FBI informant William Campbell broke uranium 1 silence today

Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter

A major Clinton Foundation donor named Frank Giustra previously owned a mining company called UrAsia and merged with Uranium One in 2007. But he also sold his stake in the company during Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008, though, prior to Obama’s eventual victory for the Democratic Party’s nomination, according to The Washington Post.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.

Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter
Tyrone, you didn't do justice to this article and it's importance! It's the entire sordid details from a counteragent who Sessions gave permissikon so he could testify before the Congressional hearings!

Uranium ONE... Obama....Loretta Lych and our hero William Campbell. What a read!

A major Clinton Foundation donor named Frank Giustra previously owned a mining company called UrAsia and merged with Uranium One in 2007. But he also sold his stake in the company during Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008, though, prior to Obama’s eventual victory for the Democratic Party’s nomination, according to The Washington Post.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.

In Jake's world, "yes, Russia gave Hillary $145,000,000 for uranium, but, no, much like the Steele Dossier and Obama's publisher Kenya birth explanation, we're going to tell you the opposite and you'll believe it"
Russia never gave the Clinton’s. $145 million. Almost all of that $145 million came from Frank Giustra, who is not Russian.

But that’s ok, I don’t expect pesky reality to interfere with your fantasies.

See, many of you are missing the point on this, so let me help a little----------->

What was Cambells testimony?

Blah-balh-blah, FBI. Blah-blah-blah, FBI. I told the FBI what the Russians were doing. Check for 50,000 that they have a copy of, blah-blah-blah, FBI! CFIUS, blah-blah-blah, FBI.

What does that mean?

It means that the FBI has to come up with answers of why?

No problem you say, call in the charming and delightful Homey Comey.

Oh, contrair! Your Homey isn't the person to call, he wasn't in charge, not the director.

Oh, so who was?

Look it up-)

Love it when a plan comes together!

See, what you people(some of you people) don't get is------------>once it was figured out what happened, a trap was set for your crooks. Notice the word TRANSPARENCY all over the media-)

Now then, what questions are being asked BECAUSE of the testimony? We must have TRANSPARENCY, even Obama claimed he wanted it, correct? So how we gonna get answers?

QUESTION: If you KNEW what the Russians were doing, why did you NOT inform anyone on the CIFIUS board former director, and we know you did KNOW this because of the check, and because of past testimony!

QUESTION: Mr former director, were you that incompetent about your on going investigation, or did someone ORDER you not to inform anyone on the CIFIUS board? Be very careful Mr former director, because we are calling in rank and file FBI members to ascertain your knowledge of the ongoing investigation in question.

QUESTION: You plead the 5th amendment sir? You do understand what that implies, don't you! (ok, ok, that last question is a little over the top, but you get my drift!)

What is being asked of today, will determine who is testifying tomorrow, or soon. By the way you release information, demands answers from the public.

It has been brilliant if I do say so myself, and very uncomfortable for Crats. You just gotta love it!
A major Clinton Foundation donor named Frank Giustra previously owned a mining company called UrAsia and merged with Uranium One in 2007. But he also sold his stake in the company during Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008, though, prior to Obama’s eventual victory for the Democratic Party’s nomination, according to The Washington Post.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.

You're scared and worried. We get it.

Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter
The smoking gun! :lmao:

If you ever wanted to see the Left's favorite tactic "discredit the source' in action, wait til you see the shit show they unleash on William Cambell.
Yup nat is hopping over this story like a jack rabbit on a date.

Our assertions are not important. What is important is the FACTS Cambell testified to, under oath. That is all that matters, and the Left can spin all they want, but as it all comes together in the not to distant future, they are screwed, along with the Obama legacy!
He's saying stuff to congress that he wont say to DOJ or FBI.
Congress doesnt hold people in contempt anymore for perjury.
Justice Department officials confirmed that they do not plan to use the testimony of this individual in any future prosecution.

Signed by Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff, lol. Well gee, why would they say that, lololol. Gotta love it!
Campbell had nothing:
"But sources who spoke to Yahoo News said that during the course of hours of interrogations by the FBI and Justice Department lawyers, Campbell never mentioned any connection between Mikerin’s dealings and the sale of Uranium One. Nor did he ever volunteer that he had documents or information relating to the Uranium One sale. The issue, one of the sources said, never came up."
A major Clinton Foundation donor named Frank Giustra previously owned a mining company called UrAsia and merged with Uranium One in 2007. But he also sold his stake in the company during Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008, though, prior to Obama’s eventual victory for the Democratic Party’s nomination, according to The Washington Post.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.

You're scared and worried. We get it.

Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter
The smoking gun! :lmao:

If you ever wanted to see the Left's favorite tactic "discredit the source' in action, wait til you see the shit show they unleash on William Cambell.
Yup nat is hopping over this story like a jack rabbit on a date.

Our assertions are not important. What is important is the FACTS Cambell testified to, under oath. That is all that matters, and the Left can spin all they want, but as it all comes together in the not to distant future, they are screwed, along with the Obama legacy!
He's saying stuff to congress that he wont say to DOJ or FBI.
Congress doesnt hold people in contempt anymore for perjury.
Justice Department officials confirmed that they do not plan to use the testimony of this individual in any future prosecution.

Signed by Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff, lol. Well gee, why would they say that, lololol. Gotta love it!
Campbell had nothing:
"But sources who spoke to Yahoo News said that during the course of hours of interrogations by the FBI and Justice Department lawyers, Campbell never mentioned any connection between Mikerin’s dealings and the sale of Uranium One. Nor did he ever volunteer that he had documents or information relating to the Uranium One sale. The issue, one of the sources said, never came up."
So you believe "sources who spoke to Yahoo News" but you don't believe a career FBI and CIA agent's testimony. Got it.
A major Clinton Foundation donor named Frank Giustra previously owned a mining company called UrAsia and merged with Uranium One in 2007. But he also sold his stake in the company during Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008, though, prior to Obama’s eventual victory for the Democratic Party’s nomination, according to The Washington Post.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.

You're scared and worried. We get it.

Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter
The smoking gun! :lmao:

If you ever wanted to see the Left's favorite tactic "discredit the source' in action, wait til you see the shit show they unleash on William Cambell.
Yup nat is hopping over this story like a jack rabbit on a date.

Our assertions are not important. What is important is the FACTS Cambell testified to, under oath. That is all that matters, and the Left can spin all they want, but as it all comes together in the not to distant future, they are screwed, along with the Obama legacy!
He's saying stuff to congress that he wont say to DOJ or FBI.
Congress doesnt hold people in contempt anymore for perjury.
Justice Department officials confirmed that they do not plan to use the testimony of this individual in any future prosecution.

Signed by Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff, lol. Well gee, why would they say that, lololol. Gotta love it!
Campbell had nothing:
"But sources who spoke to Yahoo News said that during the course of hours of interrogations by the FBI and Justice Department lawyers, Campbell never mentioned any connection between Mikerin’s dealings and the sale of Uranium One. Nor did he ever volunteer that he had documents or information relating to the Uranium One sale. The issue, one of the sources said, never came up."

Doesn't make a difference. TRANSPARENCY! We have this testimony in front of congress, they have a copy of the cancelled check, now we need the former director to explain.

What! You don't want to know the truth? Or are you afraid of the truth? We aren't!
"An FBI informant involved in the controversial Uranium One deal has told congressional committees that Moscow paid millions to a U.S. lobbying firm in a bid to influence then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by helping former President Bill Clinton’s charities during the Obama administration.

The Hill first reported late Wednesday that informant Douglas Campbell gave a 10-page statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, House Intelligence Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and was interviewed for several hours behind closed doors by committee staff.

In the statement, obtained by Fox News, Campbell said Russian executives told him that Moscow was hiring APCO Worldwide in an effort to influence the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton."

Informant says Moscow paid millions in bid to influence Clinton
Loretta Lynch told him to shut up and like libs due threatened him
Sessions lifted the lynch ban
Hillary slammed the FBI agent as a sideshow

Photo of ground purchased in Utah with Russian connections

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today | Sara A. Carter
Lakhota and Nat thinks your post is funny. Isn't that sad? Either they can't read or don't care what happens in our country.
Because this is old news. For the deal to go through, it still required 9 signatures, none of which were Hillary’s.
17 signatures signed off on the fake dossier so what the hell does this prove
Both Hillary and Obama need to be investigated....this shit is unbelievable...see what happens when we elect the first anything to office? Lets stay away from the first women or first black or brown until they can be treated and prosecuted just like everyone else....sick of the favoritism and fear...lock her and him up!
Sweet Jesus you fuckers are desperate.......

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, prior to its sale to Rosatom.

Former President Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for speaking at a Moscow conference organized by a Russian investment bank after the Rosatom-Uranium One deal was announced, but before it passed muster with the US Committee on Foreign Investments, according to the Times story.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...

Sweet Jesus you fuckers are desperate.......

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, prior to its sale to Rosatom.

Former President Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for speaking at a Moscow conference organized by a Russian investment bank after the Rosatom-Uranium One deal was announced, but before it passed muster with the US Committee on Foreign Investments, according to the Times story.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...

Your bullshit excuse fake news links mean nothing....
In Jake's world, "yes, Russia gave Hillary $145,000,000 for uranium, but, no, much like the Steele Dossier and Obama's publisher Kenya birth explanation, we're going to tell you the opposite and you'll believe it"

One more fucking time......Something you won't see/hear from FOX

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, prior to its sale to Rosatom.

Former President Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for speaking at a Moscow conference organized by a Russian investment bank after the Rosatom-Uranium One deal was announced, but before it passed muster with the US Committee on Foreign Investments, according to the Times story.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...

In this case, a lot of money changed hands. Thus far, no one has produced any evidence of money being transferred to Trump's control from Russia at all. Yet the usual suspects will vociferously insist that there's evidence of Trump colluding with Russia while saying that there's no evidence of Hillary doing so. Truly odd.

IOW, one can make a stronger case for Hillary's connections with Russia than for Trump's.
IOW, one can make a stronger case for Hillary's connections with Russia than for Trump's.

Flynn, Manafort, Papadapolus, Gates and Page would disagree....but that's OK among Trump cult members.
$145 Million & $500k per speech.....
Moron, almost all of that $145 million was donated prior to Hillary being Secretary of State. So what does that have to do with the Uranium One deal?

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