FBI informant William Campbell broke uranium 1 silence today

They're merely distracting themselves from Trump and Russia. Hillary's dirty as an old towel, and just as relevant to govt today. Obama? ... wtf le's indict W while we're at it. LOL
How much longer are Americans expected to put up with this epic, historical TREASONOUS BS SCANDAL - the worst in US history, the most criminal administration in US History, the most selfish treasonous bitch in US history, the most OBVIOUS TRAITOR PRESIDENT in US History?

The answer is: 9 months, 27 days, 12 hours and 42 minutes........LOL

Queasy needs a nap.....
Not because Hillary sold them Uranium. She owned none to sell. Not because she approved the sale, because she didn’t. Not because she received $145m, because most of that came from 1 donor who sold his share of Uranium One years before she became SoS.

But I understand, rightards don’t like letting go of their Clinton scandals, so I don’t expect you to accept reality.

My friend, we CANNOT fix right wingers' stupidity on this forum
Ah, Nat? Since Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to partially pay the salaries of dozens of people who were part of her reelection campaign that money WAS in fact used by the Clintons! It was a way of maintaining a vast political machine using "contributions" that outside entities made to the Clinton Foundation!

Now WHO could possibly refute such a well-documented culpability of Clinton...
Good job !!!......Now, go take a nap. ....lol
You are an ignorant f*, gnat.

You still insist 30,000 official documents not turned in as required by LAW, as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act are Not crimes...

You have GOT to be the DUMBEST M*erF*er to ever be born...or the biggest blindest cheerleader in the world.
How much longer are Americans expected to put up with this epic, historical TREASONOUS BS SCANDAL - the worst in US history, the most criminal administration in US History, the most selfish treasonous bitch in US history, the most OBVIOUS TRAITOR PRESIDENT in US History?

The answer is: 9 months, 27 days, 12 hours and 42 minutes........LOL

Queasy needs a nap.....
No, we need to start dEPorting TRAITORS, like YOU.
You are an ignorant f*, gnat.

You still insist 30,000 official documents not turned in as required by LAW, as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act are Not crimes.

I thought YOUR heroes ran ALL of D.C.......This is your BIG chance to "lock her up"

So, what happened????....................LOL
No, we need to start dEPorting TRAITORS, like YOU.

You're such a "liberal" Queasy......Why not throw us all in some concentration camp....that would fit better your ideology, don't you think???.............LOL
It wouldn't be so bad - the rabid, non-stop denial by snowflakes - if it were not for all the ibvious, overwhelming evidence against the Democrats.

It appears the Russian PsyOps progams run here in the states worked. Butt-hurt snowflakes continue to rip the country apart because their Communist-bought FELON didn't win the Presidency.

I wonder how many times they got gnat to march for them...
You are an ignorant f*, gnat.

You still insist 30,000 official documents not turned in as required by LAW, as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act are Not crimes.

I thought YOUR heroes ran ALL of D.C.......This is your BIG chance to "lock her up"

So, what happened????....................LOL
Obama's Gestapo still manage to control the treasonous natrative and keep blocking for the real crimes
"She got $145,000,000 from Russia for selling our uranium (and probably another $5MM in an off shore account somewhere), but no, she didn't get $145,000,000 for selling uranium to Russia"

Those Russians must be really "dumb".......Here (according to your half brain) Russia gives Clinton $145 MILLION and all they get back is ZERO U.S. uranium.

Gee, maybe Hillary should be in charge of world trade with that record of success..LOL

Sure, Jake. The Uranium was never transferred through Canada. Putin gave Hillary $145,000,000 (plus $5MM in the off shore account) to help the Haitians

Sure, Jake. The Uranium was never transferred through Canada. Putin gave Hillary $145,000,000 (plus $5MM in the off shore account) to help the Haitians

Stick with that story, Frankie..........it not only makes you an eternal idiot but, who knows, any day now Trump will "lock her up.".............LOL
Sure, Jake. The Uranium was never transferred through Canada. Putin gave Hillary $145,000,000 (plus $5MM in the off shore account) to help the Haitians

Stick with that story, Frankie..........it not only makes you an eternal idiot but, who knows, any day now Trump will "lock her up.".............LOL

Why Hillary never even got $145,000,000! Obama's publisher made that number up
Sure, Jake. The Uranium was never transferred through Canada. Putin gave Hillary $145,000,000 (plus $5MM in the off shore account) to help the Haitians

Stick with that story, Frankie..........it not only makes you an eternal idiot but, who knows, any day now Trump will "lock her up.".............LOL

Why Hillary never even got $145,000,000! Obama's publisher made that number up
Your critical thinking skills are zero if you believe everything your right wing propaganda tells you.
Barack Obama said that Barack Obama said he didn't know about Hillary's server or private email use until he was total by the media.

The truth came out that he had been emailing Hillary back and forth for quite some time before that, using a pseudonym.

The son of a b**** lied then and nothing he says can be trusted now.

He and Hillary committed treason.
Not because Hillary sold them Uranium. She owned none to sell. Not because she approved the sale, because she didn’t. Not because she received $145m, because most of that came from 1 donor who sold his share of Uranium One years before she became SoS.

But I understand, rightards don’t like letting go of their Clinton scandals, so I don’t expect you to accept reality.

My friend, we CANNOT fix right wingers' stupidity on this forum
Ah, Nat? Since Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to partially pay the salaries of dozens of people who were part of her reelection campaign that money WAS in fact used by the Clintons! It was a way of maintaining a vast political machine using "contributions" that outside entities made to the Clinton Foundation!

Now WHO could possibly refute such a well-documented culpability of Clinton...
Good job !!!......Now, go take a nap. ....lol
You are an ignorant f*, gnat.

You still insist 30,000 official documents not turned in as required by LAW, as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act are Not crimes...

You have GOT to be the DUMBEST M*erF*er to ever be born...or the biggest blindest cheerleader in the world.
The FBI investigated and said there was no reason to prosecute.
$145 Million & $500k per speech.....
Moron, almost all of that $145 million was donated prior to Hillary being Secretary of State. So what does that have to do with the Uranium One deal?
What you have to understand is that this is a global conspiracy being perpetrated over decades. The Uranium One deal was done in secret many years ago, even before the 145 million. Hillary is the head of this cabal. She is all powerful. When anyone gets close to unmasking her, they are murdered. Her cabal has ninja's on retainer.
I know this is true because I read it on the internet.
Dah! Dah!

You're the best doublethinker here!

She got $145MM for the uranium, but didn't get $145MM for the uranium
Moron, how did she get $145m for the Uranium when $131m of it came from a single Canadian donor who sold the company years before she was Secretary of State?

You may be the dumbest poster here if you can’t comprehend that.

Normally I'd someone the benefit of the doubt but not you, you're a known liar.
Where were Bill and Giustra just before the donation, and what were they doing there?
Great, I look forward to you quoting these lies I have told....

As far as where they were before “the donation,” you’ll have to be more precise. There wasn’t a single donation. So which one were you talking about?

Follow the time line son. What had just happened before "Frank" gave the foundation the money? Who was with him when he was able to make the Uranium deal that caused him to give the money. You either want to know or you don't, if you want to know look it up.
So you won’t answer either of my queries — but you want me to answer yours, even after I pointed out you need to clarify your question to receive an answer. <smh>

The question rephrased with added detail. You simply don't want to know anything that might sully Bitchlery or Bill. Trump and Bush's aren't any better so don't even try and hide there.
What People don't Understand is that President Trump is just a speed bump in the road for The Globalist New World Order.

He is the calm before the storm. That might not make sense because he is so controversial, but he is only controversial because he is opposed to every facet of Globalism.

Once Globalism comes, and I know some do not believe in GOD, but wants we continue to move towards that, once things happen like the 3rd Temple is built in Jerusalem, the end is near, judgment day is around the corner, and the return of Christ is at hand at the end of The Great Tribulation.

President Trump as much as some cannot believe this is a pause before all of this. A chance to reflect upon your salvation, before the storm comes.

Take it or leave it.
Call me crazy.
You can see it and smell it in the air.

Guard your souls.

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