FBI apologizes for spying and wiretapping of Trump campaign

Peloser will never send the articles over. for that very reason.

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
Exonerated Acquitted Trump will always be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted.
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
he just admitted it in a reply to me. here's what he just posted. what else does it mean if not spying on the trump campaign?

Just look at how he handled investigations into candidates. He claims it was so unusual and scandalous to investigate the Trump campaign

Spying and investigating are not synonyms. Good lord, this is why I said you guys are hopeless.
My apologies to Trumpist's for injecting some reality in to the thread.

DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign
DOJ inspector general draft report says FBI didn't spy on Trump campaign

Then why is THE FBI apologizing to FISA for spying on Trump?
And they still won't send Obama to prison for his role in illegally spying on Trump.
What role was that? And when was Impeached Trump spied on? Dates, please...
Exonerated and Acquitted Trump was spied on by The Clinton-Obama Crime Family from the day they paid Putin for the Dossier, and asked Putin to interfere in our Elections.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted, and Obama and Clinton will be Forever Guilty.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Re-Elected and be given A Super Majority for his Exonerated Acquitted Presidency.
And they still won't send Obama to prison for his role in illegally spying on Trump.
What role was that? And when was Impeached Trump spied on? Dates, please...
Exonerated and Acquitted Trump was spied on by The Clinton-Obama Crime Family from the day they paid Putin for the Dossier, and asked Putin to interfere in our Elections.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted, and Obama and Clinton will be Forever Guilty.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Re-Elected and be given A Super Majority for his Exonerated Acquitted Presidency.
And they still won't send Obama to prison for his role in illegally spying on Trump.
What role was that? And when was Impeached Trump spied on? Dates, please...
Exonerated and Acquitted Trump was spied on by The Clinton-Obama Crime Family from the day they paid Putin for the Dossier, and asked Putin to interfere in our Elections.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted, and Obama and Clinton will be Forever Guilty.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Re-Elected and be given A Super Majority for his Exonerated Acquitted Presidency.
The Great and Glorious Vindicated one is forever Acquitted and Exonerated, and will be re-elected while Clinton and Obama wear Crowns of Shame.

Long live The Vindicated 45!

Umm.... she's saying she's sending them over this week.

Are you ever right about anything?

Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
Exonerated Acquitted Trump will always be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted.
there's no crime, a dismissal is in order. Peloser will never hand the articles, and Mitch has stated 25 days and dismiss.
Pelosi's Legacy is Forever Stained. Not only is she going to be embarrassed by this, but in 10 months, she will no longer be speaker. The Dems will lose the House and then then they will lose their minds.
Exonerated Trump will be Forever Exonerated.
Exonerated by whom? The Republican-led Senate that said they were going to acquit him in a trial that hasn't happened yet?
Exonerated Acquitted Trump will always be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted.
there's no crime, a dismissal is in order.
It should be dismissed out right.

There are no High Crimes or Misdemeanors listed. Heck there are NO CRIMES even listed.
Yes as Horowitz made clear, mistakes were made and Page was treated unfairly in the process.


Intentionally withholding evidence from the FISA Court is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally altering evidence is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally using KNOWN false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a KNOWN lying, untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy to illegally acquire / extend FISA Court warrants to spy on the President and his team is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

You are mentally unstable...or just a blatant criminal Democrat apologist.


No bias found to have impacted decisions made during the investigation’s beginning, middle or end.

That’s the finding. No spying. No bias.

You don’t like it. But that’s the finding.
You really are naive. Horowitz: no one is vindicated that touched this.
Yes as Horowitz made clear, mistakes were made and Page was treated unfairly in the process.


Intentionally withholding evidence from the FISA Court is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally altering evidence is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

Intentionally using KNOWN false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a KNOWN lying, untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy to illegally acquire / extend FISA Court warrants to spy on the President and his team is NOT a 'mistake' - it's a CRIME.

You are mentally unstable...or just a blatant criminal Democrat apologist.


No bias found to have impacted decisions made during the investigation’s beginning, middle or end.

That’s the finding. No spying. No bias.

You don’t like it. But that’s the finding.
You really are naive. Horowitz: no one is vindicated that touched this.
dude, they will never get passed that. loser's say what?
Last edited:
And they still won't send Obama to prison for his role in illegally spying on Trump.
What role was that? And when was Impeached Trump spied on? Dates, please...
Exonerated and Acquitted Trump was spied on by The Clinton-Obama Crime Family from the day they paid Putin for the Dossier, and asked Putin to interfere in our Elections.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted, and Obama and Clinton will be Forever Guilty.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Re-Elected and be given A Super Majority for his Exonerated Acquitted Presidency.
The Great and Glorious Vindicated one is forever Acquitted and Exonerated, and will be re-elected while Clinton and Obama wear Crowns of Shame.

Long live The Vindicated 45!

Lord help us
And they still won't send Obama to prison for his role in illegally spying on Trump.
What role was that? And when was Impeached Trump spied on? Dates, please...
Exonerated and Acquitted Trump was spied on by The Clinton-Obama Crime Family from the day they paid Putin for the Dossier, and asked Putin to interfere in our Elections.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Forever Exonerated and Acquitted, and Obama and Clinton will be Forever Guilty.

Exonerated Acquitted Trump will be Re-Elected and be given A Super Majority for his Exonerated Acquitted Presidency.
The Great and Glorious Vindicated one is forever Acquitted and Exonerated, and will be re-elected while Clinton and Obama wear Crowns of Shame.

Long live The Vindicated 45!
Exonerated Acquitted Vindicated Trump will go down in History as Exonerated Acquitted and Vindicated Trump!
You're conflating two things to your advantage and that's a lie, as the following para shows. Page was being recruited by Russia and was a CIA asset, that 2014 surveillance had nothing to do with Trump. It was probably to ensure that Page wasn't a double-agent. The timeline of interest starts 3/21/16 when Page became a Trump advisor.
Page was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2014, at least two years earlier than was indicated in the stories concerning his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, 2017 news accounts about the warrant indicated it was granted because of Page's ties to Buryakov, Podobnyy, and the third Russian who attempted to recruit him, Igor Sporyshev.

Page was put on the Trump campaign 3/21/16 as an energy policy advisor.
By illegally extending the FISA warrant thru 2017 the FBI/CIA/NSA could spy on the entire Trump campaign and administration using the "2-hop rule".
Tell me you support FBI lawyers falsifying evidence and using "oppo research" to get a FISA warrant?

How was it that Page's name appeared repeatedly in the bogus "Steele Dossier" as the link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin?
Tell me that doesn't smell like the setup it was? Tell me that the Mueller investigation was justified? They setup Trump and Page and they didn't take the bait. Every one of the (17) intel agencies was spying on them to see if they "colluded".
And Page was not spied on until after he was ousted from Impeached Trump's campaign.

I just showed you links that prove Page was spied on from 2014 thru 2017, and he joined the Trump campaign 3/21/16.
You need to show me a link that says otherwise, because your assertions are meaningless.
Page was the bait to link Trump to Russia, all (17) intel agencies were all over it, and nothing happened.
In fact, Trump rejected overtures from Russia, as per the Mueller Report.
He was not spied on constantly through those dates. We know the dates he was spied on. It's spelled out in the IG report. He was not spied on while he was with Impeached Trump's campaign.

Now we're getting into the weeds of what all constitutes spying. Lets say that Mike Rogers, the NSA director knew that the NSA database was being used illegally to spy on the Trump campaign and transition team, and told Trump so. Remember, its not the actual spying on Carter Page that is the target, its using Page and the 2-hop rule to spy on Trump. Page was never charged with anything. He was just the front door to all things Trump.

How could Carter Page be the "back door to all things Trump" when Carter page was not under surveillance during the time he worked for Trump?

The bald fact is that having had ALL of your theories of purported spying on the Trump Campaign completely shot down during the "investigations of the investigators", you fools are now desperately trying to prove all sorts of byzantine surveillance configurations, which are even less plausible than Trump's original contentions of "spying".

Every time some right wing conspiracy theory is proven to be utterly false, you fools close the investigation report and say you KNOW this shit really happened and you're going to prove it. It's this idiotic thinking that has lead to nearly 30 investigations of Bill and/or Hillary Clinton with the only thing found being a lie about a blow job in a civil case, which case was dismissed as being without foundation or evidence.

1. Carter Page was under surveillance from 2014 thru 2017. Page started to work as a consultant for Trump 3/21/16. Carter Page - Wikipedia
2. Barr and Durham have NOT finished their investigations into FISA abuses and illegal spying on Trump. No knows anything until those investigations are finished.
3. Barr and Durham said that they disagree with some of the Horowitz findings, which were bad enough already, so stay tuned.
4. It wasn't the blow-job, it was the cigar up her ass that should have gotten him removed.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You should have watched the actual hearing instead of just the headlines on CNN. Horowitz did NOT rule out political bias in conducting the investigation:

"Can you say it wasn’t because of political bias?" Graham asked.

"I do not know," Horowitz replied.

"You know, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched this," Horowitz replied.​

And the above snippet was published by NBC news of all places: Watchdog tells Senate of deep concerns over FBI errors in Russia probe
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You should have watched the actual hearing instead of just the headlines on CNN. Horowitz did NOT rule out political bias in conducting the investigation:

"Can you say it wasn’t because of political bias?" Graham asked.

"I do not know," Horowitz replied.

"You know, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched this," Horowitz replied.​

And the above snippet was published by NBC news of all places: Watchdog tells Senate of deep concerns over FBI errors in Russia probe

Is that the best you can do? He didn’t prove a negative.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You should have watched the actual hearing instead of just the headlines on CNN. Horowitz did NOT rule out political bias in conducting the investigation:

"Can you say it wasn’t because of political bias?" Graham asked.

"I do not know," Horowitz replied.

"You know, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched this," Horowitz replied.​

And the above snippet was published by NBC news of all places: Watchdog tells Senate of deep concerns over FBI errors in Russia probe

Is that the best you can do? He didn’t prove a negative.

I quoted the wrong post. It was supposed to be this one:

No bias found to have impacted decisions made during the investigation’s beginning, middle or end.

That’s the finding. No spying. No bias.

You don’t like it. But that’s the finding.

Point being, Horowitz explained that he did not conclude that there was no political bias involved, he simply said the information available to him did not establish it. He also very clearly said nobody who touched this was vindicated. And his scope was limited to interviewing people still working at the DOJ. Durham's scope goes far beyond that, and he has said that he does not agree that no bias was involved, based on his investigation to date.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You should have watched the actual hearing instead of just the headlines on CNN. Horowitz did NOT rule out political bias in conducting the investigation:

"Can you say it wasn’t because of political bias?" Graham asked.

"I do not know," Horowitz replied.

"You know, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched this," Horowitz replied.​

And the above snippet was published by NBC news of all places: Watchdog tells Senate of deep concerns over FBI errors in Russia probe

Is that the best you can do? He didn’t prove a negative.

I quoted the wrong post. It was supposed to be this one:

No bias found to have impacted decisions made during the investigation’s beginning, middle or end.

That’s the finding. No spying. No bias.

You don’t like it. But that’s the finding.

Point being, Horowitz explained that he did not conclude that there was no political bias involved, he simply said the information available to him did not establish it. He also very clearly said nobody who touched this was vindicated. And his scope was limited to interviewing people still working at the DOJ. Durham's scope goes far beyond that, and he has said that he does not agree that no bias was involved, based on his investigation to date.

It’s a conservative statement that Id expect from a boyscout like Horowitz. It acknowledges that he cannot prove a negative. Individuals are still innocent until proven guilty and those accused of being biased don’t have to prove their innocence. As Horowitz stated, there was no evidence to support a conclusion that they are guilty of the type of bias they have been so consistently accused of.
Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign when the FISA warrants in question were approved. The first one was filed before Trump became a candidate.

There was no surveillance nor spying on the Trump campaign. Period.

Honesty is beyond the reach of a large portion of Trump’s base.

You should have watched the actual hearing instead of just the headlines on CNN. Horowitz did NOT rule out political bias in conducting the investigation:

"Can you say it wasn’t because of political bias?" Graham asked.

"I do not know," Horowitz replied.

"You know, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched this," Horowitz replied.​

And the above snippet was published by NBC news of all places: Watchdog tells Senate of deep concerns over FBI errors in Russia probe

Don't be obtuse.

His report was VERY clear. He found no documented or testimonial evidence to support the claim that political or other bias
played a role in the start or the conduct of the investigation.

You cannot RULE OUT the possibility of anything if you don't confine yourself to the available

You cannot rule out the possibility.that you've ever had a big black cock in your mouth, can you?
Show us the evidence

all you have is the lying lib media’s word for that

“What has been overlooked are the reports, especially by CNN and others, that state such a warrant existed.”
You could have just looked at the link I gave. :dunno:

It included --> Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier
If Page were not linked to trump no one would know his name today

he was a pawn in the failed Deep State conspiracy against trump

You can call him a pawn all you want; the FBI was still spying on him long before he was involved with Impeached Trump's campaign and after -- but not during.
He wasnt there long enough to be useful to the Deep State except as a boogyman for the liberal media to give anti trumpsters hope that trump would soon be gone
Utter nonsense. Again, the FBI was interested in him for years. Not to mention, the FBI didn't leak any of this to the media. What kind of boogeyman is that when they kept it to themselves?
Listening to the hysterical lib news media I bet few people realized that Carter Page was a big nothing for years.

it was always “former trump campaign advisor Carter Page ...”

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