FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

The FBI has some public relations to work on after what that shitstain Comey pulled
trump is a traitor and so are the scum that kiss his ass where are republicans that speak out?? POS every one

Yet he is building a wall, while you are wanting more Anti-American illegals in America.

Typical left wing projection. Blame the opponent of what you are doing yourself. I don't think there has been an end to the treasonous acts, putting illegals before Americans at every turn.
Projecting. The treasonous conduct seems to be emanating from the Oval Office, You so blind by your adulation and love for Trump you can't accept any truth about him.

Trump is the first president in ages that sides with the Americans. You being a devout anti-American are of course pissing your pants. Much more difficult to commit that treason of yours now.
You on drugs. You Trumpers suffer something like Stockholm syndrome. A president under investigation for being a Russian spy or stooge and you don't give a damn. You are the very definition of lemming.

Just bc one doesn’t believe everything they hear doesn’t make one a lemming, though I can totally understand why you’d come to that conclusion.

Tell me please, why is it a good idea to believe without question news about someone from sources run by people who’ve made it blatantly apparent they despise this someone? You’re no different from an Obama-hating Fox News obsesser.
Mueller probe shows parts of Steele dossier true - CNN Video

Whether he is an unwitting asset or not is about the only thing WE don't know...but Robert Mueller probably does.


Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
So, Obama illegally used the CIA to recruit foreign spy Steele to meet with his Russian contacts to craft dirt on the opposition candidate in order to influence the 2016 election. Then he had his FBI PAY that spy for the document.

That would be treason. By Obama.
That would be the FBI that engaged in treason by perjuring themselves to get a FISA warrant to spy on the president of the United States? The FBI that rigged the 2016 election on orders from Barack Mugabe Obama using a fake dossier they purchased from foreign intelligence agents that was drafted by Russia?

Since NONE of that is true...you must be talking about some other FBI

When the dust settles...you folks are going to be looking like real traitors to your country. Think about that

Are you fucking drunk, traitor?

The texts were released by Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, and majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, in a report titled “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI’s Investigation of it.”

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, that Comey was being prepped because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”}

Page-Strzok text: ‘POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing’

Try again fuckwad

Lesh doesn’t want to believe it’s true, therefore it’s not true.
Those institutions took themselves down, when they took sides.

I'm just one of the people calling them on their actions.

They need to be PURGED.

The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
What corruption?

Maybe he's talking about the New York field office that leaked something to Giuliani?
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes their job more difficult. The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
Of course, Herr Mueller knows he doesn't have a case. He's real job is just to do opposition research for the Dims. For that function leak are highly beneficial. It's a way to release information that normally it wouldn't be legal for him to release.

Obama committed treason, that is just fact.

He was so certain that between the corrupt press and the FBI/CIA rigging the election that Hillary would win. Remember that the press demanded it would be a landslide, that Hillary would take 48 states. So Mugabe and his thugs didn't even TRY to cover their tracks, a friendly was following, no need.

When Trump won, despite their treason, it was a SHOCK and put them in a panic. They had betrayed America repeatedly and were about to be caught, Trump is an OUTSIDER who would expose them. So they went on the offensive. They entrapped Gen. Flynn and then coerced a "confession" using the Spanish Inquisition techniques the Mueller is so well known for. He didn't literally have Flynn's wife raped, he just threatened to imprison his son and have his grand children put in foster care - basically sold into slavery. He is Torquemada.

The job of Torquemada is to distract from the treason of Obama.
Wow, you must think Flynn is the dumbest Trump Sheep on the planet then? If he was trapped, why did he plead guilty? You have to be as dumb as you are to do something like that. And there is no basis in fact about Mueller telling Flynn he was going to put his grandchildren in foster care. You are a liar.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.

When hilary was taking money as the Secretary of State from Russia and every other foreign government, did they open an investigation into her and her crime foundation? You know, as a public servant taking bribes? From Russia?
They did, and they found no crime foundation of her personally taking money. You are a liar.

Is this the same FBI that paid a foreign spy for fabricated dirt they used to rig an election in favor of Clinton? :dunno:
Trump is a .............

How many different asinine things can the left come up with?
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.

When hilary was taking money as the Secretary of State from Russia and every other foreign government, did they open an investigation into her and her crime foundation? You know, as a public servant taking bribes? From Russia?
They did, and they found no crime foundation of her personally taking money. You are a liar.
Wrong. They did no such investigation.
You're a liar. FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months
Their investigation hasn't finished, so how do you get off claiming they were found to be clean?
What money did Hillary take from Russia as SofS?

The Clinton Foundation had been audited several times. The Clintons take no money from it.


You Stalinists are something else.

You actually are so very insane you believe the lies you've been conditioned to spew, doncha comrade?

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal


The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Foundation from those related to the Uranium One deal came from one man - who had sold his interest in Uranium years before.

'Nice try but you were wrong.

Do you know that Uranium One was a Canadian Company & thereby that US uranium was already in control of another country.

Trump said Canada is a security risk to the US.

So the NY Times was lying then?


You live in a hate bubble that can never be penetrated by facts and reality.

You can't make this shit up.
Mueller probe shows parts of Steele dossier true - CNN Video

Whether he is an unwitting asset or not is about the only thing WE don't know...but Robert Mueller probably does.


Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified
So, Obama illegally used the CIA to recruit foreign spy Steele to meet with his Russian contacts to craft dirt on the opposition candidate in order to influence the 2016 election. Then he had his FBI PAY that spy for the document.

That would be treason. By Obama.

Unverified is not unproven. We are watching parts of it verified in Mueller indictments. Nothing has been disproved in the dossier. Spoiler alert, the pee tape is the least horrific of what could turn up in the end.
trump is a traitor and so are the scum that kiss his ass where are republicans that speak out?? POS every one

Yet he is building a wall, while you are wanting more Anti-American illegals in America.

Typical left wing projection. Blame the opponent of what you are doing yourself. I don't think there has been an end to the treasonous acts, putting illegals before Americans at every turn.
Projecting. The treasonous conduct seems to be emanating from the Oval Office, You so blind by your adulation and love for Trump you can't accept any truth about him.

Trump is the first president in ages that sides with the Americans. You being a devout anti-American are of course pissing your pants. Much more difficult to commit that treason of yours now.
You on drugs. You Trumpers suffer something like Stockholm syndrome. A president under investigation for being a Russian spy or stooge and you don't give a damn. You are the very definition of lemming.

Just bc one doesn’t believe everything they hear doesn’t make one a lemming, though I can totally understand why you’d come to that conclusion.

Tell me please, why is it a good idea to believe without question news about someone from sources run by people who’ve made it blatantly apparent they despise this someone? You’re no different from an Obama-hating Fox News obsesser.

Tell me why do you ignore Trump's own questionable conduct? For heaven's sakes, Trump is asked last night if he is a Russian agent and he does not deny it. He avoids the question. But that is neither here nor there in terms of Trump's own bending over backwards not to offend Putin. He only does so as a last resort and under extreme pressure from the real patriots in the WH.
The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
What corruption?

Maybe he's talking about the New York field office that leaked something to Giuliani?
Those institutions took themselves down, when they took sides.

I'm just one of the people calling them on their actions.

They need to be PURGED.

The White House needs purged.

The FBI did not take sides.

Trump sided with Russia.

Your denial of the obvious corruption of the FBI shows that you side with them and are an enemy of the democratic process.

So, Obama told the FBI to investigate Hillary & had them make the announcement of reopening the investigation two weeks before the election. Yep, that makes sense.

Your use of deflection as a defense of the corruption of the FBI, is noted.

You are also an Enemy of the People.
What corruption?

Are you just a liar, or are you insane?

Now, evidence suggests he told the FBI's Washington field office to also "stand down" from its investigation of Clinton's private-email server. That investigation followed a New York Times piece that appeared in 2015, detailing Hillary Clinton's possible illegal use of an unsecured, home-brew email server for her official business as secretary of state. It appears to be a clear violation of the law.

"Multiple former FBI officials, along with a Congressional official, say that while there may have been internal squabbling over the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation at the time, there was allegedly another 'stand-down' order by McCabe regarding the opening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of her private email for official government business," wrote independent journalist Sarah Carter.}

FBI Scandal: Deep State Corruption Of FBI, Justice Was There From Very Start Of Hillary Email Probe | Investor's Business Daily
Yeah I really don't care about fake investigations which everyone knows the results of performed by butthurt snowflake idiots.

I do sort of care about the bullshit that was drilled so far up your asses that it's coming out of the mouths. Americans should not need to bare through that much bullshit.

The only "butthurt snowflakes" are those becoming hysterical over this news and resorting to name calling. Can you deal with the topic or does it scare you?

The only one who can't deal with the fact that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing is you.

With this rhetoric I am betting on a landslide of the likes we have never seen before.

Does the fact we have a president that so alarmed the FBI that they had to open a counter intelligence investigation bother you? Or is this the new normal and you are okay with compromised presidents?

Does it bother you that the FBI has become political? That the organs of internal security are now taking sides in elections?
It bothered me that Comey's letter helped Trump win the election but I never questioned that the FBI worked for what is the best interests of the nation. You on the other hand want a political FBI, if you did not, you would fully support an investigation into any candidate that seemed to be an agent for a foreign power.

We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
Trump is a .............

How many different asinine things can the left come up with?
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.

When hilary was taking money as the Secretary of State from Russia and every other foreign government, did they open an investigation into her and her crime foundation? You know, as a public servant taking bribes? From Russia?
They did, and they found no crime foundation of her personally taking money. You are a liar.
Wrong. They did no such investigation.
You're a liar. FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months
Their investigation hasn't finished, so how do you get off claiming they were found to be clean?

Maybe the same way you get off claiming they are dirty?

There was a foundation that WAS found dirty and had to shut down. Maybe you're thinking of this one?

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’
Mueller probe shows parts of Steele dossier true - CNN Video

Whether he is an unwitting asset or not is about the only thing WE don't know...but Robert Mueller probably does.
More fake news hysteria. It's the same old shit: The real estate deal that never happened and the meeting in Trump tower with the Russian lawyer. It's all the same discredited horseshit, and none of it was illegal.

Repeating Trump's lie that the Dossier has been discredited does not make it so. Much is still unproven in the public sphere, but not a bit discredited.
The dossier has never been credited. Comey and McCabe admitted that none of the information was validated. No one needs to discredit it anymore than they need to discredit a comic book.
Trump is a .............

How many different asinine things can the left come up with?
When hilary was taking money as the Secretary of State from Russia and every other foreign government, did they open an investigation into her and her crime foundation? You know, as a public servant taking bribes? From Russia?
They did, and they found no crime foundation of her personally taking money. You are a liar.
Wrong. They did no such investigation.
You're a liar. FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months
Their investigation hasn't finished, so how do you get off claiming they were found to be clean?

Maybe the same way you get off claiming they are dirty?

There was a foundation that WAS found dirty and had to shut down. Maybe you're thinking of this one?

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’
The New York Times: fake news.
The only "butthurt snowflakes" are those becoming hysterical over this news and resorting to name calling. Can you deal with the topic or does it scare you?

The only one who can't deal with the fact that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing is you.

With this rhetoric I am betting on a landslide of the likes we have never seen before.

Does the fact we have a president that so alarmed the FBI that they had to open a counter intelligence investigation bother you? Or is this the new normal and you are okay with compromised presidents?

Does it bother you that the FBI has become political? That the organs of internal security are now taking sides in elections?
It bothered me that Comey's letter helped Trump win the election but I never questioned that the FBI worked for what is the best interests of the nation. You on the other hand want a political FBI, if you did not, you would fully support an investigation into any candidate that seemed to be an agent for a foreign power.

We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
Wow. I point out a history of activity that shows a desire for a major war, and your response is, not to address the multiple examples I give,

but simple ridicule combined with some red baiting?

Not only do my points stand, but your dishonest attack on them, shows that you are supporting this madness also.
Putin loves people like you

People who don't want a needless war that would kill millions of his country men for no reason?

If he does not, he should.

But I do not oppose war with Russia, for his benefit, but for the benefit of my fellow Americans, who would have to deal with paying the price in blood and treasure.

Why do you want to see America piss away the lives of millions of our fellow citizens, and trillions of dollars for no reason?
Welcome to crazy town. War with Russia?

That's quite the leap there Igor

George Bush put the Navy into the Black Sea to support separatists fighting a war with Russia.

Bill Clinton expanded NATO to the point of admitting ESTONIA.

Hillary Clinton wanted to order our planes to shot down Russian planes if they flew were they had been flying.

Wake the fuck up, before this blows up in our face.

Estonia and Poland were the heroes who with Reagan and Thatcher put an end to the USSR and the Communism that Lesh so loves. She has been trained by her masters to hate Russia due to their rejection of Communism.

Estonia is small, but they stood when it counted. Now that America is invested with Soviet scum like leach and the other democrats, we need allies with the spine to stand up to these hideous monsters.

WTF...that's quite the (Russian troll?) rant!

Newsflash...there's no "she" here. Lesh is a male

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