FBI investigatinng sudden dismissal of Smollet hate crime hoax Update #2


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Update2: According to ABC7's Rob Elgas, the FBI is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Smollett.

Furthermore, according to records obtained from the Chicago police, the FBI was already involved in part of the investigation, and CPD forwarded a copy of a search warrant on Smollett's iCloud account to an FBI

BREAKING: Two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter tell @ABC the FBI is *reviewing* circumstances surrounding dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett. ABC News is told this is not an investigation. It is a "review" or "inquiry".
FBI Investigating Sudden Dismissal Of Smollett Hate-Crime Hoax

GOOD!! these lying cock suckers and those Judges akk need prosecuted
OMG, it would be amazing if Obama and or Clinton actually were arrested right along with the rest of the crooked losers.
Being awfully quick to seal and hide things, perhaps they are protecting who this leads to higher up the ladder, as in someone hiring the actor to play the part of a victim as a means to take from that embarassment with the hat wearing school kids. THE MENTION OF MANGA COUNTRY at that timing was what made me suspicious of the claim from day1, as too convenient and reeks of the left's political smokescreening tactics, especially since they were losing their pandered to ethnic voters in droves.
Maybe the prosecuters know this higher source and need to be hush for a bigger investigation, if not being corrupted in protecting that organization /person or compromised by threats.
There's a bigger story here, the job of a reporter is to get to the bigger picture but the MSM is not interested in the real dirt if the result is bigger egg on their face.
Didn't I read that the brothers who were paid the $3500 (and put up in a hotel by the police during this time) may recant their statements according Smollett. Smollett now says the $3500 was/is for exercise training which costs $20 and $50 each time. Uh huh.
As usual, as soon as Obama and his clowns touch anything, it turns to shit.
For the TMZ idiot who said what Smollet did was not a big deal, they and other reporters would never say that if they wore a red hat and was put in danger of violence by Smollets false report that was in itself a hate crime against an opposition political party and placed the Gov't itself in jeopardy by sabotaging it's ability to affectively govern and keep civility. Almost like Crying Race Riot in a crowded theater sort of speaking. THese are missed issues besides the typical obvious ones brought up like making it hard for real victims (crying wolf syndrom).
Update2: According to ABC7's Rob Elgas, the FBI is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Smollett.

Furthermore, according to records obtained from the Chicago police, the FBI was already involved in part of the investigation, and CPD forwarded a copy of a search warrant on Smollett's iCloud account to an FBI

BREAKING: Two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter tell @ABC the FBI is *reviewing* circumstances surrounding dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett. ABC News is told this is not an investigation. It is a "review" or "inquiry".
FBI Investigating Sudden Dismissal Of Smollett Hate-Crime Hoax

GOOD!! these lying cock suckers and those Judges akk need prosecuted
OMG, it would be amazing if Obama and or Clinton actually were arrested right along with the rest of the crooked losers.
This is just an act. They are deceiving the public by acting like they has concerns about this decision. The FBI, the ones who has been help staging all sorts of false flags and involved in trying to bring down the President. And so they are pretending to investigate to eased the minds of the public. So that they will move on. But why is none of them hasn't been investigating the reason why Comey couldn't find any reason to have Hillary arrested?

Giuliani: "Martha Stewart went to jail for lying to the FBI one time. [@HillaryClinton] did it - 39 times she had no recollection." #Debate


Fox News on Twitter
Hi. During the following broadcast containing ADULT language, Mr. Jericho Green offers an off-the-cuff, not-politically correct, entertaining analysis of the Jussie Smollett debacle.

"Juicy Smollett is cleared of ALL charges! What in the actual f×÷k?" Published on Mar 26, 2019 by Jericho Green 37,076 views

Plz consider Subscribing, LIKING and Sharing broadcasts you believe should be heard by a wider audience.

Hi. During the following broadcast containing ADULT language, Mr. Jericho Green offers an off-the-cuff, not-politically correct, entertaining analysis of the Jussie Smollett debacle.

"Juicy Smollett is cleared of ALL charges! What in the actual f×÷k?" Published on Mar 26, 2019 by Jericho Green 37,076 views

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No, he is mistaken. That some of them that are involved, are the same ones that were in power since the civil rights movement. And now they are shouting out White privileges? They had the power back then to stop this so-called White privileges. The Democrats were the ones that were against the civil rights movement in the first place. The Republicans supported it. Even a Republican president named Richard Nixon triggered the Affirmative action act. To help the Blacks to get back on their feet. But the Dems even fought him on that. But then they comes out saying, "We love you Mr.Black man. See we put one of your kind in office.". Even though that he had a White Billionaire's hand shoved up his derriere.

Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years.
Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years

Soros, Gore among W.H. visitors

Update2: According to ABC7's Rob Elgas, the FBI is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Smollett.

Furthermore, according to records obtained from the Chicago police, the FBI was already involved in part of the investigation, and CPD forwarded a copy of a search warrant on Smollett's iCloud account to an FBI

BREAKING: Two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter tell @ABC the FBI is *reviewing* circumstances surrounding dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett. ABC News is told this is not an investigation. It is a "review" or "inquiry".
FBI Investigating Sudden Dismissal Of Smollett Hate-Crime Hoax

GOOD!! these lying cock suckers and those Judges akk need prosecuted
OMG, it would be amazing if Obama and or Clinton actually were arrested right along with the rest of the crooked losers.

Obama and Clinton have never been arrested for anything. What do you want to arrest them for?? I suspect Obama is of the "Deep State" and HIllary for "pizzagate" LOL.

You are a

why sealed???!!! .....yes--this is all '''Banana''' Republic/Germany 1938
MORE proof the left/blacks/etc are the nazis
Hi. During the following broadcast containing ADULT language, Mr. Jericho Green offers an off-the-cuff, not-politically correct, entertaining analysis of the Jussie Smollett debacle.

"Juicy Smollett is cleared of ALL charges! What in the actual f×÷k?" Published on Mar 26, 2019 by Jericho Green 37,076 views

Plz consider Subscribing, LIKING and Sharing broadcasts you believe should be heard by a wider audience.


No, he is mistaken. That some of them that are involved, are the same ones that were in power since the civil rights movement. And now they are shouting out White privileges? They had the power back then to stop this so-called White privileges. The Democrats were the ones that were against the civil rights movement in the first place. The Republicans supported it. Even a Republican president named Richard Nixon triggered the Affirmative action act. To help the Blacks to get back on their feet. But the Dems even fought him on that. But then they comes out saying, "We love you Mr.Black man. See we put one of your kind in office.". Even though that he had a White Billionaire's hand shoved up his derriere.

Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years.
Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years

Soros, Gore among W.H. visitors

And wasn't it when Maclom X decided he would succeed much more if he combined everyone as one rather than skin color he flipped and wanted to take on a more MLK standing just like MLK as he became more popular Malcom X that is they killed him just like MLK..... He was given a bad name in the beg. cause he was an asshole, but then the light bulb went of in his head..

That of course is breaking it down severely.

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