FBI now confiscates Mike Lindell's phone

Not at all. Fascism is a very real threat and it has emerged as a threat only from once liberal democracies. Our country isn’t immune from the threat of fascism and in order to fend it off, we have to recognize what it is.

Trump isn’t like a “full blown” fascist but he’s trending along these lines. He has many of the features of the historical fascists who led their countries to very bad places. So far our country’s institutions have protected us, but that could change.
Trump has some troubling characteristics and some of them might be associated with authoritarianism but I would not describe him as fascist. That's an extreme, unwarranted description that serves as a political attack by his opponents. He's of little threat at the moment since he has no governing authority.

Biden also has some disturbing traits, some of which might also be associated with authoritarianism. With much of the Democratic Party supportive of that and the reality of Biden actually introducing some policies, Biden is the greater threat since he does have governing authority.
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Yet I see the term being mis-applied and drastically overused to the point it become virtually meaningless. Many liberals appear to be treating it as a magic talisman that, if uttered frequently enough, makes the shadows vanish.
It’s used incorrectly by both sides. I’ve seen the most egregious misuses on the right (just look at how the DoJ is labeled Nazis and the gestapo for investigating and prosecuting crimes).

But it’s not meaningless and it’s quite relevant to anyone who has actually studied what fascism is and where it comes from.
Trump has some troubling characteristics and some of them might be associated with authoritarianism but I would not describe him as fascist. That's an extreme, unwarranted description that serves as a political attack by his opponents. He's of little threat at the moment since he has no governing authority.

Biden also has some disturbing traits, a some of which might also be associated with authoritarianism. With much of the Democratic Party supportive of that and the reality of Biden actually introducing some policies, Biden is the greater threat since he does have governing authority.
Fascism goes well beyond authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is quite broad and a characteristic of many disparate ideologies.

Fascism has many unique characteristics which Trump embodies as well. The worship of the leader. The reverence for strength and combativeness. The idea that we had a great history and national strength which is robbed from us by scapegoats.

Trump is a threat as long as he holds considerable sway over a significant part of the population.
It’s used incorrectly by both sides. I’ve seen the most egregious misuses on the right (just look at how the DoJ is labeled Nazis and the gestapo for investigating and prosecuting crimes).

But it’s not meaningless and it’s quite relevant to anyone who has actually studied what fascism is and where it comes from.
It is a very real political philosophy just as racism is a very real thing, but the term has been so misused and mis-applied that being called a fascist doesn't really mean much any more. It's become just another trendy label to fling at your opponents.
Trump is a threat
We know you're scared.

Look at it this way..... There are solutions for you. You can always move to Venezuela. It's not half as scary there as Trumplandia must be to you.

I'll start a GoFundMe for you if you're too broke to get there on your own.
It is a very real political philosophy just as racism is a very real thing, but the term has been so misused and mis-applied that being called a fascist doesn't really mean much any more. It's become just another trendy label to fling at your opponents.
Being called a racist or fascist has lost its punch. They are now just political attacks.
It is a very real political philosophy just as racism is a very real thing, but the term has been so misused and mis-applied that being called a fascist doesn't really mean much any more. It's become just another trendy label to fling at your opponents.
I disagree. It has meaning. Being misused doesn’t change that.
"Fascism" and "fascist", the latest in a long line of liberal attempts to insult and silence opposition. They do this every time, and don't seem to realize they are doing it. Other "insults" that were overused to the point of absurdity include, "racist", "bigot", "homophobe", and "xenophobe". The pattern is to hurl the epithet over and over again ad infinitum, hoping it will intimidate the opposition into silence, the theory being that no one wants to be called bad names by liberals. Eventually, the term ceases to hold meaning and loses all impact, so it's replaced by another.
Nice try.
But your reasoning only holds up in the event that the pejorative terms being used are somehow innacurate.However in this example they are not.
The words "fascist, racist, bigot, homophobe, and xenophobe" perfectly describe anyone stupid enough to fall for Trump's phony MAGAt crap in the first place.
Plenty of ultra-MAGAs are serving time. Plenty are pending trial. Plenty more will be indicted.

Meanwhile Republicans wail and moan but have no actual response.
Back to the point of my comment (which you just danced around) about using the phrase ultra-MAGA in order to divide and multiply all possible labels and divisions is a leftist agenda, but the good news it backfired!

Btw-Are you under the impression that Joe Biden came up with this term, as indicated by Red during a May press conference? Lol Now that my friend, is even funnier if you believe it! The phrase, ultra-MAGA originated following a six-month study by the White House to determine how to attack the Republicans, prior to the primaries of course! My God, can you imagine six months of paying “political researchers”to come with a way to denigrate the Republicans, and the best thing they came up with is ultra- MAGA? 😆 You seriously cannot make this stuff up because people wouldn’t believe you!

Bigger question, how much money were these “research” people paid to conduct this 6-month study? Was this study funded by the DNC so I should not be concerned federal funds were wasted, yet again for the billionth time? Hmmm I will need to check.

By the way, thanks for the prompt. I missed Biden‘s May speeches when he used “his”, as Jen stated “Biden’s popping term”. A perfect response by the Republican base to instantly sell ultra-MAGA T-shirts! The Democrats (came back to add- there are many good people who are traditional Democrats, they’ve been muzzled by the leftist press mostly) would have us believe that the attempt to make America great again is like some evil plot- what losers they are in general, seriously. I guess I’m becoming more adverse to their spewings and it’s showing.

Conservatives, continue to embrace all leftist spewings -that’s my new motto! Their words mean nothing and it takes them six months to come up with one lol
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It’s a problem because we can’t afford to ignore it.
Unfortunately it has been overused so much that people do ignore it. You can thank the democrats for accusing almost every republican of being racist and fascist.
Around 20 members of Trump's campaign had contact with Russian government officials. Trump's campaign manager had previously helped get the Kremlin-connected president of Ukraine elected before a lot of Ukrainians revolted and he fled to Moscow. He then moved to NYC and set up an office in Trump Tower where Trump lived. The two were soon seen walking the halls deep in discussions.

The Russian "Internet Research Agency" began a campaign of using social media to influence the presidential campaign in Trump's favor. Meanwhile, Trump praised Putin, even saying he trusted him more than US intelligence agencies. Trump advocated for disbanding NATO which has long been Putin's hope. Trump said, "Russia, if you're listening..." asking them to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Trump's primary foreign policy adviser was pro-Russian.

It would have been dereliction of duty had the FBI not investigated Trump's relationship with Russia.

Must be why I always see Trump signs two years later. Never a Biden. And sometimes some guy named Brandon.
That's cultism for ya.
I disagree. It has meaning. Being misused doesn’t change that.
Hear what I'm saying. Of course it has a meaning. Attempting to use it as an insult, however, has lost its meaning due to over and mis-use. IOW, at one time it was a serious thing to be called a fascist, but the way it's used today just means the person disagrees with the democrat party.
Yes it was. That's exactly what he did. Waved them about, bragged about his meeting. Stop hurting your own credibility to cover for these idiots.
I said that picture wasn't showing them off, and it wasn't. Get with the program.
Hear what I'm saying. Of course it has a meaning. Attempting to use it as an insult, however, has lost its meaning due to over and mis-use. IOW, at one time it was a serious thing to be called a fascist, but the way it's used today just means the person disagrees with the democrat party.
It's used heavily by people on the right as well. The right has placed fascist and socialist in the same pot, which to anyone with an ounce of knowledge of history makes no sense. The right loves calling us commies (another term which has been way overused) and Nazis.

I'm not trying to use it as an insult. I'm trying to make sure we realize what is going on and how we can fix it.

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