FBI Now Mercs For Hire? FBI Helped Hillary Undermine Trump Campaign

... The evidences against them are overwhelming.
There has obviously been no shortage of Republican politicians, prosecutors, and ideological media entertainers flogging this notion for years.

Their combined, concerted fatwa against Hillary Clinton - including millions of taxpayer dollars squandered on targeted, partisan congressional hearings - has resulted in not a single criminal indictment, only the vapid rhetoric that their lickspittles parrot.

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If it were true that "The evidences against them is overwhelming?," why have they all been impotent in contriving a single indictment?

Why have they all been and remain so incredibly incompetent?
There has obviously been no shortage of Republican politicians, prosecutors, and ideological media entertainers flogging this notion for years.

Their combined, concerted fatwa against Hillary Clinton - including millions of taxpayer dollars squandered on targeted, partisan congressional hearings - has resulted in not a single criminal indictment, only the vapid rhetoric that their lickspittles parrot.

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If it were true that "The evidences against them is overwhelming?," why have they all been impotent in contriving a single indictment?

Why have they all been and remain so incredibly incompetent?
Yet when she tossed away the election......suddenly the Clinton Foundation had no contributors.
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Yet when she tossed away the election......suddenly the Clinton Foundation had no contributors.
Thank you for supplying you voluminous list of all the crimes for which Clinton has been indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated.

The Republican prosecutorial diligence of so many years has certainly produced impressive results.

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"We have achieved precisely as many criminal convictions
of Hillary Clinton
as we have exposed suspects in my 'Big Steal!"

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Thank you for supplying you voluminous list of all the crimes for which Clinton has been indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated.

The Republican prosecutorial diligence of so many years has certainly produced impressive results.

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"We have achieved precisely as many criminal convictions
of Hillary Clinton
as we have exposed suspects in my 'Big Steal!"

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What was that famous Hillary quote that Marjorie Taylor Green used under oath, recently?
You mean those same prosecutorial efforts that were stone walled by the WH and all the alphabet agencies under it at the time?
I heard mention of this in the current Durham probe, it will be addressed.
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You have to have committed CRIMES to be arrested and sent to jail. 25+ investigations - all based on Republican lies and rumours, and conducted by Republicans, have proven that NOTHING Republicans Breitbart and FOX News have said about the Clintons and the other Democrats, is true.

The Republican Party politicized the FBI by having them pointlessly investigate the Clintons for the past 30 years. The FBI were called upon by Ken Starr to investigate the Clintons for everything from White Water to Vince Foster's suicide and Hillary Clinton's emails, "pay for play", Uranium One. You name it.

John Dunham just spent 4 years trying to bring charges against members of the FBI, the Obama Department of Justice, Hillary Clinton, and failed utterly to convince a Grand Jury to indict ANYONE in the FBI or the Obama Department of Justice for any crimes whatsoever.

At the same time, the Special Prosecutor appointed by the Trump Department of Justice sent, or was abouty to send 9 of Trump's associates and advisors to jail for an assortment of crimes, lies, and deceptions perpetrated upon the American public by Trump and his cronies.

Republicans policitized the FBI to go after Democrats in general, and the Clintons in particular, and now that all of their lies and schemes and criminal behaviour is being exposed by the Mueller Investigation and the January 6th Investigation, the problem isn't criminal Republicans, it's the FBI who continue to follow the evidence and charge Republicans of the crimes they commit.

The Republicans base continues to believe, on no evidence other than FOX News Reports and right wing media, that Democrats are criminals, and Republicans are persecuted.

Democrats learned a long time ago that everything they do in the White House is subject to oversight and investigation. Republicans assume that because they are dishonest and power hungry that they will do anything, legal or otherwise, to maintain power, that Democrats are just as dishonest. It's a false assumption.
Hilliary CLEARLY committed numberous crimes---------and the FBI knew because they destroyed blackberries and computers for Hilliary (to keep her ass out of jail.) You don't destroy evidence if nots evidence.
There has obviously been no shortage of Republican politicians, prosecutors, and ideological media entertainers flogging this notion for years.

Their combined, concerted fatwa against Hillary Clinton - including millions of taxpayer dollars squandered on targeted, partisan congressional hearings - has resulted in not a single criminal indictment, only the vapid rhetoric that their lickspittles parrot.

View attachment 647171

If it were true that "The evidences against them is overwhelming?," why have they all been impotent in contriving a single indictment?

Why have they all been and remain so incredibly incompetent?
You really don't know why ? HA HA. Oh C'm on man!
You really don't know why ? HA HA. Oh C'm on man!

I deal in reality.

I have no doubt that intrepid Trumpers would still be relentlessly naming suspects, uncovering evidence, amassing empirical proofs of their "Big Steal!", and promoting them in legislative and judicial bodies as well as their media throughout the land.
The fact that they could not and still can not contrive any such supportive pretexts is irrefutable.

They just can't handle the truth of the 2020 election, validated and affirmed by Republicans as well as Democrats in all 50 states, but not by these goons:

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I deal in reality.

I have no doubt that intrepid Trumpers would still be relentlessly naming suspects, uncovering evidence, amassing empirical proofs of their "Big Steal!", and promoting them in legislative and judicial bodies as well as their media throughout the land.
The fact that they could not and still can not contrive any such supportive pretexts is irrefutable.

They just can't handle the truth of the 2020 election, validated and affirmed by Republicans as well as Democrats in all 50 states, but not by these goons.

Not hard to see.
Hitlery kept classified material on an unsecure private server.

That is clearly a felony. Anyone arguing otherwise is a dishonest moron.

The only reason she isn’t in jail is because of her name.
Hitlery kept classified material on an unsecure private server.

That is clearly a felony. Anyone arguing otherwise is a dishonest moron.

The only reason she isn’t in jail is because of her name.
Kinda funny, Mook rats her out. LOL
So you have no rebuttal to the facts in my post.
I accept the American system of jurisprudence, and trust prosecutorial zeal to prove guilty whoever, until then, is innocent, regardless of how stridently or for however long hyper-partisans shriek

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I accept the American system of jurisprudence, and trust prosecutorial zeal to prove guilty whoever, until then, is innocent, regardless of how stridently or for however long hyper-partisans shriek

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If you trust it so much, why is there are two sets of law books?

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