FBI Elitist Democratic Party Quislings Call Working Class Stupid

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This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
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This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Lots of working class liberals. We look down our noses at crazy Trumpbots.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Holy shit. You just proved the OP to be 100% correct in this unhinged rant. You should have just called normal people deplorable.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Lots of working class liberals. We look down our noses at crazy Trumpbots.
LMAO! Is it a contest to see how fast you morons can prove the OP correct?
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Holy shit. You just proved the OP to be 100% correct in this unhinged rant. You should have just called normal people deplorable.

I would never do that. Trump supporters are far from normal though. They are deplorable.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.
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Well, if we white working class are so stupid, we've sure been whipping the Democrats' muslim-cornholed asses in elections with a record 1000 seats lost on the state and federal level, so what does that say about you liberal anti-social vermin if we "stupid" people if we keep easily beating you over and over again?
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

Yeah, the record black unemployment rate is really, really bad achievement. BAD TRUMP!

Just imagine if some of those people make it to the middle class. Who will vote for the parasite party then?
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

Yeah, the record black unemployment rate is really, really bad achievement. BAD TRUMP!

Just imagine if some of those people make it to the middle class. Who will vote for the parasite party then?

Unfortunately for you there are blacks already in the middle class. And black unemployment is double that of whites. So Trump has done nothing for blacks.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

Yeaaaaah! It was the ROOSKIES! Listen up, fella......I wouldn't need some foreign entity to "hip" me to the fact that the Clinton and Bush crime families are disgusting, parasitic entities. BTW, right up to election day the sheeple were told by the backpocket media puppets of the shadow "gubermint" that the Hildebeast was a "shoo-in" and voting for Trump was simply a waste 'o' time....foregone conclusion. I still like to pull up youtube videos of crestfallen "journalists" and see their teeny tiny tears....always gives me a good laugh. How many boxes of tissues did you go through that night? Have some butthurt salve...it's good for what ails ya. Using Russian facebook bots as an excuse for the loss of the Hildebeast is pretty fucking pathetic and totally dishonest.

This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

Yeaaaaah! It was the ROOSKIES! Listen up, fella......I wouldn't need some foreign entity to "hip" me to the fact that the Clinton and Bush crime families are disgusting, parasitic entities. BTW, right up to election day the sheeple were told by the backpocket media puppets of the shadow "gubermint" that the Hildebeast was a "shoo-in" and voting for Trump was simply a waste 'o' time....foregone conclusion. I still like to pull up youtube videos of crestfallen "journalists" and see their teeny tiny tears....always gives me a good laugh. How many boxes of tissues did you go through that night? Have some butthurt salve...it's good for what ails ya. Using Russian facebook bots as an excuse for the loss of the Hildebeast is pretty fucking pathetic and totally dishonest.

In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America.

I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office. You didn't win anything either idiot. And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening. And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years. We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

Yeaaaaah! It was the ROOSKIES! Listen up, fella......I wouldn't need some foreign entity to "hip" me to the fact that the Clinton and Bush crime families are disgusting, parasitic entities. BTW, right up to election day the sheeple were told by the backpocket media puppets of the shadow "gubermint" that the Hildebeast was a "shoo-in" and voting for Trump was simply a waste 'o' time....foregone conclusion. I still like to pull up youtube videos of crestfallen "journalists" and see their teeny tiny tears....always gives me a good laugh. How many boxes of tissues did you go through that night? Have some butthurt salve...it's good for what ails ya. Using Russian facebook bots as an excuse for the loss of the Hildebeast is pretty fucking pathetic and totally dishonest.

In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America.

I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office. You didn't win anything either idiot. And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening. And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years. We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool.

"In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America"

We only have one president, btw.... and nearly every president since JFK has been a compromised deep state puppet. Barrypuppet, Bush I and Bush II, Clinton, Reagan....corrupt and thus powerless. Carter wasn't corrupt, just inept and in over his head. Trump hasn't been in office long enough to be corrupted and the deep state keeps such an eye on him that I would bet they know every time he takes a shit.

"I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office"

Well, good for you! Plenty of your fellow leftards have been sitting in sackcloth and ashes since the election. It's good to know that you are accepting the defeat of the Hildebeast so well.

"You didn't win anything either idiot "

#1 : I do not participate in the elections of what is a banana republic where corporate officials disguised as politicians do the bidding of USA.INC.

#2 : We all won by not having to see the Hildebeast on the news feeds and the E.Os she would have signed further eroding what few rights are left. Hell, I couldn't listen to the Barrypuppet for more than a couple of minutes before becoming nauseated.

BTW, explore the strategical uses of a "comma"....it totally changes the meaning of a sentence.

"And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening.

Like stronger border security and going after pedophile rings? Killing the tax on those that couldn't find an affordable healthcare plan under Barrypuppetcare? Cutting taxes on one's bartering their labor in exchange for scrip notes that are not backed by anything with an intrinsic value? Killing the TPP, another unfair trade agreement that would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class? Trump can only do so much because the foreign owned central bank sets monetary policy but I have very little to complain about. We just got rid of a fool and deep state puppet. I judge a man by his enemies and since his enemies are the same as mine? I am good with him thus far.

"And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years"

Nah, not so much "ribbing" as I am simply rubbing their noses in the dirt after all the trash they were talking before the election. How has USA.INC lost respect? Why should I care, weigh and consider what some leader of another country thinks of Trump? How does it affect my everyday life? You are worried about deficits now? Where was your voice when Barrypuppet was doubling the national debt (most of which is allegedly owed to a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty checkbook) but since you understand so little about the Fed, the fractional reserve banking system and how the system is a perpetual debt machine? My musings will fly over your head at Mach 1 speed. As far as the new jobs created comment, all I know is that I get e-mails every day from headhunters looking to hook me up with companies needing my skills.Job stats using creative and misleading data like if one worked a few hours a month, they were deemed "employed" was used by the Barrypuppet. Consumer confidence is better than it has been in many years. I don't believe that the unemployment rate is 4.5 but I am optimistic about the next 6 and a half years of his presidency of USA.INC.

"We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool"

You can't pull 11 marbles out of a bag that only contains 10. I find it very communist of you to believe that people that barter their labor in exchange for debt notes are obligated to turn over a fourth of it to "da gubermint" that is a for profit venture that contracted as a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 and the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933.

P.S.....you can call me any name you wish and attempt to insult me day and night. I simply consider the source while being 100 percent confident that I know infinitely more than you.

Hope this helps!
Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

Yeaaaaah! It was the ROOSKIES! Listen up, fella......I wouldn't need some foreign entity to "hip" me to the fact that the Clinton and Bush crime families are disgusting, parasitic entities. BTW, right up to election day the sheeple were told by the backpocket media puppets of the shadow "gubermint" that the Hildebeast was a "shoo-in" and voting for Trump was simply a waste 'o' time....foregone conclusion. I still like to pull up youtube videos of crestfallen "journalists" and see their teeny tiny tears....always gives me a good laugh. How many boxes of tissues did you go through that night? Have some butthurt salve...it's good for what ails ya. Using Russian facebook bots as an excuse for the loss of the Hildebeast is pretty fucking pathetic and totally dishonest.

In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America.

I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office. You didn't win anything either idiot. And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening. And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years. We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool.

"In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America"

We only have one president, btw.... and nearly every president since JFK has been a compromised deep state puppet. Barrypuppet, Bush I and Bush II, Clinton, Reagan....corrupt and thus powerless. Carter wasn't corrupt, just inept and in over his head. Trump hasn't been in office long enough to be corrupted and the deep state keeps such an eye on him that I would bet they know every time he takes a shit.

"I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office"

Well, good for you! Plenty of your fellow leftards have been sitting in sackcloth and ashes since the election. It's good to know that you are accepting the defeat of the Hildebeast so well.

"You didn't win anything either idiot "

#1 : I do not participate in the elections of what is a banana republic where corporate officials disguised as politicians do the bidding of USA.INC.

#2 : We all won by not having to see the Hildebeast on the news feeds and the E.Os she would have signed further eroding what few rights are left. Hell, I couldn't listen to the Barrypuppet for more than a couple of minutes before becoming nauseated.

BTW, explore the strategical uses of a "comma"....it totally changes the meaning of a sentence.

"And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening.

Like stronger border security and going after pedophile rings? Killing the tax on those that couldn't find an affordable healthcare plan under Barrypuppetcare? Cutting taxes on one's bartering their labor in exchange for scrip notes that are not backed by anything with an intrinsic value? Killing the TPP, another unfair trade agreement that would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class? Trump can only do so much because the foreign owned central bank sets monetary policy but I have very little to complain about. We just got rid of a fool and deep state puppet. I judge a man by his enemies and since his enemies are the same as mine? I am good with him thus far.

"And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years"

Nah, not so much "ribbing" as I am simply rubbing their noses in the dirt after all the trash they were talking before the election. How has USA.INC lost respect? Why should I care, weigh and consider what some leader of another country thinks of Trump? How does it affect my everyday life? You are worried about deficits now? Where was your voice when Barrypuppet was doubling the national debt (most of which is allegedly owed to a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty checkbook) but since you understand so little about the Fed, the fractional reserve banking system and how the system is a perpetual debt machine? My musings will fly over your head at Mach 1 speed. As far as the new jobs created comment, all I know is that I get e-mails every day from headhunters looking to hook me up with companies needing my skills.Job stats using creative and misleading data like if one worked a few hours a month, they were deemed "employed" was used by the Barrypuppet. Consumer confidence is better than it has been in many years. I don't believe that the unemployment rate is 4.5 but I am optimistic about the next 6 and a half years of his presidency of USA.INC.

"We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool"

You can't pull 11 marbles out of a bag that only contains 10. I find it very communist of you to believe that people that barter their labor in exchange for debt notes are obligated to turn over a fourth of it to "da gubermint" that is a for profit venture that contracted as a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 and the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933.

P.S.....you can call me any name you wish and attempt to insult me day and night. I simply consider the source while being 100 percent confident that I know infinitely more than you.

Hope this helps!

There is no deep state. Trump is the most corrupt president we have had, at least in modern times. We are losing right now not winning. You keep talking about Obama doubling the debt but was it all Obamas doing? No. All I know is that most of Obama spending came in the first few yeas if his first term . And that was because the economy needed a boost. Done your way, we'd be in a depression today. You and hose like you are going to learn a hard lesson. And if we get 6.5 more yeas of this by the time it is over, America will be a secondary nation of no consequence, broke and in a depression.

You can talk stupid about not caring if other nations don't like America. But when we stop getting intel from other places warning us that's coming, you'll understand why that was important too. Maybe the next time we decide we need a war they stay out. I understand full well how the system works and also know a conspiracy theory touting, tin foil hat wearing idiot.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?
There is no deep state.....

Right, people who think a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in the Pentagon/FBI/CIA/NSA etc. could possibly have their own agenda which they want to carry out regardless of who gets selected are just insane

Those same idiots also think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK while the official investigation proved he was shot by the patsy Oswald...who acted alone...




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