
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
What would you look into in order to check it off the list of possibilities?
Knowing what we know now at what lengths the Deep state, the Dem party power play, and corrupt politicians will go, I would be curious "just to see and make sure", that they were not involved in trying to subvert and missdirect attention to the coming GOP defense/rebuttal that is hinted to drop a number of Dem political coruption evidence pieces and Schiffs abuse of power.
1)we know Dems always deflect by premptively accusing rivals of their own dirty deeds to muddy and confuse and deaden the pain of their fallout-especially affective when they control most media spin.
So we have evidence that the Dems think like this by way of accusation that Trump would even use the taking out of
Qasem Soleimani to smokescreen his impeachment trial*, therefore Dems are inadvertantly outting something they would think to do themselves to divert attention.
By killing a sports legend that would divert his fans and a nations attention into his funeral(process into the week, they can maintain control of info and coverage, especially in their selected audience that they need to pander to and maintain devotees out of as a group.
[*this is checkmate to the naysayers, because this is what Schumer and Schiff and Pelosi and Dems on these boards tried to sell conspiracy wise about the
Qasem Soleimani knock out.]-oops, busted! ;-)
2)the people and location targeted is interesting-it's Pelosi and Schiff's district region. Schiff has motives but so too does someone who I would also investigate to cross off the list of possible concerns:
The Ukrainian donor
Igor Pasternak, the founder and CEO of Worldwide Aeros Corp., Who through Schiff's support of Tax payer money going to Ukraine for defense was diverted portions back to his donors company by way of a military arms machinery mechanical parts contract. = Making his campaign donation the Bribe and pay to play quid pro quo (the payoff Adam Schiff got) which benefit his donor got in Ukraine gov't contract with money they got from
-you guessed it-
"U.S. taxpayer funded money".
Who was most troubled by any US investigation of Ukrainian bribes and kickbacks to our politicians=Adam Schiff. Who abused his power and lied and set up this sham to stop the investigations (obstructing justice)?=Adam Schiff.
Who can orchestrate a mechanical error but a manufacturer of mechanical parts for things like Helicopters? Schiff's donor Pasternak and his Worldwide Aeros Corp.,
In that case corruption diverted
"U.S. taxpayer funded money" would be to blame for
Kobe's Death.
Before you kvetch & moan, this post is very carefully worded, so I am not responsible for people unable to read what I'm saying, plus it's obviously using the lefts arguments against them, so any complaints of conspiratory nature is a complaint about how the left is using their dellusions for propaganda and abuse of the population by way of media control and subversion.
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Oh shit...a sportsball player died...no resource is too precious!
We must find the root cause!
View attachment 302789
I hold a very old view on athletes, and other entertainers. I like sports. Yet I understand its place in the world. It is entertainment, and it's players, entertainers. We have inflated the value of it over the past 100 years to place reserved for scientists, inventors, and educators.
A man and 8 others died. THIS is sad. The fact that he was a grown man who played a child's game should not factor. Yet, if we were honest...it is the only reason we care. What does that say about how trite, childish....silly...pitiful our culture is?
The media infatuation with Saint Kobe basically ruined my relaxing Sunday of watching TV.

I don't follow the NBA and know very little about basketball players and teams,

But the Kobe news coverage was non stop on every channel.

I mean, how many times do they need to show a crashed helicopter and interview people blubbering on and on about what a great guy he was?

I get it. Move on.

Surely there are other things going on in the world. ... :cool:
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Purportedly he had made a comment "the impeachment was bullshit"

Possibly he had dirt on Hillary too. :)
Hillary has so much dirt on her, even Mike Rowe won't touch her. *L*
And that Helicopter and it's system is supposed to be able to handle all conditions like deep fog.
And that Helicopter and it's system is supposed to be able to handle all conditions like deep fog.

That's correct. A helicopter flying commercial with 9 aboard HAS all the instruments and the pilot would be instrumented rated. As I mentioned they were under VFR (visual flight rules) but should have switched to IFR (instrument flight rules) Following explains more.

Kobe Bryant's helicopter pilot was given 'special clearance to fly at or below 2,500 feet in dangerous weather conditions' - relying only on his eyesight rather than instruments before the crash
  • The helicopter carrying Bryant and his daughter, Gianna, left Santa Ana in Orange County shortly after 9am
  • Conditions were not suitable for flying, according to Los Angeles police who grounded their own choppers
  • Pilot was flying under visual flight rules (VFR), meaning he was relying on his ability to see terrain below him
  • Around 9.20am, the helicopter circled for about 15 minutes east of Interstate-5, near Glendale, data shows
  • Air traffic controllers held up the chopper for other aircraft for 11 minutes, before clearing it through Burbank
  • The pilot, who was named as Ara Zobayan, could've contacted ATC and requested to switch to instrument flight rules (IFR), which would have allowed him to navigate through the clouds
  • But when pilots fly under IFR, it can be time-consuming, especially in Southern California's busy airspace
  • Aircraft continued under VFR and around 9.40am it turned west to follow US Route 101, the Ventura Highway
  • Around 9.44am, the helicopter turned toward the southeast and climbed to more than 2,000 feet, in what appeared to be an attempt to put some space between helicopter and terrain
  • It then descended and crashed into the hillside at about 1,400 feet, according to data from Flightradar24
  • Bryant 41, and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were both killed in crash along with John Altobelli, 56, his wife, Keri, and daughter, Alyssa, who played on the same basketball team as Bryant's daughter
  • Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley tweeted that Christina Mauser, a girls basketball coach, also died in crash
  • The NBA legend's helicopter was only 17 miles from the Mamba Sports Academy when the crash occurred
  • It's unclear where pilot was going to land in Thousand Oaks, but the nearest helipad to the 100,000-square-foot facility is at Amgen headquarters which is a little over six miles away from Mamba Sports Academy
Helicopter that crashed killing Kobe and 8 others circled for 15 minutes over Burbank | Daily Mail Online
Just shows you that sometimes weilding your prestige and power from being famous, to get your way, isn't always a good thing when you are asserting that to get around restrictions intended to protect you, like what Kennedy did flying in the dense fog as well.
Seems to be pilot error not asking for IFR but then Kobe may have "influenced" him to not waste time in IFR. We won't know however pilot is in command not passengers.
Just note how many minutes Kobe got and compare that to today's
Middle East Peace plan details at the joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to announce the plan.
What does he have to do, have
Dennis Rodman there in a wedding dress to get the same news cycle?
Lots of youtube constant pundits have theories that it was not just an accident. That he said something against impeachment, that he was connected to Hillary, to Epstien... Who knows, he isn't going to say.
Just note how many minutes Kobe got and compare that to today's
Middle East Peace plan details at the joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to announce the plan.
What does he have to do, have
Dennis Rodman there in a wedding dress to get the same news cycle?

That's what I no longer watch "the news" or read "the news" because -- they're not the news!

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