trump's campaign, Page was an adviser who never advised. Never met with Impeached Trump. Never spoke with Impeached Trump. And was thrown out of the campaign.

And spying on Page after all of that is your idea of spying on Impeached Trump. :lmao:
It may be the reality that page never did much for trump

but thats not the lie liberals were fed for two years during the failed mueller witchhunt
Oh? What "lie" were we fed?
That page could be the missing link between trump and russian interference in the the 2016 election
I'm not recalling that. I do recall the right claiming the Obama administration spied on Impeached Trump by spying on Page. And I do recall being told Page was not spied on while he was with Impeached Trump's campaign.
The CIA was was run by and filled with obama flunkies
That doesn't jar my recollection.
Yes, we all know that Page worked with the FBI in the past and this wasn’t reported to the FISA court in the application. That’s not in dispute.
We also know that the FBI withheld the fact that Carter Page was an Informant on the Russians for the State Department, which is why he was having communications with Russians.

You DO realize these are CRIMES, right?

'In order to get a FISA warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career law enforcement officer who swears the information is true... And if it is wrong, that person is going to face consequences.'
-- Rod Rosenstein

It has now been proven that this condescending ass committed FISA Court Abuses by knowingly signing off on FISA Applications he KNEW to be incomplete, that withheld information / facts. So far, however, he had had to face no consequences. Of course, Durham's criminal investigation continues....

Deliberately lying on a warrant is a crime. It happens from time to time. Hopefully those that did such things are punished in accordance with the law.

What does that have to do with John Carlin who supposedly this exclusive was all about?
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
Umm... Carter Page was on the FBI's radar even before Impeached Trump had a campaign.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign
Umm, actually, the FBI had spied on Page years earlier....

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
If Page were not linked to trump no one would know his name today

he was a pawn in the failed Deep State conspiracy against trump
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
There's been zero evidence Impeached Trump was spied on. There was spying on Page while he was not with Impeached Trump's campaign and that is what was mishandled at best, lied at worst.
The AG said that there was "spying" on the Trump campaign.
Barr stands behind use of 'spying' to describe Trump campaign surveillance - CNNPolitics

Adm. Mike Rogers also said that there was spying, defined as the illegal searching of the NSA database using illegal FISA warrants.
NSA's Adm. Mike Rogers, American hero, working with Durham probe
Umm... Carter Page was on the FBI's radar even before Impeached Trump had a campaign.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign
Umm, actually, the FBI had spied on Page years earlier....

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
If Page were not linked to trump no one would know his name today

he was a pawn in the failed Deep State conspiracy against trump

You can call him a pawn all you want; the FBI was still spying on him long before he was involved with Impeached Trump's campaign and after -- but not during.
It may be the reality that page never did much for trump

but thats not the lie liberals were fed for two years during the failed mueller witchhunt
Oh? What "lie" were we fed?
That page could be the missing link between trump and russian interference in the the 2016 election
I'm not recalling that. I do recall the right claiming the Obama administration spied on Impeached Trump by spying on Page. And I do recall being told Page was not spied on while he was with Impeached Trump's campaign.
The CIA was was run by and filled with obama flunkies
That doesn't jar my recollection.
I was thinking of john brennan
Are people still claiming that they spied on Trump? Y’all are hopeless.

Y'all need to catch up with the truth.
Barr says 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, reviewing legality
Great, so his opinion will matter after he investigates it. As it stands, we have one completed investigation and it doesn't say what you had hoped it would.

Spying did occur. The question is, "was it legal". Barr and Durham are investigating. I'm assuming that they will uncover the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin illegally "broke into" and setup the Trump campaign using the power of the US intel agencies. Then they tried several coup attempts to disrupt hos presidency.
We'll see what Barr and Durham find. Either indictments or whitewash.
There's been zero evidence Impeached Trump was spied on. There was spying on Page while he was not with Impeached Trump's campaign and that is what was mishandled at best, lied at worst.
The AG said that there was "spying" on the Trump campaign.
Barr stands behind use of 'spying' to describe Trump campaign surveillance - CNNPolitics

Adm. Mike Rogers also said that there was spying, defined as the illegal searching of the NSA database using illegal FISA warrants.
NSA's Adm. Mike Rogers, American hero, working with Durham probe
Great. I'll care what he says after he investigates it.
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.

Setup by Clinton and the Russians. Google it.

page was an informant working WITH the FBI till he wandered off the reservation and onto the trump campaign
Umm, actually, the FBI had spied on Page years earlier....

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
If Page were not linked to trump no one would know his name today

he was a pawn in the failed Deep State conspiracy against trump

You can call him a pawn all you want; the FBI was still spying on him long before he was involved with Impeached Trump's campaign and after -- but not during.
He wasnt there long enough to be useful to the Deep State except as a boogyman for the liberal media to give anti trumpsters hope that trump would soon be gone
Not while he was a campaign advisor. That’s the key point, moron.
again, why does it say it? Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Adviser

Because he was one at one time. Just not while he was on the campaign and he wasn’t on the campaign when the surveillance began. His issues had nothing to do with Trump.

Don’t be a moron.
Of course page was a target because he was with the trump campaign, even briefly

the Deep State was desperate to tie trump to russia through any means possible

otherwise no one would know who carter page is
First, the Deep State is a fiction.
Second, why would anyone feel desperate to tie Vlad's favorite candidate to Russia when the evidence of such is everywhere?
You keep saying that and I keep disagreeing with you

we arent making much progress are we?
he doesn't believe in your rights.
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
Did they reject Russian overtures to have a meeting at Trump tower?

Because when it came to that particular overture, Donald Trump Jr’s reply was “I love it”. That doesn’t quite sound like rejection to me.

1. Trump Tower was a setup, as shown in the Mueller Report. Duh.
2. Don Jr. said love it, but Jeff Sessions said no fucking way.
3. The Mueller Report said multiple overtures were rejected, so stop repeating the same old disproven bullshit.

1. Set up by who exactly?
2. So what? Trump Jr was a big part of the campaign. More so than Sessions.
3. Some were. Some weren’t. I pointed out one that was DEFINITELY not rejected. The only reason that meeting didn’t go anywhere was because the dirt wasn’t juicy enough for them.

Setup by Clinton and the Russians. Google it.
Are you telling me that the Clinton Campaign set up the meeting as a way to portray the Trump campaign as cozying up to corrupt Russians.

The meeting wasn’t made public until mid-2017.

Why didn’t we hear about it during the campaign?
Page was not with the Impeached Trump campaign in 2014. He was not wiretapped at any point while he was with the Impeached Trump campaign.

In fact, by showing Page was under surveillance since 2014, you just dismantled thd OP's thread since that shows the FBI's interest in Page was about Page, not impeached Trump.

You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
He was not spied on constantly through those dates. We know the dates he was spied on. It's spelled out in the IG report. He was not spied on while he was with Impeached Trump's campaign.

Now we're getting into the weeds of what all constitutes spying. Lets say that Mike Rogers, the NSA director knew that the NSA database was being used illegally to spy on the Trump campaign and transition team, and told Trump so. Remember, its not the actual spying on Carter Page that is the target, its using Page and the 2-hop rule to spy on Trump. Page was never charged with anything. He was just the front door to all things Trump.

How could Carter Page be the "back door to all things Trump" when Carter page was not under surveillance during the time he worked for Trump?

The bald fact is that having had ALL of your theories of purported spying on the Trump Campaign completely shot down during the "investigations of the investigators", you fools are now desperately trying to prove all sorts of byzantine surveillance configurations, which are even less plausible than Trump's original contentions of "spying".

Every time some right wing conspiracy theory is proven to be utterly false, you fools close the investigation report and say you KNOW this shit really happened and you're going to prove it. It's this idiotic thinking that has lead to nearly 30 investigations of Bill and/or Hillary Clinton with the only thing found being a lie about a blow job in a civil case, which case was dismissed as being without foundation or evidence.
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
If Page were not linked to trump no one would know his name today

he was a pawn in the failed Deep State conspiracy against trump

You can call him a pawn all you want; the FBI was still spying on him long before he was involved with Impeached Trump's campaign and after -- but not during.
He wasnt there long enough to be useful to the Deep State except as a boogyman for the liberal media to give anti trumpsters hope that trump would soon be gone
Utter nonsense. Again, the FBI was interested in him for years. Not to mention, the FBI didn't leak any of this to the media. What kind of boogeyman is that when they kept it to themselves?

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