FBI Confirms ICIG Warned It About Chinese Spying on Hillary By Refusing To Confirm Or Deny It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The only reason you refuse to deny something is because it's TRUE. Refusing to confirm or deny is a game / is an attempt not to admit it is true...

FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion

  • The FBI won’t disclose whether it met with senior officials of the Intelligence Community Inspector General.
  • TheDCNF confirmed that the ICIG briefed top bureau officials on three separate occasions to warn the FBI of an “anomaly” they found 30,000 in-bound and outgoing emails.
  • The anomaly showed a code embedded in Clinton’s server was producing in real time a “courtesy copy” to a third party.
The FBI refuses to disclose whether or not it met with senior members of the Intelligence Community Inspector General on the subject of foreign intrusion of former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s private server.

An FBI spokeswoman refused to confirm if Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) officials — including Frank Rucker, its chief investigator — briefed top bureau officials about evidence of penetration of Clinton’s private server by a Chinese government intelligence operation.

“We have no comment”

Bwuhahahaha.... BUSTED!
The Clintons were caught red handed in past campaigns colluding with the Chinese, meaning they got caught taking millions of dollars from them.

Should we be surprised Hillary was sending them copies of all her work to them? She should be considered an agent of China.
The Feinsteins made millions while facilitating Chinese espionage for 2 decades...

Bill sold missile technology to them...

The Clintons were caught red handed in past campaigns colluding with the Chinese, meaning they got caught taking millions of dollars from them.

Should we be surprised Hillary was sending them copies of all her work to them? She should be considered an agent of China.

Were there any suspiciously timed donations to the Clinton foundation from China during the email hack?
FBI confirmed nothing of the sort.

When are you blue balled idiots going to move on from Hillary's fucking emails already?

FBI confirmed nothing of the sort. STFU

Again, read the article, you f*ing troll.

The FBI, who was informed in 2015 that a Chinese program was found on Hillary's server that was sending everything she was sending and receiving real time to the Chinese and who did nothing about it, refuses to confirm, deny, or even comment about it.

They don't have to - EVIDENCE exists proving it...

What is it about you snowflakes and evidence. You spend 2 years looking for some & when its presented to you suddenly you claim you don't want it....

:p. Bwuhahahaha
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

The FBI has officially refused to confirm or deny it.

The ICIG has proved it.

You are a liar....the Obama FBI are traitors...

The same story is on the hill. Not for nothing. If you have a link referenced BTW by the hill article, that states the FBI refused to confirm and deny and we have several other articles including Fox news that say it was indeed denied, who do you think has the most credible information?
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

The FBI has officially refused to confirm or deny it.

The ICIG has proved it.

You are a liar....the Obama FBI are traitors...

The same story is on the hill. Not for nothing. If you have a link referenced BTW by the hill article, that states the FBI refused to confirm and deny and we have several other articles including Fox news that say it was indeed denied, who do you think has the most credible information?
So is it a massive coincidence that the USIG said they briefed none other than Strzok, helped Hillary and her aides from being indicted, who changed the FBI report on Hillary, who helped Brennan author the CUBa's ICR and ICA, and was then working for Mueller?

That criminal POS was at the center of every crooked thing that went on....
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

The FBI has officially refused to confirm or deny it.

The ICIG has proved it.

You are a liar....the Obama FBI are traitors...

The same story is on the hill. Not for nothing. If you have a link referenced BTW by the hill article, that states the FBI refused to confirm and deny and we have several other articles including Fox news that say it was indeed denied, who do you think has the most credible information?
So is it a massive coincidence that the USIG said they briefed none other than Strzok, helped Hillary and her aides from being indicted, who changed the FBI report on Hillary, who helped Brennan author the CUBa's ICR and ICA, and was then working for Mueller?

That criminal POS was at the center of every crooked thing that went on....
Deflecting from the premise of your own OP now? Good, means you got the message that you are spouting disinformation.
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

Hmmm, experts think otherwise.

"When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

The FBI has officially refused to confirm or deny it.

The ICIG has proved it.

You are a liar....the Obama FBI are traitors...

The same story is on the hill. Not for nothing. If you have a link referenced BTW by the hill article, that states the FBI refused to confirm and deny and we have several other articles including Fox news that say it was indeed denied, who do you think has the most credible information?
So is it a massive coincidence that the USIG said they briefed none other than Strzok, helped Hillary and her aides from being indicted, who changed the FBI report on Hillary, who helped Brennan author the CUBa's ICR and ICA, and was then working for Mueller?

That criminal POS was at the center of every crooked thing that went on....
Deflecting from the premise of your own OP now? Good, means you got the message that you are spouting disinformation.
Hardly....it means I ignore biased idiots who don't post links / info but attack those who do.
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

Hmmm, experts think otherwise.

"When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
where are they westwall? Why haven't the emails they allegedly stole, been released? It's been years and years...?

What information on China was on her server? Where did she get this alleged top secret info on China from.... the public? Syd Blumenthal? A newspaper article? IT DID NOT come from the government's top secret server.... nothing from the top secret server was illegally taken and transmitted via email.... they'd ALL be in jail if they did!!!

The espionage Act covers anything taken top secret from its proper place and distributed would be and is a crime....

the 4 email chains that were on her server which are the only emails that have remained top secret, and have not since been declassified and released, came from Syd Blumenthal.... and are the original 4 emails that the IG requested the FBI do a security review on.... all emails on her server have since been declassified and released to the public via FOIA requests.

and Syd is not a government employee, he got the information from his sources and a newspaper article which he forwarded to Hillary.... she in turn, forwarded his emails to her staffers for them to research and find out if there was any truth to them... sometimes his information didn't pan out and sometimes his info did.

It turns out, the CIA with their sources ALSO, and seperately, collected this info, and classified it Top Secret or Secret.... Hillary's team did not know this... and that's why no one was prosecuted.... they did not know the info they got from Syd was classified T/S by the CIA....

One can argue and one would think, they should have recognized the info was T/Secret and should have classified it such, themselves...

But the espionage act, if you read it and all the aspects and sections of the law, only covers top secret info taken from its government ''proper place''. Syd was not ''the government proper place''.
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

Hmmm, experts think otherwise.

"When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
where are they westwall? Why haven't the emails they allegedly stole, been released? It's been years and years...?

What information on China was on her server? Where did she get this alleged top secret info on China from.... the public? Syd Blumenthal? A newspaper article? IT DID NOT come from the government's top secret server.... nothing from the top secret server was illegally taken and transmitted via email.... they'd ALL be in jail if they did!!!

The espionage Act covers anything taken top secret from its proper place and distributed would be and is a crime....

the 4 email chains that were on her server which are the only emails that have remained top secret, and have not since been declassified and released, came from Syd Blumenthal.... and are the original 4 emails that the IG requested the FBI do a security review on.... all emails on her server have since been declassified and released to the public via FOIA requests.

and Syd is not a government employee, he got the information from his sources and a newspaper article which he forwarded to Hillary.... she in turn, forwarded his emails to her staffers for them to research and find out if there was any truth to them... sometimes his information didn't pan out and sometimes his info did.

It turns out, the CIA with their sources ALSO, and seperately, collected this info, and classified it Top Secret or Secret.... Hillary's team did not know this... and that's why no one was prosecuted.... they did not know the info they got from Syd was classified T/S by the CIA....

One can argue and one would think, they should have recognized the info was T/Secret and should have classified it such, themselves...

But the espionage act, if you read it and all the aspects and sections of the law, only covers top secret info taken from its government ''proper place''. Syd was not ''the government proper place''.

Why would China want the US to know exactly what they have? That makes no sense at all.
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

The FBI has officially refused to confirm or deny it.

The ICIG has proved it.

You are a liar....the Obama FBI are traitors...

The same story is on the hill. Not for nothing. If you have a link referenced BTW by the hill article, that states the FBI refused to confirm and deny and we have several other articles including Fox news that say it was indeed denied, who do you think has the most credible information?
So is it a massive coincidence that the USIG said they briefed none other than Strzok, helped Hillary and her aides from being indicted, who changed the FBI report on Hillary, who helped Brennan author the CUBa's ICR and ICA, and was then working for Mueller?

That criminal POS was at the center of every crooked thing that went on....
Deflecting from the premise of your own OP now? Good, means you got the message that you are spouting disinformation.
Hardly....it means I ignore biased idiots who don't post links / info but attack those who do.
The reason I didn't link is because I find it troublesome on my phone. I will later. If I give you the youtube video I saw with Fox news, disproving the OP will you concede?
You do know that time does not stand still, right. At the time the article I posted was written / submitted the FBI had refused to comment. Since then....
From the article / link:

"The ICIG had discovered a foreign government breach of Clinton’s server, dismissed the FBI statement that the bureau had “not found any evidence” her server had been compromised.

It was the Obama-appointed Intelligence Community Inspector General that discovered the breach. It was not the FBI that found it, so their statement was technically correct, but very deceptive in its omission,” the congressman said in a statement Wednesday."

The FBI being 'deceptive' and leaving out key pieces of information ... like they did when they illegally deceived the FISA Court to get warrants?

Say it ain't so.... :p

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