FBI Elitist Democratic Party Quislings Call Working Class Stupid

This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

Yeaaaaah! It was the ROOSKIES! Listen up, fella......I wouldn't need some foreign entity to "hip" me to the fact that the Clinton and Bush crime families are disgusting, parasitic entities. BTW, right up to election day the sheeple were told by the backpocket media puppets of the shadow "gubermint" that the Hildebeast was a "shoo-in" and voting for Trump was simply a waste 'o' time....foregone conclusion. I still like to pull up youtube videos of crestfallen "journalists" and see their teeny tiny tears....always gives me a good laugh. How many boxes of tissues did you go through that night? Have some butthurt salve...it's good for what ails ya. Using Russian facebook bots as an excuse for the loss of the Hildebeast is pretty fucking pathetic and totally dishonest.

In the meantime we are watching the most crooked and corrupt presidents in history of America.

I didn't cry because I didn't lose. I didn't run for office. You didn't win anything either idiot. And the reality is everything we liberals have said would happen if we elected this fool is happening. And while you think this is some great joke because you get to rib liberals, our country has lost respect and prestige worldwide, we are beginning to run monthly deficits, we produced fewer jobs last year than we have in the last 5 years. We will not meet the GDP necessary to make tax cut work and as all this failure is going on around us you think it's funny that a few journalists cried because they knew Trump was going to fuck up our country. There are words to describe people like you but I'm going to be kind and just call you a fool.
Funny that. I will have to remember that when I feel I need a laugh at a party.
I somehow missed Trump selling guns to the Mexican drug cartels, then when it went wrong blaming it on 44.
I don't believe that I saw where Trump is using the IRS as his own brown shirts to target political opponents.
I have my doubts that him or anyone that works for him is trying to force banks to allow Iran access to our financial system against sanctions while lying to congress.
II don't think he has made even close to 22 unilateral changes to ACA without congressional approval.
Considering that unemployment is still dropping and a number of companies have committed to bringing more I wonder if 44 was actually right when he said that jobs were not coming back.
Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

If you knew anything about business or economics, you'd know corporate tax cuts benefit the shareholders and workers, not some imaginary rich people you think get the profits. And it was the middle-class who just got JOBS and raises and bonuses thanks to Trump...and you're calling us liars?
Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

If you knew anything about business or economics, you'd know corporate tax cuts benefit the shareholders and workers, not some imaginary rich people you think get the profits. And it was the middle-class who just got JOBS and raises and bonuses thanks to Trump...and you're calling us liars?

I know more about business than you ever will.

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

Trump’s tax cuts didn’t benefit American workers, just made rich companies richer

I think, is that for a lot of people, the tax cut is just way too small to pick up on, especially if you break it down into bi-weekly chunks. The Tax Policy Center estimated that Americans in the middle 20 percent of the income distribution who received any tax cut at all could expect their IRS tab to drop by $1,090 on average. If all of that money arrived at once, it would be easy to notice. But divide it by 26, and it comes out to $41 per paycheck. That adds up to real money for many families over time, but it might not jump out from a bank statement—very few of us have the eagle-eyed financial awareness of the public school secretary in Pennsylvania who noticed her paycheck go up by $1.50 a week.

Americans Haven’t Noticed Trump’s Tax Cut in Their Paychecks—Probably Because There Isn’t Much to Notice

Businesses will not create a job if the demand for their product doesn't increase to show the need for it. So to assume that cutting taxes will automatically create jobs is dumb. What you say is not happening.
Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

If you knew anything about business or economics, you'd know corporate tax cuts benefit the shareholders and workers, not some imaginary rich people you think get the profits. And it was the middle-class who just got JOBS and raises and bonuses thanks to Trump...and you're calling us liars?

I know more about business than you ever will.

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

Trump’s tax cuts didn’t benefit American workers, just made rich companies richer

I think, is that for a lot of people, the tax cut is just way too small to pick up on, especially if you break it down into bi-weekly chunks. The Tax Policy Center estimated that Americans in the middle 20 percent of the income distribution who received any tax cut at all could expect their IRS tab to drop by $1,090 on average. If all of that money arrived at once, it would be easy to notice. But divide it by 26, and it comes out to $41 per paycheck. That adds up to real money for many families over time, but it might not jump out from a bank statement—very few of us have the eagle-eyed financial awareness of the public school secretary in Pennsylvania who noticed her paycheck go up by $1.50 a week.

Americans Haven’t Noticed Trump’s Tax Cut in Their Paychecks—Probably Because There Isn’t Much to Notice

Businesses will not create a job if the demand for their product doesn't increase to show the need for it. So to assume that cutting taxes will automatically create jobs is dumb. What you say is not happening.

Newsweak and Slate?
Why not just quote Das Kapital while you're at it, commie? You don't know anything about business...none of you do, which is why every time we correct your gibberish, some ponytail professor who ruined your mind starts nervously fingering his Ankh...you're pitiful.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says
But they are generally correct. See, this is pretty typical Trumpkin behavior on your part. You love the nasty shit that dribbles from Trump's mouth, with your main defense being, "he is just telling it like it is"

But, boy oh boy, the moment someone does the same to you, you degenerate into a quivering little crybaby.
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Republicans imagine that their base are the only working class people that exist. And since Trump gave the rich the biggest tax cuts, It stands to reason that a lot of what the employee says is true. You dumb trump lovers still cling to this lie of how he is fighting for the middle class when he's not.

If you knew anything about business or economics, you'd know corporate tax cuts benefit the shareholders and workers, not some imaginary rich people you think get the profits. And it was the middle-class who just got JOBS and raises and bonuses thanks to Trump...and you're calling us liars?

I know more about business than you ever will.

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

Trump’s tax cuts didn’t benefit American workers, just made rich companies richer

I think, is that for a lot of people, the tax cut is just way too small to pick up on, especially if you break it down into bi-weekly chunks. The Tax Policy Center estimated that Americans in the middle 20 percent of the income distribution who received any tax cut at all could expect their IRS tab to drop by $1,090 on average. If all of that money arrived at once, it would be easy to notice. But divide it by 26, and it comes out to $41 per paycheck. That adds up to real money for many families over time, but it might not jump out from a bank statement—very few of us have the eagle-eyed financial awareness of the public school secretary in Pennsylvania who noticed her paycheck go up by $1.50 a week.

Americans Haven’t Noticed Trump’s Tax Cut in Their Paychecks—Probably Because There Isn’t Much to Notice

Businesses will not create a job if the demand for their product doesn't increase to show the need for it. So to assume that cutting taxes will automatically create jobs is dumb. What you say is not happening.

Newsweak and Slate?
Why not just quote Das Kapital while you're at it, commie? You don't know anything about business...none of you do, which is why every time we correct your gibberish, some ponytail professor who ruined your mind starts nervously fingering his Ankh...you're pitiful.

You correct us? LOL! Just watch what happens.

The Democrats just can't understand why the people who they hate won't vote for them
Not really true....Dems won the popular vote, and the facts show that Democrats have to get more votes to win elections, due to gerrymandering.. So the problem for Dems is more overcoming the cheating by the GOP.
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This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

The Truth Hurts? Tissue?

In fact every vote in the Presidential Election of 2016 cast, was cast by an individual whose status is nothing more than guess work: some of us listened to all of the debates, and framed a decision on many factors; some voted for the party, and didn't bother to do research; some voted out of greed, or fear or hate or because of a 30-second talking point on the TV.
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This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Lots of working class liberals. We look down our noses at crazy Trumpbots.
Liberals don’t work... they freeload
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Lots of working class liberals. We look down our noses at crazy Trumpbots.

Liberals don’t work... they freeload

(self identified) conservatives don't think, they emote. Real conservatives support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the genius of the Separation of Power.

Fake conservatives support an Authoritarian President, and a Republican Party coward by an Authoritarian President, whose despotic acts ignore both the law, and the spirit of the laws in the vision statement left to us in the Preamble to the supreme law of our land.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Lots of working class liberals. We look down our noses at crazy Trumpbots.
Liberals don’t work... they freeload

I know thats what RWNJs claim, but as usual, it's a lie.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.

You need to get over yourself. I'm a CPA who works as an ERP specialist. I work 5, sometimes 6 days a week.

That makes me working class. All you're doing is making yourself look like an ignoramus.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.

You need to get over yourself. I'm a CPA who works as an ERP specialist. I work 5, sometimes 6 days a week.

That makes me working class. All you're doing is making yourself look like an ignoramus.

Are all CPAs that work 5 or 6 days a week right wingers?
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.

You need to get over yourself. I'm a CPA who works as an ERP specialist. I work 5, sometimes 6 days a week.

That makes me working class. All you're doing is making yourself look like an ignoramus.

Are all CPAs that work 5 or 6 days a week right wingers?

How would I know? I can tell you this, one I work with is about as left-wing as they come.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

So, what are you saying? Wikileaks is Russian or you've been communicating with Russians? And if you didn't see how terrible a candidate Hillary was then you must be fricken blind.
Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.

You need to get over yourself. I'm a CPA who works as an ERP specialist. I work 5, sometimes 6 days a week.

That makes me working class. All you're doing is making yourself look like an ignoramus.

Are all CPAs that work 5 or 6 days a week right wingers?

How would I know? I can tell you this, one I work with is about as left-wing as they come.

So all liberals aren't just lazy bums that expect the government to give the stuff. I know it's hard for a RWNJ to admit that.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.

Yeah, I mean, how could ANY respectable de-facto employee of USA.INC not see what a palatable and attractive candidate the Hildebeast was...even after the revelations of Wikileaks.......

Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.

So, what are you saying? Wikileaks is Russian or you've been communicating with Russians? And if you didn't see how terrible a candidate Hillary was then you must be fricken blind.

She was so terrible that she got 3 million more votes than Trump.
Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Trump's campaign manager is in jail? Who is that?? This is breaking news to me.......gotta name?

Paul Manafort, like Rump you never heard of him!

You mean the guy that worked on Trump's campaign for six months that was used as a mole and an excuse to spy on anyone associated with Trump's team?Someone that was under investigation for lobbying on behalf of a pro-Russian Ukrainian leader Yanukovych before the coup led by the E.U, IMF and George Soros? This leads to Trump how exactly? Seems that I recall that the Podesta brothers consulting term got millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions put on them because the Crimean people decided they would rather cast their lot with Putin instead of the globalist E.U....good move on their part.
I think he worked on Trump's campaign for only two months.

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