FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

It's used heavily by people on the right as well. The right has placed fascist and socialist in the same pot, which to anyone with an ounce of knowledge of history makes no sense. The right loves calling us commies (another term which has been way overused) and Nazis.

I'm not trying to use it as an insult. I'm trying to make sure we realize what is going on and how we can fix it.
You won't get very far by using that term. Just like yelling, "Hitler!" every time someone says something you don't like, it only sounds like you're trying to shut down further conversation.
You won't get very far by using that term. Just like yelling, "Hitler!" every time someone says something you don't like, it only sounds like you're trying to shut down further conversation.
I’m not trying to shut down conversation but I won’t refrain from pointing out historical similarities between Trump and fascists because you don’t like the term.

It’s a very real term with very real meaning and very real similarities to what’s going on in our country.

Ironically it sounds like you’re trying to shut down conversation about this.
Rat bastards. Was he even at the January 6 protest?

"Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.

This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”

Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story."

BREAKING: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell’s Phone
Thanks to the FBI they got his phone.
One of the things I think is most relevant is this idea that the country was once strong but that strength has been damaged by societal impurities. This damage can only be reversed by excising or combating these scapegoats. The scapegoats can be internal or external. It was a blanket rejection of globalism and internationalism.

There's other similarities too, but these are important to consider.
I’m not trying to shut down conversation but I won’t refrain from pointing out historical similarities between Trump and fascists because you don’t like the term.

It’s a very real term with very real meaning and very real similarities to what’s going on in our country.

Ironically it sounds like you’re trying to shut down conversation about this.
Not at all, I'm simply stating that it is a lot more effective to describe something without using a term that has been overused or so twisted as to mean something completely different. You mentioned that you get called, "Commie". Do you object to that term? If you want to point out historical similarities between TRUMP! and fascists, be prepared to have someone point out historical similarities between the democrat party's push for the nanny state and Communism.

Both Fascim and Communism killed millions of people, and when you start using those terms, you inevitably put whatever you're comparing to them on the same plane. You might as well say that Quid Pro Joe is Hitler because both were photographed in a very angry pose, fists in the air, screeching and condemning their fellow citizens.
One of the things I think is most relevant is this idea that the country was once strong but that strength has been damaged by societal impurities. This damage can only be reversed by excising or combating these scapegoats. The scapegoats can be internal or external. It was a blanket rejection of globalism and internationalism.

There's other similarities too, but these are important to consider.
The thing is, Quid Pro Joe's infamous recent speech in which he railed against millions of his fellow citizens as dangerous to the country for mere political beliefs has established him firmly in this camp. Things are not going well for him and he needed a scapegoat.
The thing is, Quid Pro Joe's infamous recent speech in which he railed against millions of his fellow citizens as dangerous to the country for mere political beliefs has established him firmly in this camp. Things are not going well for him and he needed a scapegoat.
Biden lashes out incoherently. This is usually an early sign of dementia.
Not at all, I'm simply stating that it is a lot more effective to describe something without using a term that has been overused or so twisted as to mean something completely different. You mentioned that you get called, "Commie". Do you object to that term? If you want to point out historical similarities between TRUMP! and fascists, be prepared to have someone point out historical similarities between the democrat party's push for the nanny state and Communism.

Both Fascim and Communism killed millions of people, and when you start using those terms, you inevitably put whatever you're comparing to them on the same plane. You might as well say that Quid Pro Joe is Hitler because both were photographed in a very angry pose, fists in the air, screeching and condemning their fellow citizens.
I would welcome a discussion about communism and Democratic policies because there really aren't that many similarities.

I think our country is important enough not to let delicate feelings get in the way of having an honest discussion. We need to talk about what led to fascism in other countries because we can't let it happen here. This isn't about a photograph of an angry pose. This is about methods that political leaders are using to foment anger which they use to take and retain power.
The thing is, Quid Pro Joe's infamous recent speech in which he railed against millions of his fellow citizens as dangerous to the country for mere political beliefs has established him firmly in this camp. Things are not going well for him and he needed a scapegoat.
Not a terrible point. It's wrong to say that "mere political beliefs" can't be dangerous to the country. Certainly we can both agree that some political beliefs are in fact dangerous. So let's start with something we can agree on.
Motherfucker was photographed carrying a document to the POTUS arguing for using martial law to end Democracy. He's living his fantasy right now; after years of efforts he finally gets to be a target.
He is entitled to argue for the use of martial law. That's his opinion. The FBI is now targeting opinions. That's why they are confiscating phones. They want the contact lists.
He is entitled to argue for the use of martial law. That's his opinion. The FBI is now targeting opinions. That's why they are confiscating phones. They want the contact lists.
That's not why he is targeted. You always find things that don't exist to get upset about.
Sounds good to me. I wish them luck putting the traitors in prison.
Be very careful. "Traitors" to the democrat party =/= traitors to the country. Persecution of political beliefs will only rebound against democrats the next time they lose power. They just can't help but overreach every time they get power, grant themselves some new authority, then wail like stuck pigs when that authority is used against them.
Be very careful. "Traitors" to the democrat party =/= traitors to the country. Persecution of political beliefs will only rebound against democrats the next time they lose power. They just can't help but overreach every time they get power, grant themselves some new authority, then wail like stuck pigs when that authority is used against them.
Motherfucker republicans have been at war my entire life. They will overreach every chance they get and never apologize. Fuck you and fuck them. I am happy to see, FINALLY, efforts to stop them.
Not a terrible point. It's wrong to say that "mere political beliefs" can't be dangerous to the country. Certainly we can both agree that some political beliefs are in fact dangerous. So let's start with something we can agree on.
Yes, authoritarianism, weaponizing various government agencies against the citizens they are supposed to serve, the belief that the president doesn't work for the people, trading freedom for the illusion of safety are all very dangerous political beliefs. Attempting to erase citizens from society for supporting various politicians is a very dangerous political belief. I could go on, but that's a start.
Motherfucker republicans have been at war my entire life. They will overreach every chance they get and never apologize. Fuck you and fuck them. I am happy to see, FINALLY, efforts to stop them.
Republicans are very late to the fight game. They've been very genteel and accommodating until only very recently, when they have begun to wake up and fight. This is not even very controversial.

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