FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Just a few months ago Trump was spouting Russian propaganda about Montenegro of all places (Russia had just failed at instituting a coup there).

Montenegro? Trump doesn't even know where the fuck that is but felt compelled to spout off about the supposed "aggressiveness" of the "Montenegrans"...

And then Trump shouldered the President of Montenegro out of the way pretty aggressively in the South American conference that Putin was at (smiling with SA Prince MBS)
Blab, blah, blah.... Months later, no evidence.

So when there is evidence you’ll change your tune? Become anti-trump?

The tax payers are done subsidizing your butthurt salve. You had your chance, you found nothing. That's because there is nothing. Now, there is an entire deep state to investigate so if you excuse me, this investigation is done.
It’ll be done when Mueller says it’s done. Got it kid?
If Mueller's plan is to keep going until he finds evidence of real collusion with the Russians we will all die before it happens...unless he finally agrees to expand the investigation to those other than Trump and acknowledges Hillary was paid over $140 million by the KGB Bank, and she paid Russians for their help in 2016.

This is hilarious.

Only Hannity of Fox News brought this up.

WHY do you think they have not launch any single investigation about Hillary?

Not a single investigation since your Boi got elected.

I know you are a BIG liar.
Please provide a link where KGB paid Hillary $140 millions because I didn’t see that in Hillary tax returns. That is called HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY.

Your Boi has not even shown his tax returns. That is called CORRUPTION.
This is a soft coup d 'etat attempt by the shadow government
and we (the people who elected Trump) won't let it happen.

and the pos republicans support the traitor?? Let them all do what Hitler did

Cold War is over, why would we want to invade Russia? Are you insane?

Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.

That is what Hitler did. He invaded Russia. Are you insane?

George Bush put military forces in the Black Sea to support people fighting the Russians. Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include fucking Estonia! Hillary Clinton wanted, if she was elected, to order a no fly zone against Russian planes, ie to have them shot down it they entered the zone.

Watching our actions since the end of the Cold War, it looks like there are a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle that want war with Russia.

At best, millions would die. AT BEST.

Do you honestly believe by licking Putin boots will stop any war?

Do you honestly believe by being Putin puppy will make Putin stop invading our democracy?

But your Boi is showing lots of moves that benefits Putin.
fbi investigating trump was a threat to national security but republicans have their heads up their asses

The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.

1. You want my speculation? Trump made an ill conceived and pathetic attempt at reconciliation, possibly on bad advice.

2. Because witch hunts always find witches. Also, see number one. So much for reconciliation.

3. Also, thanks for demonstrating the witch hunt mentality.

You can ask the AG nominee Barr. He just said that on going Mueller investigations. There are no witch hunt

Btw as always you never answer my questions. Always deflections.
Well that will come when pigs fly as you're one of the reasons we have an AH in office now BUT can't hate you like I do these other trump kiss assers
Questioning the corrupt intel community and MSM doesn't make anyone
a Trump lover, but I personally feel MUCH better with him there than what our
alternative was. That bitch is a war criminal.
You're not too bring.

How is Clinton a war criminal?
fbi investigating trump was a threat to national security but republicans have their heads up their asses

The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.

1. You want my speculation? Trump made an ill conceived and pathetic attempt at reconciliation, possibly on bad advice.

2. Because witch hunts always find witches. Also, see number one. So much for reconciliation.

3. Also, thanks for demonstrating the witch hunt mentality.

1. From what we know he doesn’t listen to his advisors. That is why it’s very chaotic and having a hard time getting people to apply.

2 and 3. Just plain philosophical.
The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.

1. You want my speculation? Trump made an ill conceived and pathetic attempt at reconciliation, possibly on bad advice.

2. Because witch hunts always find witches. Also, see number one. So much for reconciliation.

3. Also, thanks for demonstrating the witch hunt mentality.

1. From what we know he doesn’t listen to his advisors. That is why it’s very chaotic and having a hard time getting people to apply.

2 and 3. Just plain philosophical.
BUT he does listen to Coulter Hanitty and limpaw
Do you honestly believe by licking Putin boots will stop any war?

Do you honestly believe by being Putin puppy will make Putin stop invading our democracy?

But your Boi is showing lots of moves that benefits Putin.
Your boi started illegal black ops interventions in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and
some other places I can't recall right this second. Your boi's drone patrols bombed innocent civilian villages in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia but he won the Nobel Peace prize so it's awl good Right ?
You want to see what real collusion looks like ?

Trump: We don't necessarily stand by the One China Policy.

China: Donald, here are those copyrights you've been seeking for years.

Trump: We hold with the One China Policy.

Funny chit
Putin would love that. Why so eager to please him?

Why are you so eager to overlook the crimes of the deep state swamp critters that are involved in money laundering involving CIA friendly banks like HSBC and BCCI that Comey and Mueller were intimately involved with and especially as it pertains to Uranium One?

I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that you are trying to derail this thread. Start a thread on that subject if you think it's worthwhile but don't troll here or you will be reported

Of course you have "no idea" because this Trump/Rooskie witch-hunt is being used to deflect attention away from the REAL Russian collusion that allowed Russia to procure 20 percent of America's uranium and the kick back program that greased the skids. The heads of certain intel agencies got their palms greased as well. It's germane to the topic.....you are just pissed that yet another factor is put into the equation. "Report" away, little troll.......you are not changing hearts and minds here, dipshit.

Directly from Alex Jones propaganda. Don’t worry they will liquidate his assets this year or next year to stop him from spreading conspiracies.

Nice to see our lib friends openly admitting that they support government oppression and censorship.

I remember the old days when libs would lie about that. We all knew they were lying, but they never broke character.

No I don’t but spreading conspiracies are bad for your health.

And it’s very nice to know that you believe a real fake news.

I’m sure 100% you also believed that Sandy hook massacre was a hoax created by actors accordingly Alex Jones and Dale Smith.

Now I know how fucking low you are.
So the FBI thinks TRUMP is a spy for Russia? Seriously? A real spy like the one who worked for Feinstein for 20 years, or a "spy" like Carter Page who was accused of being a spy in the FISA yet has never been charged?

Your are right "the shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY...lol"

The FBI/DOJ was secretly investigating the POTUS based on flimsy speculation and they came up with nothing. This overreach and abuse of power is far worse that any Russian meddling.
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
They're secret Already the moron gave secret info about Israel to his good friend Putin
Trump concealed face to face meetings with putin from sr officials
So what! He's the president and can conduct business with foreign leaders as he sees fit
If it were the Surrender monkey doing the same thing, it would be classified under NATIONAL SECURITY!

Only time someone who will do that stupid is Trump.

Why would you conduct a foreign business representing US without your advisors?
He doesn’t even speak Russian.
  • Thanks
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Do you honestly believe by licking Putin boots will stop any war?

Do you honestly believe by being Putin puppy will make Putin stop invading our democracy?

But your Boi is showing lots of moves that benefits Putin.
Your boi started illegal black ops interventions in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and
some other places I can't recall right this second. Your boi's drone patrols bombed innocent civilian villages in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia but he won the Nobel Peace prize so it's awl good Right ?

Black ops are not illegal.
So the FBI thinks TRUMP is a spy for Russia? Seriously? A real spy like the one who worked for Feinstein for 20 years, or a "spy" like Carter Page who was accused of being a spy in the FISA yet has never been charged?

Your are right "the shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY...lol"

The FBI/DOJ was secretly investigating the POTUS based on flimsy speculation and they came up with nothing. This overreach and abuse of power is far worse that any Russian meddling.
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
They're secret Already the moron gave secret info about Israel to his good friend Putin
Trump concealed face to face meetings with putin from sr officials
So what! He's the president and can conduct business with foreign leaders as he sees fit
If it were the Surrender monkey doing the same thing, it would be classified under NATIONAL SECURITY!

Are you also a Putin lover like Correl?
I know you are a BIG liar. Please provide a link where KGB paid Hillary $140 millions

After researching, THE TRUTH IS Hillary (and Bill) sold Out her country, engaged in Influence Peddling, and voted to sell Uranium One for personal profit, receiving MILLIONS from multiple sources, TO INCLUDE THE RUSSIANS. The fact that ALL of the money did not come from the Russians does not change the fact that she was PAID for her vote / was paid to recommend the sale of Uranium One to the Russians.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Uranium One: Mr. Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One and former UrAsia investors make $8.65 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One investors stand to profit on a Rosatom deal.

Investors give millions more in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

June 29, 2010:
Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow by a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that assigned a buy rating to Uranium One stock

Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress

Of course that has little to do with the fact that Strzok's texts exposed the FBI's 'Leak Strategy', that McCabe has already been recommended by the US IG for indictment but Rosenstein and the DOJ has refused to do so, and that Baker is investigated for participating in the Leaks!
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
They're secret Already the moron gave secret info about Israel to his good friend Putin
Trump concealed face to face meetings with putin from sr officials
So what! He's the president and can conduct business with foreign leaders as he sees fit
If it were the Surrender monkey doing the same thing, it would be classified under NATIONAL SECURITY!

Only time someone who will do that stupid is Trump.

Why would you conduct a foreign business representing US without your advisors?
He doesn’t even speak Russian.
He didn't bring Coulter and Hannity??
Tucker slays the MSM as usual.

Carlson asked all the wrong questions for his convenience. Why didn't he ask the right questions, Like Trump asking for Hillary's emails from Russia that magically appeared later on to discredit her.

What was a joke told in public, moron. Anyone who believes that is a basis for an FBI investigation is a fucking moron.

Or what about that major announcement Trump was going to make about Clinton during the campaign right after the DNC hack of emails?

"He was going to make?" You're actually trying to use something that never happened as a justification? Did the FBI mention that as a justification? No, only dumbass snowflakes like you have.

What about Trump telling the Russians that he got rid of Comey because of Russia. He told the Russians that. And Carlson wants to question the FBI. Is he high?

He didn't say that, moron.

Anonymous source. That's fake news. There's no evidence that Trump ever said it. Even the NYT doesn't claim he said what you claim. Nowhere does it state the Trump said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

So where did the quotes come from then? Out of the sky?

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