FBI is 'purging' staffers with conservative viewpoints and retaliating against whistleblowers who have complained of misconduct, Republican Rep. Jim J

Spoken like a true Stalinist. Anyone who disagrees with you is a threat to your freedom?
Nope. I am fine with people who disagree. I’m not okay with people who demonstrate intellectual dishonesty to the extent that discussion and debate is impossible.

The country is harmed by people who cannot or do not engage in constructive legitimate communication.
Then Wray is a felon.

Now, should a felon be in charge of the most powerful police agency in the nation?

It's in the cited article.

“The FBI should immediately cease the disciplinary actions it is actively taking to punish Special Agent Friend for his protected whistleblowing activity,” the senators wrote. “These unwarranted actions only serve to chill other employees from reporting wrongdoing, and demonstrate a complete and utter failure by agency leaders to obey the letter and intent of federal whistleblower protection laws.”

“The alleged actions by FBI senior leadership are unacceptable and send exactly the wrong message.

Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson asked FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to step in and end Friend's suspension.'s suspension.Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson asked FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to step in and end Friend’s suspension.
“The FBI should never suspend security clearances as a form of punishment or to retaliate against patriotic whistleblowers for stepping forward to report potential wrongdoing …

“Under federal whistleblower laws, employees of the Federal Government have not only a right but a responsibility to report evidence of potential wrongdoing. That is precisely what Special Agent Friend has done.”

After raising his concerns with his FBI supervisors, Friend made legally protected whistleblower disclosures to the Office of Special Counsel as well as the Office of the Inspector General.}

He followed the chain of command and reported to his supervisor, who reprimanded him as "not a team player" and then he wrote the letter to the IG. After which Wray suspended him in retaliation.

Were they suspended?
They’re suspended for failing to perform their duties.

The allegations leveled by the biased Senators are just allegations. They are not established facts given there’s been no substantive investigation by anyone.
This FBI agent apparently decided he had a problem with the judicial system only when it is applied to people he agrees with because this process is no different than for any other defendant.
In a way he was right. These people would be treated more harshly than the average person being arrested. But that's because they were being arrested for federal crimes, that the FBI knows are far more serious than the state crimes that most people are arrested for.

But that's the nature of federal vs state law.
You're not asking a sensible question. Not being a committed Nazi asslicker like you, I don't serve a Reich.

No, that's what a kook-right loon in the FBI claimed. He lied about that.

True, you can't be fired for being a whistleblower. You _can_ be fired for being an incompetent and dishonest fascist loon, and a security threat to the USA.
Biden found a way to do it. You're helping him because you're a fucking douchebag.

Yelling "BUT I'M A WHISTLEBLOWER!" is not a magic shield against being fired for other reasons. If it was, every bad federal employee would do it. If he thinks he's got a court case, he should file it. I'm guessing he won't. He knows it would get laughed out of court, and that would mean the end of the money he can make off of being a professional victim.
Only a douchebag would not look at this as suspicious and worth of an investigation. That will happen after the Republicans take the House.
Anyways, in general, "You're just lying again for the glory of fascism" will answer any of your Geobbels-approved propaganda queries.

Now, get back to work. Those Nazi rectums aren't going to lick themselves.
You have plenty of NAZI shit on your tongue, douchebag.
Progs deny that the FBI is infested with progs. Here's the proof that it is.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is accusing the FBI of purging conservatives and whistleblowers who have come forward to expose political bias.
Fox News Digital reported Thursday that Jordan wrote a letter to FBI executive assistant director of the Human Resources branch Jennifer Moore to highlight cases of alleged retaliation and demand she sit for an interview with House Judiciary Committee Republicans.
'During the course of this investigation, we have received protected whistleblower disclosures that the FBI is engaging in a "purge" of employees with conservative views by revoking their security clearances and indefinitely suspending these employees,' Jordan told Moore.
She was subjected to his letter, Jordan explained, because 'many of the formal notices' had been signed by her.
He told Moore he had information indicating she had 'retaliated against at least one whistleblower who has made protected disclosures to Congress.'
Jordan told Fox that individual shared with Judiciary Committee Republicans that the Justice Department was labeling some parents who showed up to school board meetings a threat allowing the DOJ to 'prosecute them when appropriate.'
Jim Jordan is as credible and relevant as you are...

Actually they ALL had been indicted. The DOJ website posted their indictments after they were arrested by the FBI.

As a public record you can read each indictment.
After they were arrested. You contradicted your own post, shit for brains.
In a way he was right. These people would be treated more harshly than the average person being arrested. But that's because they were being arrested for federal crimes, that the FBI knows are far more serious than the state crimes that most people are arrested for.

But that's the nature of federal vs state law.
Nope. Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Paige, McCabe all need to be indicted and arrested. It has nothing to do with state vs federal, moron. It has to do purely with our corrupt FBI and DOJ.
The people being arrested have all been indicted by a grand jury.

People sitting in jail because of Jan 6th have either been convicted or have been denied bail based on the nature of their history and crimes, a process which was determined by a judge (not the FBI) after receiving due process.

This FBI agent apparently decided he had a problem with the judicial system only when it is applied to people he agrees with because this process is no different than for any other defendant.
Total horseshit.
Biden found a way to do it. You're helping him because you're a fucking douchebag.
Yes, being one of my original pout-stalkers, you have emeritus status there. However, that only entitles you to a limited amount of power-pouting, and you've exceeded your quota.
that doesn’t say anything about using a SWAT team to execute misdemeanor warrants
Arrest Warrant – An arrest warrant is issued by a judge or magistrate and must be supported by a signed and sworn affidavit showing probable cause that a specific crime has been committed, and that the person(s) named in the warrant committed said crime.

Yes, being one of my original pout-stalkers, you have emeritus status there. However, that only entitles you to a limited amount of power-pouting, and you've exceeded your quota.
Is that so? What are you going to do about it?
They’re suspended for failing to perform their duties.

Nope, they are suspended for reporting illegal acts an orders by superiors.

We call people who report these abuses "whistleblowers."

There are federal laws in place to protect whistleblowers. But Christ Wray is a criminal, a felon, and doesn't obey laws.

The office of the Inspector General will make determinations about the criminal acts Wray has engaged in, but both Wray and Garland should be fired by Obama Biden immediately.
The allegations leveled by the biased Senators are just allegations. They are not established facts given there’s been no substantive investigation by anyone.

Nope, they are facts. Wray criminally violated WPEA in a coverup of serious criminal acts by the FBI.
They’re suspended for failing to perform their duties.

The allegations leveled by the biased Senators are just allegations. They are not established facts given there’s been no substantive investigation by anyone.
Nor is the statement from the senators bi-partisan. That two republican senators who supported overturning a lawful election would object to the insurrectionists being prosecuted.

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