FBI knew days in advance of plot to storm the Capital.

This report is by NBC News - a far left organization

but they fail to name the FBI officials making the claims or prior knowledge

so in that sense its standard unsupported yellow journalism by the lib news media

but what is NBC News’ motivation for telling the truth here - or lying as the case may be?

who are they trying to help and who are they trying to hurt?
Stop the Squeal. Investigate and bring the plotters to justice.
Bringing the plotters to justice. It was the CIA who actually warned the FBI, because they have Red Cells and the FBI does not.
So, how did Trump cause something with his speech if it was planned days before?
His FBI, his plan. Are you trying to tell us Trump was asleep at the switch? Don't bother. We already knew.
The left's claim it was the speech that caused it is done. Over.

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