FBI Director says no evidence ANTIFA was at Capitol riot

If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

You lying asshole.....the protest on Jan. 6 wasn't about over throwing the government....that is why no one in the Capitol building during the protest had a gun......


600 million guns in America....

over 19.4 million Americans with the legal ability to carry guns for self defense....

Over 100,000 Trump supporters...

About 200 people entered the capitol building...

They had Zero guns.........

You do not over throw a government without guns...you mindless moron.......

The Trump supporters wandered the halls and took selfies......antifa and blm plants in the crowd vandalized the place and fought with some of the police......
Hahahhahahaha. Are you shitting me?! The whole point of the riot was to stop the steal and they tried to do so by force. That is literally overthrowing our system of government... the definition of an insurrection. Wake up
How is it overthrowing the system when you yourself admitted it was a Steal.
They thought it was a steal because they were lied to. It obviously was not stolen. Our elections systems have too many safeguards working independently of each other for that to happen

No system is any better than the people making it up. And dems have shown that they will lie and cheat and abuse ANY power they are given.
Yup, so have the Republicans. Power corrupts

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But you dems have abused every single iota of power you have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
I’m not a democrat

lol. Sure. Ok then.

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But the dems have abused every single iota of power they have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
Yeah I agree, the Dems need a respectable check on their power because they don’t have very good ideas and are riddled with corruption. But the Reps have been at a whole different level as of late and thanks to Trump their party is blown to pieces. Now they don’t even have a platform to run on

Trump was fine. Your pretense otherwise is not rational.
I disagree, he relentlessly trolled causing crippling partisan division and he constantly lied to the American people. The guy is a disgrace and now he has half the Republican Party standing behind his lies supporting an insurrection and at each others throats. It’s pathetic and sad for our country. The Dems sure are grateful

You say "insurrection" to try to make that ONE riot, as bad as 5 years of riots from your side.

Your side is the side that is tearing this nation apart. That you whine like this over ONE small riot of 200 people, after hundred of riots from your side, is you being weak and pathetic.
The reason why the Jan 6 insurrection was so much worse than the summer riots is because jan 6 was based on lies from the most powerful man in the world who we gave that power to. A betrayal of our public trust that resulted in an attempt to over through our government. The summer riots have no excuse but they were criminals taking advantage of a huge movement of national outrage over racial equality. I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference.

Bullshit. The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.

YOU people are the ones that have been using violence as a political tool.

And now you want to dodge ownership of your actions.

That is the act of a coward.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection so we can settle this?

Because we both know that delaying a formality by a few hours, is not it.

The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection?

Didn't say I couldn't. I said I didn't need to, because we both know that it is not what happened on 1/6.

Are you on some kind of medication that causes confusion?
You do need to if you want to back up your idiotic claim. Post the definition and let’s compare to what happened. We both know you aren’t posting it because you know it will prove you wrong.

Ive asked dozens and I haven’t found 1 trumper who will post a definition. It’s because the definition literally spells out exactly what happened on Jan 6

I know that it was not insurrection. Now the Chaz, or the attacks on the Fed courthouse, or ICE, that was insurrection.
Interesting. What definition are you using for insurrection? I don’t think you know what the word means
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now I understand why none of these rightards wanted to post that.
Then every riot is an insurrection. Thanks.
Wrong as always, dumbfuck. Only riots against "civil authority" or "established government."
Then Portland and Seattle were wicked insurrections and they are not even charging those people. It is backfiring on Democrats like everything else.
Oh? What "civil authority" or "established government" did they revolt against?
I would think a Federal Court building qualifies. For the others city authorities have to keep order for that city. That is a civil authority. Dumbass Assflap.
A building is not an authority. It's a structure with walls.

I see they are not intended to be occupied by people in authority? You lose Assflap. Those riots were insurrections by your own definition.

You're such a dumbfuck. A building is not an authority regardless of who occupies it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So when a Congressman goes home at night, his home becomes an authority? What about when a Congressman goes out to eat? The restaurant becomes an authority?

Can you be any dumber?

The riots were insurrections by your own definition.

Dumbfuck, a building is not an authority. I don't care how retarded you are.
What about the city's police force and the mayor. Those are people. Insurrection city.
What about them?
They are the people that dealt with the insurrection.
So? To qualify as insurrection, rioters would have to be revolting against their authority.
The majority of people are more concerned about the summer riots, not your phony insurrection.
Haha. You certainly don’t speak for the majority of people... who do you think you are?!?!
He better be right. Cause if you can lie that.well, there is no use talking any more.
I have no clue what you’re talking about. Have another

If your control of the media and big tech is so strong that you can sell the Lie that 5 hours is worse than 5 years, then talking is useless. The concept of public debate or a competition of ideas is dead in this country, as it the hope of Free Elections.

All that would be left is your tyranny and our choice how to respond.
haha, the “5 hours worse than 5 years” is your lame talking point. It’s not a real thing. That’s like saying people who think 911 was a big deal are lying because they are saying 3 little airplane crashes is worse than years is car crashes... where thousands more die. It’s a ridiculous argument

If you really believed that, you would not keep peppering your arguments with emotional appeals talking about the violence or wacism.

That is you realizing that a couple of hours delay in a formality, does not outweigh 5 years of bloodshed from your brownshirts.
The issues are not on scales. No need to compare apples and oranges unless you’re trying to distract and deflect which you are absolutely doing

Except you are trying to dishonestly inflate one while justifying and minimizing the other.

So, I think that we do need to compare them. And point out that your side's riots are far, far worse, and far far more supported by your side.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse. You are free to think that. I didn’t bring up the summer riots. You did. This thread was started about the capital riots. If your response to that is, well you guys have done worse then go ahead and stand by that response but it’s pretty telling and pretty pathetic

I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.

Do you want to be dishonest and misleading? Is that your intent?
Haha, funny question from the guy that constantly lies about the things that I say. But no, unlike you I’m a straight shooter. I don’t see 1/6 as having anything to do with 5 years of leftist riots as you call them. 1/6 had to do with one man and his lies. That’s it

Like I said, you want to discuss the 1/6 riot, but only if we ignore the context of 5 years of riots from your side.

That is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic

Discussing a riot while ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest with 5 years of riots,

is dishonest and misleading.

Context is relevant.

That would be like discussing the bombing of Dresden without mentioning that there was a fucking war going on.
I don’t agree. You are stretching to make these things comparable and relevant to eachother when in reality they aren’t
Antifa not there on Jan 6 -- but, but, but, but, but, every GOPer on the planet says so... and 2020 was rigged, fraudulent, and fixed against Trump... woe is me???
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
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If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

Those on the right, agree that their stated reasons do not justify the hundreds of riots, or the thousands of "protests" that often blocked roads or otherwise caused serious issues for millions of people over the last 5 years.

AFter 5 years of such constant provocations, that there was only ONE riot from the Right, so far, is a testimony to our incredible forbearance.

Considering the state of race relations in this country today, bragging on the civil rights movement is a weak argument.
Why do you put yourself on the opposite side of race relation issues?? See that why I have such a hard time relating with the Right despite my desire for small government low taxes and low regs. Y’all take horrible positions on these social issues.

You missed my point. Racial protests and the unacceptable violence that criminals engaged in as a result are very different than an insurrection based on lies from a president. We always have had and always will have protests in this country it’s a constitutional right. But the ugly elements that lead to an insurrection is a different beast. You really can’t see the difference?

no, i got your point. I disagree with it. That the rioters from both sides felt justified does not excuse their violence.
That wasn’t my point. Nothing excuses violence from either side

The way that you lefties always have to point out that the rioters, sorry, the "mostly peaceful demonstrators" were rioting, sorry, "demonstrating" in favor of "social justice" or " racial equality",

kind of makes it seem like that is exactly what you are doing, ie excusing or at least justifying their violence.
I think the consensus of the left is that racial issues in their country especially given our disgusting past are unacceptable and should be squashed with an overwhelming voice and support from both sides of the aisle. That’s why the protests are supported.... not the violence/looting.

The insurrection in the other hand was a March in the capital and then an attempted violent take over to stop an election from being certified. It was all based on lies. This is why BOTH the premise of the protest “stop the steal” and the ensuing violence which was provoked by our President, are being slammed so hard.

You justify your side's violence while getting hyperbolic about your enemies' and you undermine your supposed message of being against violence from both sides.

That is a good way to get more violence.

Do you want more violence moving forward or less?
I’ve never justified the lefts violence, I’ve only condemned it. Why do you need to lie like that?

How many times have you felt the need to mention that the mobs were rioting in the cause of "wacial equality", while getting hyperbolic about the violence or goals of the one republican riot?

At least several dozen times in this thread, if not hundreds.

Your condemnation would be more convincing, if you did not almost ALWAYS, undermine it by making a comment about how worthy their goals are.
The goals behind the protests are key differentiators between the two situations. You don’t seem to understand that. I get why you don’t want me to bring it up but it’s only because it makes my point stronger.
Hey boing boing boy, you are to explain in detail how your BLM/Antifa pals burning businesses, looting stores, and murdering cops is promoting wacial equality. But you can’t so you’ll deflect and lie some more.
I’ll explain AGAIN, it’s very simple. Those that did all of that were not promoting racial equality. I’ve never made excuses for their actions. Don’t ask me again, I’m tired of repeating myself.

I'm tried of hearing you repeat yourself. So, we are in agreement. Stop bring up wace. It does not justify the violence.

But, you won't stop. You can't.
you tards keep accusing me of excusing the summers riots so I have to keep repeating myself. Stop the lies and I’ll stop repeating myself

We accuse you of that, because you keep bringing up their justification and being quite supportive of it.

We do not accuse you of it, and then you bring up wace to defend yourself.

Your inability to understand cause and effect, well, maybe you should not be questioning other people's intelligence.

Just saying.
Me explaining the difference between January 6 and the summer protests is not me defending the violence. I’ve said many many times that the violence was unacceptable and criminal and those who did it should be punished. But when you all distract from talking about the insurrection to point out the summer violence then I need to make the distinction about the differences. Which you still don’t seem to get. I feel like we’ve been around and around on this and we are not getting anywhere so let’s just forget about it you obviously don’t get it

You say it was "unacceptable" and then like always you have to immediately make the point that, in your opinion, they had a valid justification.

AND you want to ignore that so you can focus on the FIVE HOURS, of rioting from the other side.

Because FIVE HOURS is so much worse that FIVE YEARS.

I get you just fine. TOO fine, in fact.
Nope. Never said they had a valid justification. That’s you lying again.

What was your line? SOmething like " both sides should respond so strongly in support as to" something, someething, blah, blah, blah, wacism.

You don't want to be blamed for justifying teh riots? Stop mentioning their justifications nearly EVERY FUCKING TIME you mention them.
I haven’t mentioned one thing to justify the riots. I’m differentiating the two situations because you are trying to use the summer riots to make an excuse for the insurrection.

Every time you mention wace or call me a wacist, it is you justifying or defending your side's riots of the last 5 years.
When did I call you a racist? Quote me. Stop lying

But you don't deny mentioning wace or that when you do so you are justifying or defending your side's riots of the last 5 years.

Good. That is something.

Will you stop mentioning wace?
I’ve never justified the riots so I don’t know what you’re talking about

Don't you mean, you "never justified the riots, that were about wacial justice, so you don't know what I am talking about"?
I don’t think the riots were about racial justice. I think they were trouble makers causing trouble

So, why in a thread about riots, are you CONSTANTLY bringing up wacial justice when your side's five years worth of rioting is mentioned?

Cause it looks like you are justifying and/or defending them.

If I had spent the last few days, constantly peppering the thread with talk of the accusations of vote fraud and discussing the need for honest elections, and blah, blah, blah,

you would have no problem seeing that that was me justifying and/or defending the one riot that my side did.
This isn’t a thread about riots. It’s a thread about the capitiol riot and the lies being used to excuse it, specifically that ANTIFA started it. A topic that you’ve seem to have forgotten

I'm happy to discuss that question. But, not if we are ignoring the context of the last 5 years of civil unrest.

That is something you do, if you are trying to be misleading and dishonest.

That is not acceptable.
Then you're done discussing this topic since other riots have nothing to do with it. Antifa had nothing to do with the assault on the Capitol.
Antifa not there on Jan 6 -- but, but, but, but, but, every GOPer on the planet says so... and 2020 was rigged, fraudulent, and fixed against Trump... woe is me???
Which is why of the hundreds of domestic terrorists arrested, not one is connected to Antifa.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
It’s a painfully obvious point that you just made which these loons can’t seem to admit
What does it take to hate without sense of reason?
The surest way involves intense pressure from our insane liberal culture over an extended period of time

20 years is usually enough if you start when they are very young
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

You lying asshole.....the protest on Jan. 6 wasn't about over throwing the government....that is why no one in the Capitol building during the protest had a gun......


600 million guns in America....

over 19.4 million Americans with the legal ability to carry guns for self defense....

Over 100,000 Trump supporters...

About 200 people entered the capitol building...

They had Zero guns.........

You do not over throw a government without guns...you mindless moron.......

The Trump supporters wandered the halls and took selfies......antifa and blm plants in the crowd vandalized the place and fought with some of the police......
Hahahhahahaha. Are you shitting me?! The whole point of the riot was to stop the steal and they tried to do so by force. That is literally overthrowing our system of government... the definition of an insurrection. Wake up
How is it overthrowing the system when you yourself admitted it was a Steal.
They thought it was a steal because they were lied to. It obviously was not stolen. Our elections systems have too many safeguards working independently of each other for that to happen

No system is any better than the people making it up. And dems have shown that they will lie and cheat and abuse ANY power they are given.
Yup, so have the Republicans. Power corrupts

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But you dems have abused every single iota of power you have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
I’m not a democrat

lol. Sure. Ok then.

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But the dems have abused every single iota of power they have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
Yeah I agree, the Dems need a respectable check on their power because they don’t have very good ideas and are riddled with corruption. But the Reps have been at a whole different level as of late and thanks to Trump their party is blown to pieces. Now they don’t even have a platform to run on

Trump was fine. Your pretense otherwise is not rational.
I disagree, he relentlessly trolled causing crippling partisan division and he constantly lied to the American people. The guy is a disgrace and now he has half the Republican Party standing behind his lies supporting an insurrection and at each others throats. It’s pathetic and sad for our country. The Dems sure are grateful

You say "insurrection" to try to make that ONE riot, as bad as 5 years of riots from your side.

Your side is the side that is tearing this nation apart. That you whine like this over ONE small riot of 200 people, after hundred of riots from your side, is you being weak and pathetic.
The reason why the Jan 6 insurrection was so much worse than the summer riots is because jan 6 was based on lies from the most powerful man in the world who we gave that power to. A betrayal of our public trust that resulted in an attempt to over through our government. The summer riots have no excuse but they were criminals taking advantage of a huge movement of national outrage over racial equality. I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference.

Bullshit. The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.

YOU people are the ones that have been using violence as a political tool.

And now you want to dodge ownership of your actions.

That is the act of a coward.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection so we can settle this?

Because we both know that delaying a formality by a few hours, is not it.

The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection?

Didn't say I couldn't. I said I didn't need to, because we both know that it is not what happened on 1/6.

Are you on some kind of medication that causes confusion?
You do need to if you want to back up your idiotic claim. Post the definition and let’s compare to what happened. We both know you aren’t posting it because you know it will prove you wrong.

Ive asked dozens and I haven’t found 1 trumper who will post a definition. It’s because the definition literally spells out exactly what happened on Jan 6

I know that it was not insurrection. Now the Chaz, or the attacks on the Fed courthouse, or ICE, that was insurrection.
Interesting. What definition are you using for insurrection? I don’t think you know what the word means
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now I understand why none of these rightards wanted to post that.
Then every riot is an insurrection. Thanks.
Wrong as always, dumbfuck. Only riots against "civil authority" or "established government."
Then Portland and Seattle were wicked insurrections and they are not even charging those people. It is backfiring on Democrats like everything else.
Oh? What "civil authority" or "established government" did they revolt against?
I would think a Federal Court building qualifies. For the others city authorities have to keep order for that city. That is a civil authority. Dumbass Assflap.
A building is not an authority. It's a structure with walls.

I see they are not intended to be occupied by people in authority? You lose Assflap. Those riots were insurrections by your own definition.

You're such a dumbfuck. A building is not an authority regardless of who occupies it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So when a Congressman goes home at night, his home becomes an authority? What about when a Congressman goes out to eat? The restaurant becomes an authority?

Can you be any dumber?

The riots were insurrections by your own definition.

Dumbfuck, a building is not an authority. I don't care how retarded you are.
What about the city's police force and the mayor. Those are people. Insurrection city.
What about them?
They are the people that dealt with the insurrection.
So? To qualify as insurrection, rioters would have to be revolting against their authority.
The majority of people are more concerned about the summer riots, not your phony insurrection.
Haha. You certainly don’t speak for the majority of people... who do you think you are?!?!
He better be right. Cause if you can lie that.well, there is no use talking any more.
I have no clue what you’re talking about. Have another

If your control of the media and big tech is so strong that you can sell the Lie that 5 hours is worse than 5 years, then talking is useless. The concept of public debate or a competition of ideas is dead in this country, as it the hope of Free Elections.

All that would be left is your tyranny and our choice how to respond.
haha, the “5 hours worse than 5 years” is your lame talking point. It’s not a real thing. That’s like saying people who think 911 was a big deal are lying because they are saying 3 little airplane crashes is worse than years is car crashes... where thousands more die. It’s a ridiculous argument

If you really believed that, you would not keep peppering your arguments with emotional appeals talking about the violence or wacism.

That is you realizing that a couple of hours delay in a formality, does not outweigh 5 years of bloodshed from your brownshirts.
The issues are not on scales. No need to compare apples and oranges unless you’re trying to distract and deflect which you are absolutely doing

Except you are trying to dishonestly inflate one while justifying and minimizing the other.

So, I think that we do need to compare them. And point out that your side's riots are far, far worse, and far far more supported by your side.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse. You are free to think that. I didn’t bring up the summer riots. You did. This thread was started about the capital riots. If your response to that is, well you guys have done worse then go ahead and stand by that response but it’s pretty telling and pretty pathetic

I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.

Do you want to be dishonest and misleading? Is that your intent?
Haha, funny question from the guy that constantly lies about the things that I say. But no, unlike you I’m a straight shooter. I don’t see 1/6 as having anything to do with 5 years of leftist riots as you call them. 1/6 had to do with one man and his lies. That’s it

Like I said, you want to discuss the 1/6 riot, but only if we ignore the context of 5 years of riots from your side.

That is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic

Discussing a riot while ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest with 5 years of riots,

is dishonest and misleading.

Context is relevant.

That would be like discussing the bombing of Dresden without mentioning that there was a fucking war going on.
I don’t agree. You are stretching to make these things comparable and relevant to eachother when in reality they aren’t

Riots should not be compared to riots? That there were hundreds of riots over the last 5 years and they are still ongoing is something that should be banned from this thread because riots are so different from a riot?

You are the one looking to hide context because it undermines the narrative you are trying to spin, ie that your enemies are the bad guys.

I am the one willing to discuss the issue in context because I am willing to admit my side's failures while discussing the issue.

YOu are the one looking to craft a Lie.
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

You lying asshole.....the protest on Jan. 6 wasn't about over throwing the government....that is why no one in the Capitol building during the protest had a gun......


600 million guns in America....

over 19.4 million Americans with the legal ability to carry guns for self defense....

Over 100,000 Trump supporters...

About 200 people entered the capitol building...

They had Zero guns.........

You do not over throw a government without guns...you mindless moron.......

The Trump supporters wandered the halls and took selfies......antifa and blm plants in the crowd vandalized the place and fought with some of the police......
Hahahhahahaha. Are you shitting me?! The whole point of the riot was to stop the steal and they tried to do so by force. That is literally overthrowing our system of government... the definition of an insurrection. Wake up
How is it overthrowing the system when you yourself admitted it was a Steal.
They thought it was a steal because they were lied to. It obviously was not stolen. Our elections systems have too many safeguards working independently of each other for that to happen

No system is any better than the people making it up. And dems have shown that they will lie and cheat and abuse ANY power they are given.
Yup, so have the Republicans. Power corrupts

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But you dems have abused every single iota of power you have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
I’m not a democrat

lol. Sure. Ok then.

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But the dems have abused every single iota of power they have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
Yeah I agree, the Dems need a respectable check on their power because they don’t have very good ideas and are riddled with corruption. But the Reps have been at a whole different level as of late and thanks to Trump their party is blown to pieces. Now they don’t even have a platform to run on

Trump was fine. Your pretense otherwise is not rational.
I disagree, he relentlessly trolled causing crippling partisan division and he constantly lied to the American people. The guy is a disgrace and now he has half the Republican Party standing behind his lies supporting an insurrection and at each others throats. It’s pathetic and sad for our country. The Dems sure are grateful

You say "insurrection" to try to make that ONE riot, as bad as 5 years of riots from your side.

Your side is the side that is tearing this nation apart. That you whine like this over ONE small riot of 200 people, after hundred of riots from your side, is you being weak and pathetic.
The reason why the Jan 6 insurrection was so much worse than the summer riots is because jan 6 was based on lies from the most powerful man in the world who we gave that power to. A betrayal of our public trust that resulted in an attempt to over through our government. The summer riots have no excuse but they were criminals taking advantage of a huge movement of national outrage over racial equality. I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference.

Bullshit. The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.

YOU people are the ones that have been using violence as a political tool.

And now you want to dodge ownership of your actions.

That is the act of a coward.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection so we can settle this?

Because we both know that delaying a formality by a few hours, is not it.

The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection?

Didn't say I couldn't. I said I didn't need to, because we both know that it is not what happened on 1/6.

Are you on some kind of medication that causes confusion?
You do need to if you want to back up your idiotic claim. Post the definition and let’s compare to what happened. We both know you aren’t posting it because you know it will prove you wrong.

Ive asked dozens and I haven’t found 1 trumper who will post a definition. It’s because the definition literally spells out exactly what happened on Jan 6

I know that it was not insurrection. Now the Chaz, or the attacks on the Fed courthouse, or ICE, that was insurrection.
Interesting. What definition are you using for insurrection? I don’t think you know what the word means
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now I understand why none of these rightards wanted to post that.
Then every riot is an insurrection. Thanks.
Wrong as always, dumbfuck. Only riots against "civil authority" or "established government."
Then Portland and Seattle were wicked insurrections and they are not even charging those people. It is backfiring on Democrats like everything else.
Oh? What "civil authority" or "established government" did they revolt against?
I would think a Federal Court building qualifies. For the others city authorities have to keep order for that city. That is a civil authority. Dumbass Assflap.
A building is not an authority. It's a structure with walls.

I see they are not intended to be occupied by people in authority? You lose Assflap. Those riots were insurrections by your own definition.

You're such a dumbfuck. A building is not an authority regardless of who occupies it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So when a Congressman goes home at night, his home becomes an authority? What about when a Congressman goes out to eat? The restaurant becomes an authority?

Can you be any dumber?

The riots were insurrections by your own definition.

Dumbfuck, a building is not an authority. I don't care how retarded you are.
What about the city's police force and the mayor. Those are people. Insurrection city.
What about them?
They are the people that dealt with the insurrection.
So? To qualify as insurrection, rioters would have to be revolting against their authority.
The majority of people are more concerned about the summer riots, not your phony insurrection.
Haha. You certainly don’t speak for the majority of people... who do you think you are?!?!
He better be right. Cause if you can lie that.well, there is no use talking any more.
I have no clue what you’re talking about. Have another

If your control of the media and big tech is so strong that you can sell the Lie that 5 hours is worse than 5 years, then talking is useless. The concept of public debate or a competition of ideas is dead in this country, as it the hope of Free Elections.

All that would be left is your tyranny and our choice how to respond.
haha, the “5 hours worse than 5 years” is your lame talking point. It’s not a real thing. That’s like saying people who think 911 was a big deal are lying because they are saying 3 little airplane crashes is worse than years is car crashes... where thousands more die. It’s a ridiculous argument

If you really believed that, you would not keep peppering your arguments with emotional appeals talking about the violence or wacism.

That is you realizing that a couple of hours delay in a formality, does not outweigh 5 years of bloodshed from your brownshirts.
The issues are not on scales. No need to compare apples and oranges unless you’re trying to distract and deflect which you are absolutely doing

Except you are trying to dishonestly inflate one while justifying and minimizing the other.

So, I think that we do need to compare them. And point out that your side's riots are far, far worse, and far far more supported by your side.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse. You are free to think that. I didn’t bring up the summer riots. You did. This thread was started about the capital riots. If your response to that is, well you guys have done worse then go ahead and stand by that response but it’s pretty telling and pretty pathetic

I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.

Do you want to be dishonest and misleading? Is that your intent?
Haha, funny question from the guy that constantly lies about the things that I say. But no, unlike you I’m a straight shooter. I don’t see 1/6 as having anything to do with 5 years of leftist riots as you call them. 1/6 had to do with one man and his lies. That’s it

Like I said, you want to discuss the 1/6 riot, but only if we ignore the context of 5 years of riots from your side.

That is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic

Discussing a riot while ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest with 5 years of riots,

is dishonest and misleading.

Context is relevant.

That would be like discussing the bombing of Dresden without mentioning that there was a fucking war going on.
I don’t agree. You are stretching to make these things comparable and relevant to eachother when in reality they aren’t

Riots should not be compared to riots? That there were hundreds of riots over the last 5 years and they are still ongoing is something that should be banned from this thread because riots are so different from a riot?

You are the one looking to hide context because it undermines the narrative you are trying to spin, ie that your enemies are the bad guys.

I am the one willing to discuss the issue in context because I am willing to admit my side's failures while discussing the issue.

YOu are the one looking to craft a Lie.
^^^ deflection noted
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse

That was NOT my point. We didn't get even close to such a discussion because you libs refuse to discuss the 1/6 riot in any context.

Indeed, I would LIKE to have such a discussion, but we really can't when all you lib buddies are in the thread yelling about how talking about context is BAD, BAD, BAD.

If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

Those on the right, agree that their stated reasons do not justify the hundreds of riots, or the thousands of "protests" that often blocked roads or otherwise caused serious issues for millions of people over the last 5 years.

AFter 5 years of such constant provocations, that there was only ONE riot from the Right, so far, is a testimony to our incredible forbearance.

Considering the state of race relations in this country today, bragging on the civil rights movement is a weak argument.
Why do you put yourself on the opposite side of race relation issues?? See that why I have such a hard time relating with the Right despite my desire for small government low taxes and low regs. Y’all take horrible positions on these social issues.

You missed my point. Racial protests and the unacceptable violence that criminals engaged in as a result are very different than an insurrection based on lies from a president. We always have had and always will have protests in this country it’s a constitutional right. But the ugly elements that lead to an insurrection is a different beast. You really can’t see the difference?

no, i got your point. I disagree with it. That the rioters from both sides felt justified does not excuse their violence.
That wasn’t my point. Nothing excuses violence from either side

The way that you lefties always have to point out that the rioters, sorry, the "mostly peaceful demonstrators" were rioting, sorry, "demonstrating" in favor of "social justice" or " racial equality",

kind of makes it seem like that is exactly what you are doing, ie excusing or at least justifying their violence.
I think the consensus of the left is that racial issues in their country especially given our disgusting past are unacceptable and should be squashed with an overwhelming voice and support from both sides of the aisle. That’s why the protests are supported.... not the violence/looting.

The insurrection in the other hand was a March in the capital and then an attempted violent take over to stop an election from being certified. It was all based on lies. This is why BOTH the premise of the protest “stop the steal” and the ensuing violence which was provoked by our President, are being slammed so hard.

You justify your side's violence while getting hyperbolic about your enemies' and you undermine your supposed message of being against violence from both sides.

That is a good way to get more violence.

Do you want more violence moving forward or less?
I’ve never justified the lefts violence, I’ve only condemned it. Why do you need to lie like that?

How many times have you felt the need to mention that the mobs were rioting in the cause of "wacial equality", while getting hyperbolic about the violence or goals of the one republican riot?

At least several dozen times in this thread, if not hundreds.

Your condemnation would be more convincing, if you did not almost ALWAYS, undermine it by making a comment about how worthy their goals are.
The goals behind the protests are key differentiators between the two situations. You don’t seem to understand that. I get why you don’t want me to bring it up but it’s only because it makes my point stronger.
Hey boing boing boy, you are to explain in detail how your BLM/Antifa pals burning businesses, looting stores, and murdering cops is promoting wacial equality. But you can’t so you’ll deflect and lie some more.
I’ll explain AGAIN, it’s very simple. Those that did all of that were not promoting racial equality. I’ve never made excuses for their actions. Don’t ask me again, I’m tired of repeating myself.

I'm tried of hearing you repeat yourself. So, we are in agreement. Stop bring up wace. It does not justify the violence.

But, you won't stop. You can't.
you tards keep accusing me of excusing the summers riots so I have to keep repeating myself. Stop the lies and I’ll stop repeating myself

We accuse you of that, because you keep bringing up their justification and being quite supportive of it.

We do not accuse you of it, and then you bring up wace to defend yourself.

Your inability to understand cause and effect, well, maybe you should not be questioning other people's intelligence.

Just saying.
Me explaining the difference between January 6 and the summer protests is not me defending the violence. I’ve said many many times that the violence was unacceptable and criminal and those who did it should be punished. But when you all distract from talking about the insurrection to point out the summer violence then I need to make the distinction about the differences. Which you still don’t seem to get. I feel like we’ve been around and around on this and we are not getting anywhere so let’s just forget about it you obviously don’t get it

You say it was "unacceptable" and then like always you have to immediately make the point that, in your opinion, they had a valid justification.

AND you want to ignore that so you can focus on the FIVE HOURS, of rioting from the other side.

Because FIVE HOURS is so much worse that FIVE YEARS.

I get you just fine. TOO fine, in fact.
Nope. Never said they had a valid justification. That’s you lying again.

What was your line? SOmething like " both sides should respond so strongly in support as to" something, someething, blah, blah, blah, wacism.

You don't want to be blamed for justifying teh riots? Stop mentioning their justifications nearly EVERY FUCKING TIME you mention them.
I haven’t mentioned one thing to justify the riots. I’m differentiating the two situations because you are trying to use the summer riots to make an excuse for the insurrection.

Every time you mention wace or call me a wacist, it is you justifying or defending your side's riots of the last 5 years.
When did I call you a racist? Quote me. Stop lying

But you don't deny mentioning wace or that when you do so you are justifying or defending your side's riots of the last 5 years.

Good. That is something.

Will you stop mentioning wace?
I’ve never justified the riots so I don’t know what you’re talking about

Don't you mean, you "never justified the riots, that were about wacial justice, so you don't know what I am talking about"?
I don’t think the riots were about racial justice. I think they were trouble makers causing trouble

So, why in a thread about riots, are you CONSTANTLY bringing up wacial justice when your side's five years worth of rioting is mentioned?

Cause it looks like you are justifying and/or defending them.

If I had spent the last few days, constantly peppering the thread with talk of the accusations of vote fraud and discussing the need for honest elections, and blah, blah, blah,

you would have no problem seeing that that was me justifying and/or defending the one riot that my side did.
This isn’t a thread about riots. It’s a thread about the capitiol riot and the lies being used to excuse it, specifically that ANTIFA started it. A topic that you’ve seem to have forgotten

I'm happy to discuss that question. But, not if we are ignoring the context of the last 5 years of civil unrest.

That is something you do, if you are trying to be misleading and dishonest.

That is not acceptable.
Then you're done discussing this topic since other riots have nothing to do with it. Antifa had nothing to do with the assault on the Capitol.

What about the normalization of political violence? Was that a relevant factor and if not, why not?
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
It’s a painfully obvious point that you just made which these loons can’t seem to admit

REally? YOu think that 5 years of riots might not have normalized political violence?

Maybe you libs should have thought of that before you did it.
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?

Sure. THe years of political violence from your side that made it the new norm.
Haha, this is the best one yet. So since the left is violent it inspired the right to be violent? You really want to go with that? Has the lefts push for big government also inspired the right to support big government? Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point. I made it very clear. YOu don't need to restate it using your own words. (and thus adding your own spin, dishonestly).

Your point is absolute bullshit. There has been violence from the right wing forever just as there has been from the left wing. At trump rallies in 2016 he had supporter punching protesters in the face, he encouraged it......

there I directly addressed your point. Now you address mine. Don’t distract

Punching a HECKLER, is a pretty minor example to lead off with, considering the 5 years of riots from your side. Charlettosville was the FAR right, not conservatives.

Violence begets violence. You put in out there into our society, and especially with it not being given the negative feedback it used to get, and it normalizes that behavior.

That is my point.
Haha, ok so my examples just don’t count. I could give more but I guess those wouldn’t count either. Why do I bother. You’re hopeless.

I can play that game though... the summer riots were just the FAR Left not liberals. So they don’t count either. How’s that for ya?

not bad. The actual rioters, imo, were far left.

The support they got from elected dem officials, that were not denounced by the dem party as a whole, though that is more troubling.
Ahhh right, you’re probably stuck in the right wing media bubble. Here is the leader of the Dems condemning violence... Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence all summer

Interesting. I clearly was discussing not the violence, but the support of the violence by dem mayors.

DId Biden ever denounce the mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters could riot, loot and kill?
Which mayor? Can you give me a name?

Ted Wheeler is the most obvious.
This guy? Do you wanna try somebody else?

lol, you really do love those empty words, don't you?

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 14, 2018

"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march...

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger."
Empty words? Not really... your critique is that he stood by the decision of his police chief and that somehow is supposed to prove what exactly?? You said the Mayors never spoke out against the violence. I showed otherwise.

Police chiefs don't set policy, they follow it. That the mayor shifted teh blame for his policies onto his police chief is him being a democrat, nothing more.

The police stood by while the rioters rioted. and people were assaulted.

That the mayor was too much of a democrat to admit that he ordered that, is to be expected.
My bad I must have missed the policy or order that the mayor gave to the police chief. Can you post a link, I can’t find info on that .

Even dem mayors are smart enough to LIE about that. But the results are clear. THe cops stand down while antifa and/or blm riot though the streets.
Are you saying you don’t have a link or anything showing that this was a policy or order from the Mayor? So did you just lie about it?

I'm saying that ted wheeler has been on the side of the mob, for the last several years. THe few empty words he says to the contrary of his actions are just put out there for the really stupid to swallow.

He is one example of that.
says the person who swallows lies from the far right every day of his/her/its life.....

"... lies from the far right....."

There is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left.

I'll use you to prove it.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

When you can't find any 'far' positions on the right, you will have proved your acceptance of Democrat propaganda.
They don’t get much dumber that politicalchic .... it’s like basic knowledge and logic are completely out the window.

Said the man asking for proof about the last 5 years off riots.
Haha. Can you show where I asked for proof about 5 years of riots?

Can you do anything other than dodge and weave?

For 5 years we have had riots in teh streets from the far left, with the support, of varying degrees from the mainstream left,

and that is just sort of accepted, while you people are pretending to be absolutely outraged over the ONE riot from the right.
Im not dodging a thing, just calling out your BS. You say these things but when pressed fail to back them up. Besides maybe the cherrypicked outcast whom you haven’t shown, I haven’t seen anybody in leadership, no Mayors or congressmen or media supporting the riots. You make these claims and then can’t back them up. It’s a nice distraction to avoid talking about Trump and the Jan 6 riot which is the actual topic of the thread... but you’re not fooling anybody.

I'm not trying to distract from anything. I've been happy to discuss Trump and the 1/6 riot.

YOu are the one that wants to invent reasons to ignore the hundreds from your side over the last 5 years.
What do you think I’m ignoring?! I’m just pointing out the dishonest things you’ve been claiming. The fact you can’t show proof to back up the things I’ve questioned you about shows that.

You've been playing word games to deflect, minimize, or confuse the part of the issue that is the hundreds of riots from YOUR side of the partisan divide.

YOu want to just talk shit about my side, and the ONE riot we have to our "credit", to smear us and marginalize us, and thus justify your next round of escalation,

while ignoring the context of your side's violence.
I don’t really have a side. I dislike dem policies but respect their goals when it comes to social issues. I think Republicans are horrible at messaging, most are an embarrassment, but I support more of their fiscal policies. I think both parties are corrupt. But my personal views don’t matter to this debate, so let’s get back to it shall we??

I see you being dishonest and I’m calling out yoir dishonesty it’s as simple as that. We were talking about the capital riot and now we are talking about the summer riots. That’s because of you. That’s the distraction. But I’m fine going there, the summer riots were wrong and bad. But stop lying about dem support that doesn’t exist

Talking about a riot in isolation, ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest makes it impossible to have any real insight into the riot or the forces behind it or what it meant.
Who is ignoring the fact it happened during a time of civil unrest?! I’d be the first to admit that we are living in a extremely polarized and tense time politically. Another great gift from Mr Trump

The vast majority of the riots came from the Left. ONly one of them were from teh right.

Seems this period of political unrest is a gift from the Left.

It is really worth noting that hte one righty riot you want to talk about, came at the END of Trump's administration.
Well the riots on the left were centered around millions of people protesting for racial equality. That doesn’t excuse those who acted out but that’s what it was. There were many riots during the civil rights movement in the 60s and I bet the majority of Americans would agree that cause was righteous. The Jan 6 riot was an attempt to overthrow our government in order to stop what they were lied to and told was a stolen election. They also wanted to kill our VP because trump lied and said he had the ability to stop the certification. These are two very very very different things. I don’t understand why people like you keep trying to compare them as similar situations.

You lying asshole.....the protest on Jan. 6 wasn't about over throwing the government....that is why no one in the Capitol building during the protest had a gun......


600 million guns in America....

over 19.4 million Americans with the legal ability to carry guns for self defense....

Over 100,000 Trump supporters...

About 200 people entered the capitol building...

They had Zero guns.........

You do not over throw a government without guns...you mindless moron.......

The Trump supporters wandered the halls and took selfies......antifa and blm plants in the crowd vandalized the place and fought with some of the police......
Hahahhahahaha. Are you shitting me?! The whole point of the riot was to stop the steal and they tried to do so by force. That is literally overthrowing our system of government... the definition of an insurrection. Wake up
How is it overthrowing the system when you yourself admitted it was a Steal.
They thought it was a steal because they were lied to. It obviously was not stolen. Our elections systems have too many safeguards working independently of each other for that to happen

No system is any better than the people making it up. And dems have shown that they will lie and cheat and abuse ANY power they are given.
Yup, so have the Republicans. Power corrupts

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But you dems have abused every single iota of power you have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
I’m not a democrat

lol. Sure. Ok then.

FALSE. Republicans are far from perfect. Indeed, they are pretty fucked up. But the dems have abused every single iota of power they have been given from The fucking President(s) down to the school teachers lying to their students.
Yeah I agree, the Dems need a respectable check on their power because they don’t have very good ideas and are riddled with corruption. But the Reps have been at a whole different level as of late and thanks to Trump their party is blown to pieces. Now they don’t even have a platform to run on

Trump was fine. Your pretense otherwise is not rational.
I disagree, he relentlessly trolled causing crippling partisan division and he constantly lied to the American people. The guy is a disgrace and now he has half the Republican Party standing behind his lies supporting an insurrection and at each others throats. It’s pathetic and sad for our country. The Dems sure are grateful

You say "insurrection" to try to make that ONE riot, as bad as 5 years of riots from your side.

Your side is the side that is tearing this nation apart. That you whine like this over ONE small riot of 200 people, after hundred of riots from your side, is you being weak and pathetic.
The reason why the Jan 6 insurrection was so much worse than the summer riots is because jan 6 was based on lies from the most powerful man in the world who we gave that power to. A betrayal of our public trust that resulted in an attempt to over through our government. The summer riots have no excuse but they were criminals taking advantage of a huge movement of national outrage over racial equality. I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference.

Bullshit. The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.

YOU people are the ones that have been using violence as a political tool.

And now you want to dodge ownership of your actions.

That is the act of a coward.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection so we can settle this?

Because we both know that delaying a formality by a few hours, is not it.

The "Reason" you are pretending that the 1/6 riot is so much worse than the HUNDREDS of riots before it, is because it is the ONLY one that you can blame on the other side.
Why can’t you post the definition of insurrection?

Didn't say I couldn't. I said I didn't need to, because we both know that it is not what happened on 1/6.

Are you on some kind of medication that causes confusion?
You do need to if you want to back up your idiotic claim. Post the definition and let’s compare to what happened. We both know you aren’t posting it because you know it will prove you wrong.

Ive asked dozens and I haven’t found 1 trumper who will post a definition. It’s because the definition literally spells out exactly what happened on Jan 6

I know that it was not insurrection. Now the Chaz, or the attacks on the Fed courthouse, or ICE, that was insurrection.
Interesting. What definition are you using for insurrection? I don’t think you know what the word means
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now I understand why none of these rightards wanted to post that.
Then every riot is an insurrection. Thanks.
Wrong as always, dumbfuck. Only riots against "civil authority" or "established government."
Then Portland and Seattle were wicked insurrections and they are not even charging those people. It is backfiring on Democrats like everything else.
Oh? What "civil authority" or "established government" did they revolt against?
I would think a Federal Court building qualifies. For the others city authorities have to keep order for that city. That is a civil authority. Dumbass Assflap.
A building is not an authority. It's a structure with walls.

I see they are not intended to be occupied by people in authority? You lose Assflap. Those riots were insurrections by your own definition.

You're such a dumbfuck. A building is not an authority regardless of who occupies it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So when a Congressman goes home at night, his home becomes an authority? What about when a Congressman goes out to eat? The restaurant becomes an authority?

Can you be any dumber?

The riots were insurrections by your own definition.

Dumbfuck, a building is not an authority. I don't care how retarded you are.
What about the city's police force and the mayor. Those are people. Insurrection city.
What about them?
They are the people that dealt with the insurrection.
So? To qualify as insurrection, rioters would have to be revolting against their authority.
The majority of people are more concerned about the summer riots, not your phony insurrection.
Haha. You certainly don’t speak for the majority of people... who do you think you are?!?!
He better be right. Cause if you can lie that.well, there is no use talking any more.
I have no clue what you’re talking about. Have another

If your control of the media and big tech is so strong that you can sell the Lie that 5 hours is worse than 5 years, then talking is useless. The concept of public debate or a competition of ideas is dead in this country, as it the hope of Free Elections.

All that would be left is your tyranny and our choice how to respond.
haha, the “5 hours worse than 5 years” is your lame talking point. It’s not a real thing. That’s like saying people who think 911 was a big deal are lying because they are saying 3 little airplane crashes is worse than years is car crashes... where thousands more die. It’s a ridiculous argument

If you really believed that, you would not keep peppering your arguments with emotional appeals talking about the violence or wacism.

That is you realizing that a couple of hours delay in a formality, does not outweigh 5 years of bloodshed from your brownshirts.
The issues are not on scales. No need to compare apples and oranges unless you’re trying to distract and deflect which you are absolutely doing

Except you are trying to dishonestly inflate one while justifying and minimizing the other.

So, I think that we do need to compare them. And point out that your side's riots are far, far worse, and far far more supported by your side.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse. You are free to think that. I didn’t bring up the summer riots. You did. This thread was started about the capital riots. If your response to that is, well you guys have done worse then go ahead and stand by that response but it’s pretty telling and pretty pathetic

I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.

Do you want to be dishonest and misleading? Is that your intent?
Haha, funny question from the guy that constantly lies about the things that I say. But no, unlike you I’m a straight shooter. I don’t see 1/6 as having anything to do with 5 years of leftist riots as you call them. 1/6 had to do with one man and his lies. That’s it

Like I said, you want to discuss the 1/6 riot, but only if we ignore the context of 5 years of riots from your side.

That is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic

Discussing a riot while ignoring the fact that it took place during a period of civil unrest with 5 years of riots,

is dishonest and misleading.

Context is relevant.

That would be like discussing the bombing of Dresden without mentioning that there was a fucking war going on.
I don’t agree. You are stretching to make these things comparable and relevant to eachother when in reality they aren’t

Riots should not be compared to riots? That there were hundreds of riots over the last 5 years and they are still ongoing is something that should be banned from this thread because riots are so different from a riot?

You are the one looking to hide context because it undermines the narrative you are trying to spin, ie that your enemies are the bad guys.

I am the one willing to discuss the issue in context because I am willing to admit my side's failures while discussing the issue.

YOu are the one looking to craft a Lie.
^^^ deflection noted

Proper context is not a deflection.

The only people afraid of proper context are people who want to lie.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
It’s a painfully obvious point that you just made which these loons can’t seem to admit

REally? YOu think that 5 years of riots might not have normalized political violence?

Maybe you libs should have thought of that before you did it.
^^^ deflection noted.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
It’s a painfully obvious point that you just made which these loons can’t seem to admit

REally? YOu think that 5 years of riots might not have normalized political violence?

Maybe you libs should have thought of that before you did it.
^^^ deflection noted.

Context is not deflection.

The only people afraid of proper context are people who want to lie.
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
Context your ass

The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
Context your ass


Great comeback. You must have been the star of your high school debate team.

My point stands.

THe only people afraid of proper context are people tying to lie.
I honestly don’t care if you think the summer riots are worse.
I'm happy to discuss the 1/6 riot.

But doing so while ignoring the context (such as 5 years of riots from your side) is dishonest and misleading.
I don’t see 5 years of riots as relevant. I see them only as something for you to use to try to distract and minimize what happened on 1/6... a petty tactic
The whole pretext here is some kind of bogus claim that had the riots in the summer not happened...that the Capitol riot would not have happened.

Nonsense. Those MAGArioters were going to do that no matter what because they were MAD that their Orange Idiot didn't win.

All this shit about the summer is...is an excuse
It’s a painfully obvious point that you just made which these loons can’t seem to admit

REally? YOu think that 5 years of riots might not have normalized political violence?

Maybe you libs should have thought of that before you did it.
^^^ deflection noted.

Context is not deflection.

The only people afraid of proper context are people who want to lie.
^^^ deflection noted. This thread is about the seditious insurrection against our own government on 1/6.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
You believe almost anything, they should have burned the place down with 80% of its occupants still inside...
Sorry...Fat Man is gone. He is in Florida lining up attorneys to defend multiple legal challenges. Alternative Facts are dead. Real Facts count.
Yeah if real facts counted, we would be in President Trump’s second term, but you don’t have a clue what’s real....

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
You believe almost anything, they should have burned the place down with 80% of its occupants still inside...
Sorry...Fat Man is gone. He is in Florida lining up attorneys to defend multiple legal challenges. Alternative Facts are dead. Real Facts count.
Yeah if real facts counted, we would be in President Trump’s second term, but you don’t have a clue what’s real....
The Fat Map lost. we finally have a real President after four years of having a man that lied and stole and finally tried to destroy the country. The AG in Manhattan is piling up the charges on the Fat Man. It is going to be "wild" when the indictments start coming down.

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