FBI Director DOUBTS San Bernardino Massacre was ISIS Inspired

Family Attorney:

Tashfeen Malik weight 90 pounds , how the fuck did she wear the military style garb, carry an AR-15 , bombs .

Can you say bullshit?

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Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.

Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.


The crime scene needs to be secured....
Maybe that's the reason.....
Just following procedure would be my guess.
Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.


How was one of them driving the SUV while handcuffed? Photoshop anyone?
Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.


The crime scene needs to be secured....
Maybe that's the reason.....
Just following procedure would be my guess.


Landlord Lets Reporters Into San Bernardino Suspects’ Home

Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.


The crime scene needs to be secured....
Maybe that's the reason.....
Just following procedure would be my guess.


Landlord Lets Reporters Into San Bernardino Suspects’ Home


Can you drive a car with your hands handcuffed behind your back? LMFAO.
Here are some obvious questions that the mainstream media is afraid to ask.
  1. Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”
  2. Both victims were found dead in handcuffs. Are we supposed to believe that they initiated a gun battle with police while wearing handcuffs and shooting through rolled-up windows?! It seems that the two patsies were handcuffed, set in place for execution according to a scripted plan, and summarily shot dead.


The crime scene needs to be secured....
Maybe that's the reason.....
Just following procedure would be my guess.


Landlord Lets Reporters Into San Bernardino Suspects’ Home


Can you drive a car with your hands handcuffed behind your back? LMFAO.

Yes, I can. But I'm different . I'm hung like a horse so I can use my dick to steer the vehicle.

Mere mortals can not.

So, what really happened?

About San Bernardino
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Writes John Rodriquez:

I have one simple question to ask and wonder why no one else has asked it. Where is the video surveillance tape from the shooting in San Bernardino? This was a county facility, and so would have had video cameras.

No murder footage should be shown, just, for example, the alleged shooters driving up, getting out of their SUV, and entering.

12:02 pm on December 17, 2015
They weren't fast enough, the shooters were already gone.

Think about this. Two people shot 35 people, and escaped unnoticed by the police. They then disappear for four hours.

What ever happened to " we shall respond within 4 minutes and will not wait for the SWAT team?!?!?!?!?

Shooting had already started before the response clock, it doesn't take long to shoot that many people, especially when they are most likely huddled together and many rounds probably got penetration on more than one person.

Watch this video. There is an introduction by a reporter, then the video. As the SUV drives slowly down the street, the driver is turning the headlights off and on. Why? There is no shooting at this point. The SUV passes by. Then the shooting starts.

The post-shootout photo of the SUV shows the windshield riddled with bullet holes. These bullet holes came from in front of the SUV. The media report says this: they fired 76 rounds, while police fired 380.

Who did the counting? When? Who verified this?

How did they shoot at police from inside the SUV? For how long? How long would it take to fire 76 rounds with semi-automatics? This time includes replacing empty clips. We are supposed to believe that it took 380 rounds to kill them. If so, these are not sharpshooters.

The two are dead. So, there is no legal liability for naming them the killers. There is no “alleged” visible in the media. This ends all discussion. Of course they acted alone. Everyone knows this.

Why did he flash his lights, maybe to signal to the vehicles ahead to get out of the way? No one will know for sure. As for who shot how many rounds, that's determined by the ballistics lab from ejector markings on the casings and police inventories. Also the shooting started just as the suv passed in front of the camera, I'm assuming that's when she started shooting out the back of the suv at the cops.

Meanwhile we are supposed to believe that Enrique Marquez, this goofy looking son of a bitch , bought two AR-15's?!?!?!?!?!?



Damn bud, you're going off the rails as bad as Matthew.
Think about this. Two people shot 35 people, and escaped unnoticed by the police. They then disappear for four hours.

What ever happened to " we shall respond within 4 minutes and will not wait for the SWAT team?!?!?!?!?

Shooting had already started before the response clock, it doesn't take long to shoot that many people, especially when they are most likely huddled together and many rounds probably got penetration on more than one person.

Watch this video. There is an introduction by a reporter, then the video. As the SUV drives slowly down the street, the driver is turning the headlights off and on. Why? There is no shooting at this point. The SUV passes by. Then the shooting starts.

The post-shootout photo of the SUV shows the windshield riddled with bullet holes. These bullet holes came from in front of the SUV. The media report says this: they fired 76 rounds, while police fired 380.

Who did the counting? When? Who verified this?

How did they shoot at police from inside the SUV? For how long? How long would it take to fire 76 rounds with semi-automatics? This time includes replacing empty clips. We are supposed to believe that it took 380 rounds to kill them. If so, these are not sharpshooters.

The two are dead. So, there is no legal liability for naming them the killers. There is no “alleged” visible in the media. This ends all discussion. Of course they acted alone. Everyone knows this.

Why did he flash his lights, maybe to signal to the vehicles ahead to get out of the way? No one will know for sure. As for who shot how many rounds, that's determined by the ballistics lab from ejector markings on the casings and police inventories. Also the shooting started just as the suv passed in front of the camera, I'm assuming that's when she started shooting out the back of the suv at the cops.

Meanwhile we are supposed to believe that Enrique Marquez, this goofy looking son of a bitch , bought two AR-15's?!?!?!?!?!?



Damn bud, you're going off the rails as bad as Matthew.

I fucking hate it when someone tries to pull the wool over my eyes.

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I just want to see the videos. YOu know damn well there were some. Too many questions about this.. Like "where is the damn video"? lol
I just want to see the videos. YOu know damn well there were some. Too many questions about this.. Like "where is the damn video"? lol

The powers that be want to use the false flag Bonnie and Clyde Jihad in order to ban "assault" rifles , prevent WE THE PEOPLE from using encryption and whatever other rights irritate them.

However, this time, there’s a twist.

There was a woman shooter – and a young MOTHER at that. That’s right: the MSM wants you to believe that a 27 year old mother, with a newborn baby around 1 year old, dropped her baby off at the grandmother’s house, strapped on some military-grade body armor (despite being 90 pounds) and went off to kill 14 people! She supposedly did this knowing there must have been a huge chance she would either be caught and jailed for life, or killed, and in either scenario potentially separated from her baby forever. And who were these people she needed to kill so desperately that she was willing to give up ever seeing her kid again? People helping disabled individuals and local San Bernardino government health officials?

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