FBI investigates Virginia incident

Some assholes posted the adresses of a rep and his family members yesterday and now someone has cut open the gas line at his broithers home.


ummm.... ya..


  • $b1-236x300.jpg
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Hey........if you're keeping score, the GOP has done more crazy violent shit over the past year than the Dems did during the entire administration of Bush Jr.
Hey........if you're keeping score, the GOP has done more crazy violent shit over the past year than the Dems did during the entire administration of Bush Jr.

You're right, and I'm sure you're also right that these incidents of violence are indicative of the WHOLE of the GOP. Let's put them all in jail and then make it so that inmates can't vote.

And it's good to know that you condone the actions taken against Eric Cantor's office. I guess the fact that he's Jewish makes ALL Democrats anti-semite.

You know........Cantor didn't report the gunshot. He said it was because he didn't want people to start shooting up offices.

People accused the congressman whose brother's gas line was cut of faking it.

Are you sure that Cantor isn't just making shit up?
Hey........if you're keeping score, the GOP has done more crazy violent shit over the past year than the Dems did during the entire administration of Bush Jr.

Oh so that's where we're at now. Fuck civility. Now it's just an issue of who can do more crazy shit than the other team.

This is precisely why there is such an enormous partisan divide in this country.
Hey........if you're keeping score, the GOP has done more crazy violent shit over the past year than the Dems did during the entire administration of Bush Jr.

Oh so that's where we're at now. Fuck civility. Now it's just an issue of who can do more crazy shit than the other team.

This is precisely why there is such an enormous partisan divide in this country.

Yeah........but the perpetrators for uncivil behavior currently right how is the GOP.

The tazer fried your brain, didn't it?
This faux-outrage by the Left reminds me of the Leftist Douche-bag that decided to run me off the road in a fit of Road Rage up in Michigan, some years back...

He's quite naturally, a local bad ass; and upon exiting his truck he remarked that he was going 'to BEAT my ass...'; so, given it was pay-day; and I'd just left the gym; cashed my check and didn't feel like having my ass beat by a local bad ass... I decided that maybe I should see how serious he was...

So I got out of my truck; walked around to the tailgate and I gotta say, Dude looked REAL SERIOUS... and steady talkin' smack, right up to the point where he walked around the corner of his truck and found the muzzle of my 12Gg leveled off on his grill... It was just an old Smith 916... "Riot" Shotgun... "You gotta problem with me Mister?" I asked in all sincerity...

Well, for whatever reason, whatever the problem was; his fierce scowl, clinched fists and puffed chest all fell victim to his rapidly beating and suddenly changing... heart.

A change which produced the near instantaneous flushing of his formerly crimson complexion to a rather ghostly white... gaping eyes, wide open but totally mute mouth; as well ad open and extended palms, and the depressurization of his bladder...

"I think you best get on back in your truck and carry your drunk ass on back to the house..." His eyes, fixed on the muzzle; he backed slowly around his truck and when he finally turned his head to see where he was going, which was around the time I raised the Muzzle so as to indicate that he was free to leave... his hands began pulling him along the bed of his pickup, as if he were swimming to his cab... Never uttering a word, until he was spinning his tires in retreat; apparently having decided to not 'beat my ass' somewhere in the process... and once underway, I could hear him screamin' something, but I couldn't make out what it was...

Well, that incident actually occured about a 1/2 mile from the house, on my street... with a couple of good size hills between where he'd run me into the ditch and the house. So I get on in the truck and head it on down to the crib...

However a funny thing happened when I crested the last hill. I saw that this idiot was parked on the road at my driveway... his driver door open and him sitting sideways with something clearly visible in his right hand.

I couldn't believe it... I assumed that he'd seen my truck parked there before, and had decided to break out his pistola and wait for me so he could settle up.

So I shucked a round home and set the muzzle on the dash, eased up to within about 10 feet of the back of his truck and told him that I'd had about all of his BS that I was prepared to take; and that if that was a firearm in his hand, that he was probably going to die right where he sat and to be very careful about his next movement.

He wisely and very carefully extended his hands; and showed that he was holding his Cell phone... mid 90s Cell phone... small black brick.

Now understand, that this same guy not 5 minutes earlier was ready to drag me out of my truck and beat me for whatever violation of his patience I had committed... this Local Bad Ass in the extreme... had suddenly converted into a CITIZEN~! And had called the Local Poh Po... ON ME! Because I had the temerity to draw a gun to defend myself from his irrational ass...

At which time I informed that that was fine with me; but if he didn't turn his ass around get himself the hell out of my site, that he might want to call an ambulance... cause he was really right on the edge of being torn in half; and he apparenly saw no room for error and correctly assessed the situation for what it was... and moved his ass on; never to be seen of heard from again.

Although a Cop did come out to the house... who I expect was a friend of his... He tried to read me the riot act; but at the end of the day, I had saved whoever it was from himself...

As I had ever right to cut his ass down right where he stood... and he was definitely about 2 steps from a sudden and quite violent death.

And that is what we're facing here Kids... the same brand of idiots...

They're chronic advocates of violence; not one of them has had anything negative to say about the calls by Alec Balwin to kill the families of Republican and Democratic Legislators that voted out the bi-partisan impeachment bill of William-the-Bubba... No problem with SEIU Union Athugs beating up little homies and senior citizens at the Tea-Parties... And the odds are that these little episodes are ACTUALLY Leftists... trying to pin the illicit activities on their Opposition.

They were perfectly fine with Clinton gassing and burning the Davidians and their children...

Eight years of the most base, crazed hatred; creating MOVIES which DEMANDED THAT BUSH BE ASSASSIANTED.... unspeakably cruel things about his family; Forget about what they said Gingrich... Reagan... and the threats they make everyday against the lives of Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Beck, etc...

But now, based upon NOTHING BUT MYTHS THEY HAVE CREATED FROM WHOLE CLOTH... they now want to claim themselves as INNOCENT Civilians... CITIZENS ALL...

But this is what happens when you allow humanists to participate in the political process... they've no virtue; no moral underpinnings; morality is relative... and to them; the ends justify the means.

And you can rest assured that they will eventually force the issue to violence and when we go to work cleaning the violent up... they will snap from Revolutionaries... TO CITIZENS... they'll all be Palestinians... demanding that the reaction to their violence; represents a crime against them... the compassionate, tolerant "Liberals"...


And we find yet another of Rocks patented, in-depth analysis...

ROFL... Poor Rocks... She's doing the VERY BEST SHE CAN! Godbless'er...

FANS of the Old Rock will want to check out another of her keen observations:

Vietnam Veterans Against the War: THE VETERAN: Debunking A Myth

How does one attempt to prove a negative - that something didn't happen? This author does it by examining the positive side and failing to find any conclusive proof that it occurred. Along the way he finds many indications that it is indeed a myth.

His research examined newspapers from New York and San Francisco, as well as police reports detailing the interaction between protesters and veterans. No spitting incidents were reported, and the observers noticed that over time the veterans assumed leadership positions among the protesters. Lembcke did find newspaper reports of spitting during demonstrations in the late 1960s, but they referred to hawks spitting on anti-war protesters.

Reinforcing his myth hypothesis, Lembcke cites a Harris poll reported to Congress in 1972 that indicates 93% of returning veterans found their homecoming friendly, while only 3% found it unfriendly. The poll also reported that over 75% of returning vets were opposed to the war.

The first documented reports of being spit upon don't begin to appear until the early 1980s. According to the author, who is currently an associate professor of sociology, the time delay is a strong indication that the story is a myth

Yet another revisionist history lesson from the left.

My cousin was a Cobra pilot in Nam and he was present when he and his buddies were spit on upon there return to the states in Ca. A close friend of mine; now a long since retired SF officer was treated to the same 'Baby-killer' taunts of the fruit and nuts anti-Americans.

But setting that aside; this propaganda campaign; crying a bout all these 'threats' is the same mythical nonsense that they were doing when "it was reported, that The Secret Service was reeling from many times the number of threats being made against King Hussein than any other President..."

Of course someone eventually got around to asking the SS about it; and they said that in fact, there'd been no noticable increase in such threats; and rumors to the contrary were simply false.

SSDD... Leftists are humanists and humanists are moral relativists; and if a lie will serve their ends; then the ends justify the Lie.

Ol Pubic, at it again. And we are to believe anything someone with a sig line like yours says?

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

By Toby Harnden in Washington

Published: 8:34PM BST 03 Aug 2009

Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service.

Some threats to Mr Obama, whose Secret Service codename is Renegade, have been publicised, including an alleged plot by white supremacists in Tennessee late last year to rob a gun store, shoot 88 black people, decapitate another 14 and then assassinate the first black president in American history.

Secret Service under strain as leaders face more threats - The Boston Globe

Report questions its role in financial investigations

By Bryan Bender
Globe Staff / October 18, 2009

ASHINGTON - The unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, a rise in racist hate groups, and a new wave of antigovernment fervor threaten to overwhelm the US Secret Service, according to government officials and reports, raising new questions about the 144-year-old agency’s overall mission.

COMMENTS (168) <<< LOL She's actually posting the Reader Comment as factual argument.

The Secret Service is tracking a far broader range of possible threats to the nation&#8217;s leaders, the officials said, even as it also investigates financial crimes such as counterfeiting as part of its original mandate.

The new demands are leading some officials, both inside and outside the agency, to raise the possibility of the service curtailing or dropping its role in fighting financial crime to focus more on protecting leaders and their families from assassination attempts and thwarting terrorist plots aimed at high-profile events

Pubic, can you do a paragraph without a lie?

Huh... Well... it's only reasonable to believe that a Leftist crank would know more about this than the Director of the Secret Service...

Now again kids... it's a simple case of Leftists offering us their ASSURANCES based upon their record of virtue along with their customary, masterful command of THE FACTS...

Now before ya read my evidence below... take another gander at the dates of the articles which the Old Leftist Crank is citing... then as ya pass by it... note the date of report noting the Director of the Secret Service testimony before Congress...

"Secret Service: Threat level against Obama no greater than under Bush, Clinton

December 03, 2009

Secret Service: Threat level against Obama no greater than under Bush, Clinton

Bit of a bombshell at this morning's Homeland Security Committee hearing:

U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan dismissed published reports that the level of death threats against President Obama are four times greater than typical threat levels against recent presidents &#8212; claiming the current volume of threats is comparable to that under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

"It's not [a] 400 percent [increase]," Sullivan said during a heated exchange with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who suggested the service needed additional agents to protect the first African-American president.

"I'm not sure where that number comes from," he said, adding that the number of threats against Obama "are the same level as it has been [against] the last two presidents." "

So the question becomes; did Rocks know about this refutation and choose to ignore it; and come here to project a deceit; or is she simply an ignorant fool?

Publius Reports... You Decide!

And yeah, it's only reasonable to assume that where such refutation is advanced that the asserters of the FALSITY would come and apologize for having advanced disinformation.

But Leftists are not virtuous people... they're humanists; and humanists are moral relativists; and to them, the end of gaining power justifies the use of OUTRIGHT FABRICATIONS, TOTAL DECEIT; as truth...

And when a culture allows liars, theives and frauds to vote... they will elect liars, theives and frauds... So knowing that; it becomes pretty clear how we go to what we are today, doesn't it?
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...and how does the President choose to unify the nation and tone down the retoric?

'Go for it,' Obama tells GOP on health repeal

IOWA CITY, Iowa – President Barack Obama dared Republicans to try to repeal his new health care law, telling them Thursday to "Go for it" and see how well they do with voters in November.

"Be my guest," Obama said in the first of many planned appearances to sell the revamp before fall congressional elections. "If they want to have that fight, we can have it. Because I don't believe the American people are going to put the insurance industry back in the driver's seat."

'Go for it,' Obama tells GOP on health repeal - Yahoo! News

Way to understand the public Mr. President.:clap2: :eek:
This faux-outrage by the Left reminds me of the duche-bag that decided to run me off the road in a fit of Road Rage up in Michigan...

He's quite naturally, a local bad ass; and upon exiting his truck he remarked that he was going 'to BEAT my ass...'; so, given it was pay-day; and I'd just left the gym; cashed my check and didn't feel like having my ass beat by a local bad ass... I decided that maybe I should see how serious he was...

So I got out of my truck; walked around to the tailgate and I gotta say, Dude looked REAL SERIOUS... and steady talkin' smack, right up to the point where he walked around the corner of his truck and found the muzzle of my 12Gg leveled off on his grill... It was just an old Smith 916... "Riot" Shotgun... "You gotta problem with me Mister?" I asked in all sincerity...

Well, for whatever reason, whatever the problem was; his fierce scowl, clinched fists and puffed chest all feel victim to his changing heart... which produced the near instantaneous flushed complexion... gaping eyes, wide open but totally mute mouth, open and extended palms and his steadily emptying bladder...

"I think you best get on back in your truck and carry your drunk ass on back to the house..." His eyes, fixed on the muzzle; he backed slowly around his truck and when he finally turned his head to see where he was going, which was around the time I raised the Muzzle so as to indicate that he was free to leave... his hands began pulling him along the bed of his pickup, as if he were swimming to his cab... Never uttering a word, until he was spinning his tires in retreat; apparently having decided to not 'beat my ass' somewhere in the process... and once underway, I could hear him screamin' something, but I couldn't make out what it was...

Well, that incident actually occured about a 1/2 mile from the house, on my street...

But there was a couple of good size hills between where he'd run me into the ditch and the house. When I crested the last hill, I saw that this idiot was parked on the road at my driveway... his driver door was open and he was sitting sideways and had something in his right hand.

I couldn't believe it... I assumed that he'd seen my truck parked there and had decided to break out his pistola... and felt like he needed to settle up.

So I shucked a round home and set the muzzle on the dash eased up to within about 10 feet of the back of his truck and told him that I'd had about all of his BS that I was prepared to take; and that if that was a firearm in his hand, that he was probably going to die right where he sat and to be very careful about his next movement.

He wisely and very carefully extended his hands; and showed that he was holding his Cell phone... mid 90s Cell phone...

And that same guy that just 5 minutes earlier was ready to drag me out of my truck and beat me for whatever violation of his patience I had committed... this Local Bad in the extreme... had suddenly converted into a CITIZEN~! And had called the Local Poh Po...

At which time I informed that that was fine with me; but if he didn't turn his ass around get himself the hell out of my site, that he might want to call an ambulance... cause he was really right on the edge of being torn in half; and he apparenly saw no room for error and correctly assessed the situation for what it was... and moved his ass on; never to be seen of heard from again.

Although a Cop did come out to the house... who I expect was a friend of his... He tried to read me the riot act; but at the end of the day, I had saved whoever it was from himself...

As I had ever right to cut his ass down right where he stood... and he was definitely about 2 steps from a sudden and quite violent death.

And that is what we're facing here with these idiots...

They're advvocates of violence, not one of them has had anything negative to say about the calls by Alec Balwin to kill the families of Republican and Democratic Legislators that voted out the bi-partisan impeachment bill of William-the-Bubba... No problem with SEIU Union Athugs beating up little homies and senior citizens at the Tea-Parties... And the odds are that these little episodes are ACTUALLY Leftists... trying to pin the illicit activities on their Opposition.

But this is what happens when you allow humanists to participate in the political process... they've no virtue; no moral underpinnings; morality is relative... and to them; the ends justify the means.

And you can rest assured that they will eventually force the issue to violence and when we go to work cleaning the violent up... they will snap from Revolutionaries... TO CITIZENS... they'll all be Palestinians... demanding that the reaction to their violence; represents a crime against them... the compassionate, tolerant "Liberals"...

Cute story...what pulp fiction novel of badasses who don't have to follow the law did you get that one out of?


I really don't get why anyone spends a lot of time posting such stories when people make that stuff up on the internet all the time.
There appears to be a semi-organized effort at vandalism and intimidation on the part of the far-right at the moment.

I think these folks should be very careful about their actions in the near future. People in Virginia carry guns. I know if I found someone on my property cutting a gas line, it would be "shoot first, ask questions later".

Just saying...

Problem is the shot could ignite the gas.

This is getting really out of hand and the right just keeps on pretending nothing is happening
Unlikely .

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