FBI arrests man for punking his ex wife on Facebook

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
In a story that sounds like a movie plot with a few extra twists in it, last week a man, David Voelkert, was arrested for putting a GPS device on his ex-wife's car. The backstory behind this is that the ex-wife, Angela Voelkert, had created a fake Facebook profile of a 17-year-old girl, named Jessica Studebaker, and then befriended David to try to "get him to talk" in a way that would provide her ammo in their custody battle. We've been hearing how Facebook evidence has become pretty standard these days in divorce cases, so I guess creating a fake persona to try to dig out some extra info is the obvious next step. David Voelkert was apparently extremely forthcoming with the fake teen, telling her how he had put a GPS device on Angela's car, and said something about harming Angela. He also spoke of taking his kids and "disappearing." Angela reported this to the authorities, and the FBI stepped in and arrested David over the GPS tracking while investigating the rest.

And that's where the case turned strange.

Read the rest, it is worth the click.
Pretty amazing. The wife should be the only one in any hot water, although from a criminal standpoint I dont think there is any real crime here. In her civil case however, she is boned.

The FBI handled this appropriately. As far as they were concerned the husband was a stalker who was planning a hit on his ex wife. They did the right thing by releasing him as soon as they got the notarized affadavit and verified it.
Pretty amazing. The wife should be the only one in any hot water, although from a criminal standpoint I dont think there is any real crime here. In her civil case however, she is boned.

The FBI handled this appropriately. As far as they were concerned the husband was a stalker who was planning a hit on his ex wife. They did the right thing by releasing him as soon as they got the notarized affadavit and verified it.

They could have asked him about it before they locked him up for 4 days, but I do agree they were correct to investigate.
Pretty amazing. The wife should be the only one in any hot water, although from a criminal standpoint I dont think there is any real crime here. In her civil case however, she is boned.

The FBI handled this appropriately. As far as they were concerned the husband was a stalker who was planning a hit on his ex wife. They did the right thing by releasing him as soon as they got the notarized affadavit and verified it.

They could have asked him about it before they locked him up for 4 days, but I do agree they were correct to investigate.

True, but I bet they were shocked when, after checking out his statement of "I have an affadavit at home that can clear this" they actually found the affadavit.

4 days sounds about right. day 1 arrest and processing, day 2 and 3 checking out his statement. day 4, realizing what happened and working the release.
All right, David - WTG! I love it when someone gets a step ahead of an ex-wife (or a vindictive present wife, for that matter) and the FBI, all in the same, notarized statement.

In passing, since when is it a crime to put a GPS tracking device on someone's car?
All right, David - WTG! I love it when someone gets a step ahead of an ex-wife (or a vindictive present wife, for that matter) and the FBI, all in the same, notarized statement.

In passing, since when is it a crime to put a GPS tracking device on someone's car?

The FBI probably wants to reserve the right to do that for themselves.
In passing, since when is it a crime to put a GPS tracking device on someone's car?
Stocking is illegal

Stocking is illegal? Shit, I guess there's an arrest warrant out for Santa. :lol:

Am I alone in finding it somewhat ironic that the guy who claims that blacks are stupid has trouble differentiating between stocking and stalking?

No, that's pretty much on par with Tanks spelling, grammar and otherwise trolling posts of his.

His defense is people will only post in his threads when he misspells! :lol:
All right, David - WTG! I love it when someone gets a step ahead of an ex-wife (or a vindictive present wife, for that matter) and the FBI, all in the same, notarized statement.

In passing, since when is it a crime to put a GPS tracking device on someone's car?

Is it a crime to track a wife or hubby with a GPS? You're the lawyer, you tell us!

Is that stocking? :lol:

Can they use that in court as proof of anything fyi?
At least I know you can't put a GPS on someone elses car, unless your the government.
If you're name is on the title, it's you're car too, dumbshit
If you're name is on the title, it's you're car too, dumbshit

If YOUR name, not you're.

You're =you are.

If you are name on the title, blah blah blah...

Anyway, it's still legal for a spouse to use a GPS apparently.

Maybe you should log off the internet and get your GED.

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