FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

What money did Hillary take from Russia as SofS?

The Clinton Foundation had been audited several times. The Clintons take no money from it.


You Stalinists are something else.

You actually are so very insane you believe the lies you've been conditioned to spew, doncha comrade?

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Hillary Clinton did not sign off on that deal. That's old news. You're a lying idiot. Any money flowing to the Clinton Foundation did not go to the Clinton's own enrichment. The article you posted does not specify any personal money gains by the Clintons. The only person who is "something else" is you, with your lies.

So you're a clown.

Lie #1

"Hillary Clinton did not sign off on that deal."

{A number of investors in Uranium One gave donations to the Clinton Foundation during the time the sale was being considered (between 2008 and 2010), in part through the participation of Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate who was a large donor to the Foundation and who had controlled a company that eventually bought Uranium One}

It's called "Quid Pro Quo," retard.

Now, you are just a liar, you have no integrity, so facts are irrelevant to you. I get it, you're a fucking psychopath as is the way of democrats, but the "Clinton Foundation" was never anything other than money laundering for the massive bribes the Clinton mob brought in. Bringing us to:

Lie #2

"The article you posted does not specify any personal money gains by the Clintons"

{In addition, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 in 2010 to give a speech to a Russian bank with ties to the Russian government. The U.S. government eventually approved the deal in 2010.}

So what have we found? Well, you're a fucking liar, meh you're a democrat, that goes without saying. You don't give a fuck about facts, you seek to protect and promote your party regardless of what they do.
We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.
NO, we can't have a compromised president leading and undermining this nation. If Trump has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear from an investigation. Though odd, Trump did not deny being a foreign agent.
So the deep state tries to stage a coup against the lawfully elected president. They manage to continue their baseless campaign against him for two years, so now he's "compromised?"

You're such a fucking douchebag it isn't possible to describe with mere words.
Here we go now with this deep state shit psychobabble. You have the credibility of a fucking newt.
More fake news hysteria. It's the same old shit: The real estate deal that never happened and the meeting in Trump tower with the Russian lawyer. It's all the same discredited horseshit, and none of it was illegal.

Repeating Trump's lie that the Dossier has been discredited does not make it so. Much is still unproven in the public sphere, but not a bit discredited.
The dossier has never been credited. Comey and McCabe admitted that none of the information was validated. No one needs to discredit it anymore than they need to discredit a comic book.

Is English your second language? Unverified is not unproven...and more and more gets proven with every Mueller indictment.
My comic book collection is "unverified," moron. You're saying the dossier is as credible as a comic book. I agree.
What part of simple logic don't you get you friggin idiotic douche? The parts of the dossier that were investigated, check out. The other parts haven't been verified yet. How damn retarded are you?
Which parts were investigated? The only thing I'm aware of is whether Cohen went to Prague, and that didn't check out. Otherwise it's all unverified horseshit.

That's the simple logic, douchebag.
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.
NO, we can't have a compromised president leading and undermining this nation. If Trump has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear from an investigation. Though odd, Trump did not deny being a foreign agent.
So the deep state tries to stage a coup against the lawfully elected president. They manage to continue their baseless campaign against him for two years, so now he's "compromised?"

You're such a fucking douchebag it isn't possible to describe with mere words.
Here we go now with this deep state shit psychobabble. You have the credibility of a fucking newt.
Here's you:

In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...
That's all desperate Trump cult nonsense. The facts of the investigation will show what they show,and no amount of whiny equivocation and charlatan's shell games on the Trump cult's part are going to help trump slither out from under it.
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We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.
NO, we can't have a compromised president leading and undermining this nation. If Trump has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear from an investigation. Though odd, Trump did not deny being a foreign agent.
So the deep state tries to stage a coup against the lawfully elected president. They manage to continue their baseless campaign against him for two years, so now he's "compromised?"

You're such a fucking douchebag it isn't possible to describe with mere words.
Trump compromised himself with multiple conspiracies of his own making. That has already been proven. Get over it.
Mueller probe shows parts of Steele dossier true - CNN Video

Whether he is an unwitting asset or not is about the only thing WE don't know...but Robert Mueller probably does.


Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
So, Obama illegally used the CIA to recruit foreign spy Steele to meet with his Russian contacts to craft dirt on the opposition candidate in order to influence the 2016 election. Then he had his FBI PAY that spy for the document.

That would be treason. By Obama.

Unverified is not unproven. We are watching parts of it verified in Mueller indictments. Nothing has been disproved in the dossier. Spoiler alert, the pee tape is the least horrific of what could turn up in the end.


Definition of unverified

: not verified : lacking substantiation

Fucking moron.

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
So, Obama illegally used the CIA to recruit foreign spy Steele to meet with his Russian contacts to craft dirt on the opposition candidate in order to influence the 2016 election. Then he had his FBI PAY that spy for the document.

That would be treason. By Obama.

Unverified is not unproven. We are watching parts of it verified in Mueller indictments. Nothing has been disproved in the dossier. Spoiler alert, the pee tape is the least horrific of what could turn up in the end.
Nothing has been verified, moron. "Unverified" means it's worthless as evidence. You idiots keep trying to weasel around that fact, but no one is fooled.

There is no "pee tape," moron. If there was, then why haven't we seen it posted on youTube?
If...and admittedly it's a big if...there are "pee tapes"...Putin was showing Trump that he had to stay in his lane when he released the photos and text of that Kislyak meeting in the Oval Office the day after Trump fired Comey.

Here's Trump being the good puppy and he gets smacked on the nose anyway. That had to sting...and make him sit properly
I won't bother dignifying that swill with a substantive response.
Because you can't.
I easily can, but I prefer not to soil myself.
The only thing I'm aware of is whether Cohen went to Prague, and that didn't check out.
Actually, it now looks likely that that meeting did occur. Cohen lied about his alibi and his cell phone pinged near Prague. I'm betting it did, in fact, "check out".
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.
NO, we can't have a compromised president leading and undermining this nation. If Trump has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear from an investigation. Though odd, Trump did not deny being a foreign agent.
So the deep state tries to stage a coup against the lawfully elected president. They manage to continue their baseless campaign against him for two years, so now he's "compromised?"

You're such a fucking douchebag it isn't possible to describe with mere words.
Trump compromised himself with multiple conspiracies of his own making. That has already been proven. Get over it.
Pure unadulterated horseshit. It's sad that there are so many morons in this country like you who can vote.
The dossier has never been credited. Comey and McCabe admitted that none of the information was validated. No one needs to discredit it anymore than they need to discredit a comic book.

Comey and McCabe bought it from the Russians to rig the 2016 election. That election is over, so the dossier has no more use to these corrupt traitors.

Besides, they were just following orders from Obama.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.
NO, we can't have a compromised president leading and undermining this nation. If Trump has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear from an investigation. Though odd, Trump did not deny being a foreign agent.
So the deep state tries to stage a coup against the lawfully elected president. They manage to continue their baseless campaign against him for two years, so now he's "compromised?"

You're such a fucking douchebag it isn't possible to describe with mere words.
Here we go now with this deep state shit psychobabble. You have the credibility of a fucking newt.
Here's you:

Look at this coward and his hearing problem who can't listen or handle the truth. You are a part of the Trump apologizing dung heap.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...
That's all desperate Trump cult nonsense. The facts of the investigation will show what they show,and no amount of whiny equivocation and charlatan's shell games on the Trump cult's part are going to help trump slither out from under it.
There's nothing "desperate" or nonsensical about it. Mueller has nothing. He never had anything. This whole giant conspiracy theory was conjured up by Hillary, Comey, Strozk, Brenner, Clapper and the other coup plotters in the Obama administration.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
God, there's no shortage of morons in this country who believe this horseshit.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
Trump is evil with lots of $$$$ and sex
Putin loves people like you

People who don't want a needless war that would kill millions of his country men for no reason?

If he does not, he should.

But I do not oppose war with Russia, for his benefit, but for the benefit of my fellow Americans, who would have to deal with paying the price in blood and treasure.

Why do you want to see America piss away the lives of millions of our fellow citizens, and trillions of dollars for no reason?
Welcome to crazy town. War with Russia?

That's quite the leap there Igor

George Bush put the Navy into the Black Sea to support separatists fighting a war with Russia.

Bill Clinton expanded NATO to the point of admitting ESTONIA.

Hillary Clinton wanted to order our planes to shot down Russian planes if they flew were they had been flying.

Wake the fuck up, before this blows up in our face.

Estonia and Poland were the heroes who with Reagan and Thatcher put an end to the USSR and the Communism that Lesh so loves. She has been trained by her masters to hate Russia due to their rejection of Communism.

Estonia is small, but they stood when it counted. Now that America is invested with Soviet scum like leach and the other democrats, we need allies with the spine to stand up to these hideous monsters.

WTF...that's quite the (Russian troll?) rant!

Newsflash...there's no "she" here. Lesh is a male

Say stupid, I'm still waiting for you insane conspiracy morons to explain how the "russian bot" bullshit works? Doubling down on your fucking retardation? :rofl:
Mueller probe shows parts of Steele dossier true - CNN Video

Whether he is an unwitting asset or not is about the only thing WE don't know...but Robert Mueller probably does.
More fake news hysteria. It's the same old shit: The real estate deal that never happened and the meeting in Trump tower with the Russian lawyer. It's all the same discredited horseshit, and none of it was illegal.

Repeating Trump's lie that the Dossier has been discredited does not make it so. Much is still unproven in the public sphere, but not a bit discredited.
The dossier has never been credited. Comey and McCabe admitted that none of the information was validated. No one needs to discredit it anymore than they need to discredit a comic book.

Is English your second language? Unverified is not unproven...and more and more gets proven with every Mueller indictment.

Fucking liar.

Definition of unverified

: not verified : lacking substantiation
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Your ignorance to the truth and what is right and wrong clouds yours. You cannot see the truth because your heart is in the wrong place.

Your leaders are like the blind leading the blind.

"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers...."

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