FBI Now Mercs For Hire? FBI Helped Hillary Undermine Trump Campaign

haha the entire putin narrative was a hoax created by clinton
I never bought it, and I don't know who did. Certainly not the Trump regime's special counsel, Robert Mueller.


Putin's proven interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton did not require overt collaboration of any sort, despite Trump's special adviser's comments regarding Trump's campaign personnel secretly meeting with Putin's agents:
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“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea
to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower

in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers.
They didn’t have any lawyers.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit,
and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”
I never bought it, and I don't know who did. Certainly not the Trump regime's special counsel, Robert Mueller.


Putin's proven interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton did not require overt collaboration of any sort, despite Trump's special adviser's comments regarding Trump's campaign personnel secretly meeting with Putin's agents:
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“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea
to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower

in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers.
They didn’t have any lawyers.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit,
and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”
Yes Mueller and his team tried to prove the hoax true, but clearly couldn’t…thus clearly trump.
What charges is he facing?

Using YOUR standards he has not committed any crimes ever since he hasn't already been convicted of any crimes, right?
You seem averse to confronting the thread's topic by listing all the criminal charges against Hillary Clinton that Republican-run Congressional investigative committees, the Trump Justice Department, and rabid Republican prosecutors have contrived against her through the years in the perpetual "Lock her up! Lock her up!" fatwa.


You seem averse to confronting the thread's topic by listing all the criminal charges against Hillary Clinton that Republican-run Congressional investigative committees, the Trump Justice Department, and rabid Republican prosecutors have contrived against her through the years in the perpetual "Lock her up! Lock her up!" fatwa.


19 lawsuits? you know if he were even to lose them all..which is unlikely, people don’t go to jail over lawsuits

you don’t think the clintons have been sued at least 19 times?
19 lawsuits? you know if he were even to lose them all..which is unlikely, people don’t go to jail over lawsuits
I made no comments regarding incarceration. Screeching, "Lock him up! Lock him up!" is not my style.

If you actually like to think that Hillary Clinton confronts greater legal jeopardy than does Trump, all will be revealed in the fulness of time.
I made no comments regarding incarceration. Screeching, "Lock him up! Lock him up!" is not my style.

If you actually like to think that Hillary Clinton confronts greater legal jeopardy than does Trump, all will be revealed in the fulness of time.
yeah i’ve been waiting for you all to do that wirh trump for 6 years now. I’m just glad i didn’t hold my breath
yeah i’ve been waiting for you all to do that wirh trump for 6 years now. I’m just glad i didn’t hold my breath

When did I ever opine that Trump's incarceration was imminent or screech, "Lock him up! Lock him up!"?
haha the entire putin narrative was a hoax created by clinton
Do most Democrats even KNOW about this? The ones I know get their news from CNN and MSNBC, and the older ones still get the Washington Post. Are they reporting this, or suppressing the news (as usual)?
Forget 'Defund The Police' - Defund The FBI.

Congress needs to step up and shut the FBI down pending a full outside review of the FBI from top to bottom...starting with Wray.

From illegally spying on Americans to participating in the largest criminal political scandal in US history to helping set up Americans to hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and protecting compromised criminal Joe 'the Big Guy' Biden, the FBI has become a rogue threat to both the country and American citizens.

Now we find out the FBI 'Merc'ed / pimped themselves out to the biggest criminal political whore in Democratic Party history.

Such a powerful, biased, criminal rogue govt agency as the FBI can not be allowed to exist as is. It's threat to this nation has been proven time and again.

Utter horseshit...

You just create accusations and expect FBI to investigate... You are pulling these out of your ass... Where is your evidence...

Why did it take so long to give FBI the supposedly 'Hunter Laptop'? Why was it when eventually so compromised by the time they got it, it could never be used as evidence... They detached it from the orginal laptop and took so many images and messed it with so much the sequencing numbers on the emails have been compromised... Why did they destroy there evidence like that? Maybe because it was crap to start with?
not to mention xiden, and the rest of the obamagate gang that aided putin and clinton’s hoax
I’d add Fauci to the list for lying about his involvement in developing the virus, and then using the spread of it to shut down the economy and get the gullible idiots to blame Trump.
Forget 'Defund The Police' - Defund The FBI.

Congress needs to step up and shut the FBI down pending a full outside review of the FBI from top to bottom...starting with Wray.

From illegally spying on Americans to participating in the largest criminal political scandal in US history to helping set up Americans to hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and protecting compromised criminal Joe 'the Big Guy' Biden, the FBI has become a rogue threat to both the country and American citizens.

Now we find out the FBI 'Merc'ed / pimped themselves out to the biggest criminal political whore in Democratic Party history.

Such a powerful, biased, criminal rogue govt agency as the FBI can not be allowed to exist as is. It's threat to this nation has been proven time and again.

Hmm...well, if that's true, someone needs to ask for their money back. Because as I recall, Trump won.
So if this was a merc op, it was one of the most incompetent I've ever heard of being run. :auiqs.jpg:
Actually that is false.

Hillary Clinton being in possession of TS/SCI classified material on her personal laptop after she had left the govt and after she had been read out other program - making it illegal for to have the information was highly 'prosecutable'. The bitch should be wearing an orange jump suit right now.

As the Democrats continuously prove over and over, they do not believe laws apply to them and always protect their own so they are never held accountable.

That is why Hillary donors and supporters were allowed to be in the jury pool in the Sussmann trial. Durhammight as well drop the charges now because his trial has already been sabotaged.

Just because the biggest cpoliticakly criminal whore in Democrat Party History who has callously taken and sacrificed Ametican lives has not been held accountable does not mean she is not the biggest cpoliticakly criminal whore in Democrat Party History.
After years and years, there is no evidence to support any charges against ANY Clinton.
Just your alt-right masturbatory fantasies.
Prepare for more disappointment and agony. :auiqs.jpg:
You seem averse to confronting the thread's topic by listing all the criminal charges against Hillary Clinton that Republican-run Congressional investigative committees, the Trump Justice Department, and rabid Republican prosecutors have contrived against her through the years in the perpetual "Lock her up! Lock her up!" fatwa.


So, no crimes?

Your hypocrisy is amazing.
because you all have been conspiring with your hoax investigations for half a decade
Your weird worship paranoia cannot evade the cogent question concerning this thread:

In the years of Republican-run investigative committees targeting her, four years of a Trump regime's Justice Department, and relentless attacks by ideological media entertainers, when has the "Lock her up! Lock her up!" fatwa ever resulted in some zealous prosecutor, somewhere, actually filing criminal charges against her?
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So, no crimes?

Your hypocrisy is amazing.
Just because you cannot cite a single instance of Clinton (the subject of this thread) having ever been indicted does not mean you can't kvetch about her and contrive diversions.

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