FBI informant William Campbell broke uranium 1 silence today

So you believe "sources who spoke to Yahoo News" but you don't believe a career FBI and CIA agent's testimony. Got it.

Follow the fucking money.......

We have. it go's right to clinton.
Most of it, while she was s Senator.


Yeah? So? What does that matter? Long term corruption takes a long time. The clintons have been selling this country down the road to enrich their pockets for decades. Your cute little memes do nothing to refute those very simple facts.
Yeah, so??

So how the fuck would they know she'd be in a position some day years in the future to be one of nine people who could authorize the deal for you idiotically claim she was bribed??


Then there's your problem that the money came from a Canadian philanthropist, not the Kremlin.

Basically, you're making shit up to fit pieces of a puzzle that don't fit without your hallucinations and lies.

You know, just like your hallucination that an "illegal warrant" was used to obtain evidence from Michael Flynn, who had no warrant on him at all.

Probably because they have been corrupt from the beginning silly boy. Your problem is you can't explain all those "donations" that dried up after she lost. A thinking person can figure it out PDQ. Clearly you don't think.
Follow the fucking money.......

We have. it go's right to clinton.
Most of it, while she was s Senator.


Yeah? So? What does that matter? Long term corruption takes a long time. The clintons have been selling this country down the road to enrich their pockets for decades. Your cute little memes do nothing to refute those very simple facts.
Yeah, so??

So how the fuck would they know she'd be in a position some day years in the future to be one of nine people who could authorize the deal for you idiotically claim she was bribed??


Then there's your problem that the money came from a Canadian philanthropist, not the Kremlin.

Basically, you're making shit up to fit pieces of a puzzle that don't fit without your hallucinations and lies.

You know, just like your hallucination that an "illegal warrant" was used to obtain evidence from Michael Flynn, who had no warrant on him at all.

Probably because they have been corrupt from the beginning silly boy. Your problem is you can't explain all those "donations" that dried up after she lost. A thinking person can figure it out PDQ. Clearly you don't think.
I don't know about donations drying up when she lost, but even if I take you at your word, which is a HUGE stretch given how you stretch reality -- it still doesn't buy you any ground on your idiocy that they were paid all that money so Hillary, as Secretary of State, could make the Uranium deal happen for all the reasons I already listed and need not list again.
"She got $145,000,000 from Russia for selling our uranium (and probably another $5MM in an off shore account somewhere), but no, she didn't get $145,000,000 for selling uranium to Russia"

Those Russians must be really "dumb".......Here (according to your half brain) Russia gives Clinton $145 MILLION and all they get back is ZERO U.S. uranium.

Gee, maybe Hillary should be in charge of world trade with that record of success..LOL

Sure, Jake. The Uranium was never transferred through Canada. Putin gave Hillary $145,000,000 (plus $5MM in the off shore account) to help the Haitians


That dunce might peruse this-

NYTimes as the source:

"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license."

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

A commission spokesman said that “to the best of our knowledge” most of the uranium sent to Canada for processing was returned for use in the United States. A Uranium One spokeswoman, Donna Wichers, said 25 percent had gone to Western Europe and Japan.

The uranium left the United States....off to Canada....and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

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