FBI Elitist Democratic Party Quislings Call Working Class Stupid

The Democrats just can't understand why the people who they hate won't vote for them
Not really true....Dems won the popular vote, and the facts show that Democrats have to get more votes to win elections, due to gerrymandering.. So the problem for Dems is more overcoming the cheating by the GOP.

ROTFLMAO!!!! Cheating?!?!?!?!?!?!? Who was that candidate that was fed the questions before the debate? Which candidate had the lamestream media in her back pocket that tried to carry her fat ass over the finish line? Which candidate was the target of Project Veritas's expose' of how her party was planning on busing voters from one polling place to another? Which political party paid operatives to try and start fights with Trump supportersn so media cameras could spin it to try and make Trump supporters seem to be the violent ones (known as "bird dogging")? Which party had an operative download e-mails on a thumb-drive that was then given to Julian Assange exposing the corruption and criminality of said party? Which candidate only one a meager 20 states which fourteen of them had no voter ID laws? Which candidate was given a free pass by deep staters within the FBI that had written a letter of exoneration for her before they ever "investigated" her?

You made it almost too easy to kick that ass of yours.

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