FBI Investigates Claims Puerto Rico Officials are Withholding FEMA Supplies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

October 13, 2017
OAN Newsroom

The FBI is investigating multiple allegations of Puerto Rican government officials withholding FEMA supplies meant for hurricane victims.

The bureau received several complaints that local officials are distributing supplies to their friends and political supporters instead of people in need.

So far, the FBI is aware of six areas in Puerto Rico where supplies are being misappropriated.

This comes as President Trump hints he will pull first responders from the island.

In a series of tweets Thursday, the president said he will have Congress decide how much money should be allocated to the island.

Exactly like the stuff going on in Mexico and other third world countries.
FBI Looking Into Allegations That Puerto Rican Officials Are Withholding Necessary Aid

The FBI is clearly taking these revelations seriously - and if true, the claims could go a long way in explaining the disconnect between American relief efforts and the continued suffering of Puerto Rican hurricane victims. Despite thousands of pound of food, clean water, and medicine delivered to the island, and ten thousand Federal employees involved in relief efforts, the situation on the ground seems shockingly slow to resolve.

From FBI Looking Into Allegations That Puerto Rican Officials Are Withholding Necessary Aid

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