FBI Closing in on Huma and Hilly?

FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity

Would you like to see some images of the reality that you and your ilk are in denial of?

You really get off on your fetus porn, don't you?

So that is what you've had to convince yourself that it is?

You are sicker than I first imagined.

You obviously can't even allow yourself to accept the fact that it's a child involved in that situation. So You assign an effort to bring their killing and deaths to your attention as something akin to porn?

Like I said.... when you accuse others of being in denial of reality?

It's a classic pot calling the kettle black example.
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The ex-FBI Director testified that Hillary broke several laws. During the investigation, the State Department declared newly recovered official documents from er server hsd never been turned over...proving Hillary was guilty of violating both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Recently recovered e-mails fro Huma's laptop showed Hillary gad engaged in Influence Peddling as Sect of State.

Hillary should have been indicted before wlection day.

The investigation into Huma has revealed she forwarded to herself almost every e-mail Hillary ever sent, to include the classified. She sent it home to be stored on an unclassified, unprotected, unsecured laptop shared by a soon-to-be convicted child porn criminal who sexted with a 15yo.

They need to he sharing a jail cell.

His investigation report showed nothing of the kind. Not once did Comey say she broke the law.

You support a lying conman like Trump and condemn someone like Clinton. You have no shame.
FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity
just simply all HOGWASH!

This is what the site posts about the author of your article:

About Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Anomalous Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else.

And this the local Detroit news. ;)



on Huma in that news clip.....So where did the OP get this super duper fake info about Huma???
FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity
just simply all HOGWASH!

This is what the site posts about the author of your article:

About Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Anomalous Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else.

And this the local Detroit news. ;)



on Huma in that news clip.....So where did the OP get this super duper fake info about Huma???

I'm thinking innuendo and speculation.


"anonymous sources" :banana:
The ex-FBI Director testified that Hillary broke several laws. During the investigation, the State Department declared newly recovered official documents from er server hsd never been turned over...proving Hillary was guilty of violating both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Recently recovered e-mails fro Huma's laptop showed Hillary gad engaged in Influence Peddling as Sect of State.

Hillary should have been indicted before wlection day.

The investigation into Huma has revealed she forwarded to herself almost every e-mail Hillary ever sent, to include the classified. She sent it home to be stored on an unclassified, unprotected, unsecured laptop shared by a soon-to-be convicted child porn criminal who sexted with a 15yo.

They need to he sharing a jail cell.

His investigation report showed nothing of the kind. Not once did Comey say she broke the law.

You support a lying conman like Trump and condemn someone like Clinton. You have no shame.

That woman's got a lot of deaths to answer for. Trump's fish stories are nothing compared to her corruption.
The ex-FBI Director testified that Hillary broke several laws. During the investigation, the State Department declared newly recovered official documents from er server hsd never been turned over...proving Hillary was guilty of violating both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Recently recovered e-mails fro Huma's laptop showed Hillary gad engaged in Influence Peddling as Sect of State.

Hillary should have been indicted before wlection day.

The investigation into Huma has revealed she forwarded to herself almost every e-mail Hillary ever sent, to include the classified. She sent it home to be stored on an unclassified, unprotected, unsecured laptop shared by a soon-to-be convicted child porn criminal who sexted with a 15yo.

They need to he sharing a jail cell.

His investigation report showed nothing of the kind. Not once did Comey say she broke the law.

You support a lying conman like Trump and condemn someone like Clinton. You have no shame.

That woman's got a lot of deaths to answer for. Trump's fish stories are nothing compared to her corruption.

Hillary is basically a cross between Cersei Lannister and Claire Underwood.
Yeah, when she gave them 20% of the world's supply of uranium.

When we had just pointed out how Trumptards constantly fall for every bit of idiot propaganda, demonstrating a bit of idiot propaganda that you fell for was probably not your best choice.
Not propaganda if it's true, snowflake.
How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

Your source left out a few tidbits.

The mines are operated by a US subsidiary and cannot export uranium out of the country. These mines in question only produce less than 5% of the uranium we need every year.

We have to import 80% of what our needs are. All of the US mines produce 20% of what we need. The mines owned by the Russian company produces 20% of that. So that 20% in reality is 4% of the uranium we use. Also to export any uranium the company would need a special license. None have been issued.

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

Trump and his campaign claim that Clinton “gave” or “handed over” 20 percent of American uranium rights to the Russians. Through the Uranium One deal, the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company does now have control over 20 percent of U.S. uranium extraction capacity. But it cannot export the uranium.

In 2010, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States approved the sale of the majority of the shares to the Russians. The State Department was one of nine agencies on the committee that approved the deal. The deal was also separately approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

There is no evidence Clinton herself got involved in the deal personally, and it is highly questionable that this deal even rose to the level of the secretary of state. Theoretically, as Schweizer says, Clinton could have intervened. But even then, it ultimately would have been Obama’s decision whether to suspend or block the deal.
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FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity
I think if everyone on the planet even those living in caves was given a polygraph and asked the question if they thought Hillary Clinton was not only guilty of espionage in the email matter but also guilty of other felonies as well, the meter would go crazy saying she was. But here's the thing...none of her supporters care. Nor do any of her corrupt cronies in government. And apparently most on the right have backed off as well no doubt because they've either been blackmailed, paid off, or they've received credible death threats. Otherwise why wouldn't they go after her either?

Knowing the Clinton's past and what a serious crime family they are, I'm guessing they have some pretty good investigators on their payrolls. No doubt the power they have over people who could do them harm is blackmail. If none of that can be found, then they probably try to buy them off. Last resort they put a hit on them? Before nay-saying that, bear in mind numerous people have mysteriously been found dead that were connected to the Clinton's with the latest being 27 year old Seth Rich who as it turned out was an informant leaker to Wiki Leaks.
FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity
I think if everyone on the planet even those living in caves was given a polygraph and asked the question if they thought Hillary Clinton was not only guilty of espionage in the email matter but also guilty of other felonies as well, the meter would go crazy saying she was. But here's the thing...none of her supporters care. Nor do any of her corrupt cronies in government. And apparently most on the right have backed off as well no doubt because they've either been blackmailed, paid off, or they've received credible death threats. Otherwise why wouldn't they go after her either?

Knowing the Clinton's past and what a serious crime family they are, I'm guessing they have some pretty good investigators on their payrolls. No doubt the power they have over people who could do them harm is blackmail. If none of that can be found, then they probably try to buy them off. Last resort they put a hit on them? Before nay-saying that, bear in mind numerous people have mysteriously been found dead that were connected to the Clinton's with the latest being 27 year old Seth Rich who as it turned out was an informant leaker to Wiki Leaks.
The election is over, you guys can stop with the silly stories.
Better yet you and all the others on the left could stop living in denial and help to FINALLY put this extremely corrupt career politician and her husband behind bars? And if any credible evidence is found against those on the right, then by all means go after them as well because we the American people really do need to drain the swamp in Washington. And that means ALL parties involved.
But here's the thing...none of her supporters care.

You're right. We don't care that you lie about Clinton. All of you Stalinist apparatchiks lie about Clinton. That's not news to anybody. The fact "conservatives lie" is as obvious as "water is wet". You're just boring.

Everyone already knows you're corrupt down to your soul. You don't need to keep proving it. You've demonstrated how you're willing to be humiliated for blabbering out your hilariously stupid conspiracy theories, so you've earned the cult brownie points you need. Mission accomplished for you.

You can go now, assured that your masters are satisfied with your service. So go back to them, and get the new official cult talking points.
FBI agents and Department of Justice prosecutors raided a home possibly linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week.

The home on Jonathon Street is reportedly owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – an Abedin family business that employs Huma’s brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. FBI Raids Possible Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI – What we know
Huma did an about face and took her husband back again...speculation over spousal immunity
I think if everyone on the planet even those living in caves was given a polygraph and asked the question if they thought Hillary Clinton was not only guilty of espionage in the email matter but also guilty of other felonies as well, the meter would go crazy saying she was. But here's the thing...none of her supporters care. Nor do any of her corrupt cronies in government. And apparently most on the right have backed off as well no doubt because they've either been blackmailed, paid off, or they've received credible death threats. Otherwise why wouldn't they go after her either?

Knowing the Clinton's past and what a serious crime family they are, I'm guessing they have some pretty good investigators on their payrolls. No doubt the power they have over people who could do them harm is blackmail. If none of that can be found, then they probably try to buy them off. Last resort they put a hit on them? Before nay-saying that, bear in mind numerous people have mysteriously been found dead that were connected to the Clinton's with the latest being 27 year old Seth Rich who as it turned out was an informant leaker to Wiki Leaks.

Although there is no way for the general public to know if the scenario in this video is true without viewing any actual evidence, one thing's for sure, some kind of blackmail and corruption has definitely been at play here that for me personally seems to date back to the earliest Clinton days. And given the fact that ALL the deaths in their background are way beyond suspicious, this video scenario is not only likely but actually would explain it best.

I've always said that everyone in the three branches of government would have to be somewhat corrupt because there's no way they could make it that far otherwise. At the very least adultery or cheating on their taxes would have been committed both of which they tried to use against Trump. And let's face it probably at least 98% of Americans have done the latter. But from there it goes all the way up the ladder of nefarious activity to treason and murder which Obama and the Clinton's are ALL without a doubt in my mind guilty of.

But at any rate if what was reported in this video is true, then for the safety of these people, they did the right thing by putting this information on You Tube because now if anything happens to them, it will be blatantly obvious who the culprits are that are behind it.
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But here's the thing...none of her supporters care.

You're right. We don't care that you lie about Clinton. All of you Stalinist apparatchiks lie about Clinton. That's not news to anybody. The fact "conservatives lie" is as obvious as "water is wet". You're just boring.

Everyone already knows you're corrupt down to your soul. You don't need to keep proving it. You've demonstrated how you're willing to be humiliated for blabbering out your hilariously stupid conspiracy theories, so you've earned the cult brownie points you need. Mission accomplished for you.

You can go now, assured that your masters are satisfied with your service. So go back to them, and get the new official cult talking points.
WAY past time to Perp-Walk Hillary and Huma. Ant'ny should already be in jail.
How many times has Huma dumped her husband only to suddenly take him back in a relatively small timeframe? thats not normal behaviour for an aggrieved wife.

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