FBI Elitist Democratic Party Quislings Call Working Class Stupid

There is no deep state.....

Right, people who think a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in the Pentagon/FBI/CIA/NSA etc. could possibly have their own agenda which they want to carry out regardless of who gets selected are just insane

Those same idiots also think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK while the official investigation proved he was shot by the patsy Oswald...who acted alone...




It's funny how the deep state only exists specifically to stop republicans..

It stopped JFK...wasn't he a democrat?

There is no deep state.
Man..you are on a roll. You prove what a dunce you are in every post.

Refusing to believe the deep state exists, when it has for decades and it's fingerprints are easily seen, makes you a dupe for the State.

Why do you believe everything the government run media tells you? You have nothing in common with the ruling elite.
Yep we certainly should have been able to see how terrible a candidate Hillary was after reading what the Russians told us.
LMFAO...you are such a dupe. If you really believe the Russians gave Trump the election, you are dumber than even I thought...and I KNEW before this absurd ignorant uninformed post of yours that you are out there were the buses don't run.
I doubt that even he is that stupid, but then you never can tell with these preening little Dimocrat trollsters.

He is your typical big government big media dupe. He believes whatever they tell him to believe. Add in a lot of racism and hate for white people...and there he is.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.
Which is fine by me since it is draining them from power.

Dont worry Dimocrats, just keep on hating Trump!

It is a sure winner for you!

Clearly the D Party's only plan is HATE TRUMP. The thing is it works with their base. They eat it up like pigs at the feed lot.

This is not good...because these people clearly do not have a mind of their own.
By the facts.

Like the fact that Hillary was just extremely careless, not criminally negligent with her private server according to Comey, the fact that the CIA planted a spy in the Trump campaign just to make sure the evil Russians didn't do anything, Lynch just talked with Bill about family or FBI operatives tweeting about making sure the orange menace wouldn't get selected doesn't mean anything?

Nobody would have cared if psycho princess and the deep state hadn't screwed up so bigly, they simply started to believe their own propaganda and didn't bother to cover their tracks and now they're in desperate damage control mode

There are still plenty of people that can be brainwashed by the obedient MSM but there are also millions who are finally waking up and realizing that there's something seriously wrong with the greatest democracy in history

By the facts.

Like the fact that Hillary was just extremely careless, not criminally negligent with her private server according to Comey, the fact that the CIA planted a spy in the Trump campaign just to make sure the evil Russians didn't do anything, Lynch just talked with Bill about family or FBI operatives tweeting about making sure the orange menace wouldn't get selected doesn't mean anything?

Nobody would have cared if psycho princess and the deep state hadn't screwed up so bigly, they simply started to believe their own propaganda and didn't bother to cover their tracks and now they're in desperate damage control mode

There are still plenty of people that can be brainwashed by the obedient MSM but there are also millions who are finally waking up and realizing that there's something seriously wrong with the greatest democracy in history

Agreed on all counts.

In addtion, it is most ironic that these same Americans who constantly complain about Trump, have ignored what the Cankle's Camp, D Party and some in the MSM did to Bernie. They colluded to prevent him from winning the nomination, yet they have faced little criticism and no consequences.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.
In addtion, it is most ironic that these same Americans who constantly complain about Trump, have ignored what the Cankle's Camp, D Party and some in the MSM did to Bernie. They colluded to prevent him from winning the nomination, yet they have faced little criticism and no consequences.

Yes, that's another benefit of blaming the vast Russian conspiracy, no need to focus on the actual content of all those emails.... look over there..... Putin...

It's really a good plan, the only problem is coming up with some actual evidence that the Russians did it. But as I said, they really believed the annointed princess couldn't possibly lose so they didn't prepare properly and now they have a slight credibility problem

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This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
Aren't you the douchebag who gets his panties in a wad if anyone says the slightest thing critical of you?
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Who has "flipped" on Trump?
Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Who has "flipped" on Trump?

Actually you are correct, we do not know yet if anyone has or not. I misspoke.
This is why Democratic Party and Hillary lost in 2016. This is how Deep State liberals view working class Americans. It’s also how narcissistic elitist mainstream liberal media view blue collar folks as well.
FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Trump's campaign manager is in jail? Who is that?? This is breaking news to me.......gotta name?
Well, based on the evidence of this message board, they might just be right.
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Trump's campaign manager is in jail? Who is that?? This is breaking news to me.......gotta name?

Paul Manafort, like Rump you never heard of him!
There you are folks...why Democrats look down there noses at working class.

Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Trump's campaign manager is in jail? Who is that?? This is breaking news to me.......gotta name?

Paul Manafort, like Rump you never heard of him!

You mean the guy that worked on Trump's campaign for six months that was used as a mole and an excuse to spy on anyone associated with Trump's team?Someone that was under investigation for lobbying on behalf of a pro-Russian Ukrainian leader Yanukovych before the coup led by the E.U, IMF and George Soros? This leads to Trump how exactly? Seems that I recall that the Podesta brothers consulting term got millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions put on them because the Crimean people decided they would rather cast their lot with Putin instead of the globalist E.U....good move on their part.
Right, so you come on here and talk complete utter trash day in, day out. No idea how to make a decent argument. No idea how to use evidence. No idea how not to just make shit up that's convenient, and then you try and defend yourself by claiming people are looking down at the working class.

I grew up working class. People are working class because they don't have the brains to do a job that's less physical and more mental and get paid a hell of a lot more money.

Who works in a job for $X when they could get $XXXXXXXXX??????

But you keep pretending.

I don't look down on working class people. But I do know why they're there.

Also I'm not a Democrat. But hey.

You just keep making stuff up to make it easier for you to argue.
Meanwhile you keep claiming Mueller has indicted any of Trumps followers on collusion. Keep the lie going. Or are you just to stupid to know it isn't true?

But his former campaign manager is in jail. And the investigation goes on with many people flipping on the Rump crime family. Let's see what the whole investigation brings when all is said and done. It very well be a nothing burger, but what if it is so much more.

Trump's campaign manager is in jail? Who is that?? This is breaking news to me.......gotta name?

Paul Manafort, like Rump you never heard of him!

You mean the guy that worked on Trump's campaign for six months that was used as a mole and an excuse to spy on anyone associated with Trump's team?Someone that was under investigation for lobbying on behalf of a pro-Russian Ukrainian leader Yanukovych before the coup led by the E.U, IMF and George Soros? This leads to Trump how exactly? Seems that I recall that the Podesta brothers consulting term got millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions put on them because the Crimean people decided they would rather cast their lot with Putin instead of the globalist E.U....good move on their part.

Rump hires only the best people remember. A virtual coffee boi!

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