FBI director: lab leak most likely source of covid

Thread Locked for lack of an OP Thread Post, that meets minimum standard length or expressing point of view, or why it was even brought to the board.
Can be restarted new, but will have to up the content.

Unlocking. Merged threads without realizing this one had been locked and was the older thread on the topic
The odd blind defense of China by the cult is bizarre.

They are the biggest polluters on earth. They keep Muslims in concentration camps doing slave labor. They will not help facilitate or participate in any investigations into the lab leak. They stopped reporting their COVID CASES in summer 2020…and they supposedly killed all the animals they claim are the source of the virus which they say jumped
Species naturally.

We will never know for certain how Covid-19 started, but the most probable cause was that in was created in the Wuhan lab.

However, it defies logic to say that so many MAGA people insist that this was an intentional bio-warfare attack on the U.S., but at the same time they refuse to take the appropriate steps to protect themselves. They are anti-mask, anti-quarantine and anti-vax.

This is like a WWI soldier screaming "Mustard Gas attack!...DO NOT put on your gas masks!"

Makes you wonder whose side they're on...but then again it doesn't!
then why should I waste my time talking to you about whats in the video??

youre just another braindead moron having an emotional reaction to a headline and not the contents of the video,,
I have no interest in knowing what some Youtube dingbat says.

If you can't summarize it...you have nothing to discuss
I have no interest in knowing what some Youtube dingbat says.

If you can't summarize it...you have nothing to discuss
I did and you ignored it,,

what do you think about the bribes to get scientist to change their opinions of the origin of the virus??

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