FBI Arrests Iraqi Refugee in Tucson for Building Car Bomb, Teaching Others

What the hell has Don Lemon to do with this? I mean other than you obviously attempting to score political points..........
(Granted I did have to look up who Lemon is, never heard of him).
Don claimed that white men were the biggest threat because of their terrorist activities..
He’s out of touch.
What the hell has Don Lemon to do with this? I mean other than you obviously attempting to score political points..........
(Granted I did have to look up who Lemon is, never heard of him).
Don claimed that white men were the biggest threat because of their terrorist activities..
Don was asked about that was told that he couldn't talk right then. They asked why and were told he had a penis in his mouth.
What the hell has Don Lemon to do with this? I mean other than you obviously attempting to score political points..........
(Granted I did have to look up who Lemon is, never heard of him).
Don claimed that white men were the biggest threat because of their terrorist activities..
He’s out of touch.
You are the one that listens to him. I ignore the fanatics of both political spheres...
What the hell has Don Lemon to do with this? I mean other than you obviously attempting to score political points..........
(Granted I did have to look up who Lemon is, never heard of him).
Don claimed that white men were the biggest threat because of their terrorist activities..
So basically another nutjob....... Got it.
Awesome work that's what the govt should be doing. Republicans should have more respect for the FBI and stop attacking them.

Ahmad was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1988. His family fled to Syria when he was 18, and subsequently moved to Tucson as refugees. The FBI criminal complaint identifies Ahmad as a U.S. citizen.

So, let's take the above info & let's do the math. Born in 1988, fled to Syria when he was 18. 1988 + 18 = 2006.
By odds alone Ahmad & his family left Iraq as refugees & went to Syria as a result of the 2003 Bush Iraq war.
Bush's 2003 Iraq war completely destabilized NOT only Iraq but the greater Middle East region.

IMO it is the fault of G. W. Bush that Ahmad & his family were displaced from Iraq in the first place.
By odds alone Ahmad would have never been in the US except for G. W. Bush & Bush's shitty war of choice that destroyed millions of lives, and that changed the planet forever.

Go rot in Hell G. W.
they bring their '''nice'' culture over here:
Iraqi father proud of daughter's 'honour killing'
Muslim Man Guilty of 'Honor Killing' in Daughter's Death
etc etc
death for murdering their youngest daughter by repeatedly stabbing the teen-ager in the chest
From 1991: Parents get death in teen's murder

....I've put out much more evidence/links on muslim terrorism also on other threads
it is undeniable they have a much different culture when it comes to terrorism/etc
...every country has their murderers, but the muslims/islamics/etc are different when it comes to terror/etc
...here is just one statistic:
out of 600,000 people of Boston-with just 1% islamic--just 1%--it was the islamics that committed the terrorism--not just murder---but a mass bombing against Americans

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