FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

That history lesson has got you by the balls by the way, because you don't have an alternate story of how these events transpired. Proving your arguments are based on ignorance and hate. You are a loser in this argument. Get the hell on.
Someone needs to :th_panties: and chill.
Does that mean you have no counter argument to mine? Of course it does. Now, get lost with your ignorant uninformed self.
You Clinton Democrats just stick to my feet for some reason.
Wait until I explain why I voted for Jill Stein 2 years ago and Ralph Nader in 2000.
Then you'll really like me.
Well that will come when pigs fly as you're one of the reasons we have an AH in office now BUT can't hate you like I do these other trump kiss assers
Well that will come when pigs fly as you're one of the reasons we have an AH in office now BUT can't hate you like I do these other trump kiss assers
Questioning the corrupt intel community and MSM doesn't make anyone
a Trump lover, but I personally feel MUCH better with him there than what our
alternative was. That bitch is a war criminal.
If anyone is using "illegal witness intimidation" it's Mueller.
A ridiculous trumpkin fantasy that will never be acknowledged by any serious person.
Mueller is the dirtiest cop on the beat.
The fact that the left can't see this is truly mindboggling.
Yeah, how frustrating it must be for you that nobody acknowledges your fantasies...
If I seem frustrated at all , you need
to go see your optometrist and get some new specs.
Or maybe see a proctologist and get your head out
of your tushy.
If anyone is using "illegal witness intimidation" it's Mueller.
A ridiculous trumpkin fantasy that will never be acknowledged by any serious person.
Mueller is the dirtiest cop on the beat.
The fact that the left can't see this is truly mindboggling.
If there was something to see, you would have posted the vision, plus verified documentation. Yo did not.; Therefore, you have made no case for your argument. If you have a dirty cop, you have proven documentation. And if you don't, you're a liar.
There’s nothing to consider since you refuse to say what you mean by “blow back.”

You already defined it and your asking me to define it for you as though you don't know?

LOL! Dude. Dont' twist yourself into any more bullshit pretzel shapes.

You are an ass that never considered the likely response to your desire for a soft coup, and now that it has been brought to your attention, your only response is to play semantic games?

That will be a lot of help to you, if you get your way, and if blows up in your stupid face.
Now you’re lying again. I didn’t define it. I said it could be anything from foot stomping to armed rebellion. That’s a range and not a definition of what you mean by blow back. And yet you don’t want to say what you mean but you want people to answer your nebulous question.

And now we see the liberal, who has defined a word as a wide range of actions, asking for the word to be defined more specifically,

as though he does not understand that the word he just defined, as a wide range of possible action, is by it's very definition, that he has repeated posted, is not specific.

Thus we see that the modern liberal is completely and utterly with the slightest sense of intellectual honesty, or shame.

Meanwhile, while he is playing games, with semantics, extremely dishonest games with semantics,

he all the while is dodging a very simple quest that he has been asked, because he does not have an answer that does not paint him as a fucking moron.

Using your bizarre logic, blow back can mean foot stomping. No one cares about that.

See now why you’re a moron and a pussy?

You talk real tough online. YOu ever talk like to a man's face, cocksucker?
Sure, what else do you call a pussy but a pussy? You cowered away from clarifying a vague question. That’s on you.
If anyone is using "illegal witness intimidation" it's Mueller.
A ridiculous trumpkin fantasy that will never be acknowledged by any serious person.
Mueller is the dirtiest cop on the beat.
The fact that the left can't see this is truly mindboggling.
Yeah, how frustrating it must be for you that nobody acknowledges your fantasies...
If I seem frustrated at all , you need
to go see your optometrist and get some new specs.
Or maybe see a proctologist and get your head out
of your tushy.
You ,of course, are both frustrated and desperate. Amd that is why you engage in idiotic behavior, like believing that smearing Mueller is somehow a defense of your cult leader. Get ready for a frustrating year.

Fucking moron, he was convicted of campaign finance violations. To the brain-dead rightard, that “had nothing to do with the campaign.”

That was part of his plea agreement. It proves nothing. Mueller could have made plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot.
Fucking moron, you actually said Cohen’s convictions had nothing to do with the campaign. Despite the fact he was convicted of campaign finance violations.
If Mueller made Cohen plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot, would that mean Bigfoot actually exists?
Fucking moron, Mueller couldn’t make Cohen plead guilty to anything. And yes, a conviction of campaign finance violations does have something to do with the campaign, I don’t care how big of s fucking moron you are.
Of course he can, moron. Mueller can put whatever he wants into a plea deal, even non crimes. The campaign finance charges in Cohen's plea were complete fiction, I don’t care how big of a fucking moron you are.
Fucking moron, Mueller can offer any deal he wants, he cannot make Cohen plead guilty to anything. dayum, you’re a fucking moron.

And yes, the campaign violation was real. He was legally restricted to making donations no greater than $2700 and he made one of $130,000.
Fucking moron, Mueller can offer any deal he wants, he cannot make Cohen plead guilty to anything. dayum, you’re a fucking moron.

And yes, the campaign violation was real. He was legally restricted to making donations no greater than $2700 and he made one of $130,000.
A 9/11 truth nazi and a Clinton Democrat.
Doesn't get much lower in my book.
Fucking moron, you actually said Cohen’s convictions had nothing to do with the campaign. Despite the fact he was convicted of campaign finance violations.
If Mueller made Cohen plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot, would that mean Bigfoot actually exists?
You never disappoint with your retarded questions.
Right, because you can't answer them. You're a fool who swallows whatever Mueller and the fake media dishes out.
If I attempted to answer them, I'd be as retarded as you for asking them.

You and Faux are the only retards in this discussion. Anyone who believes that agreeing to a plea deal proves the contents of the plea deal is a brain dead moron. Mueller knew there were plenty of brain dead snowflakes out there who would swallow his con.
Fucking moron, his actual guilt has noting to do with your fucking moronic observation that his convictions did not involve trump’s campaign. Whether or not he was actually guilty of the crimes for which he was charged, he was ”convicted” of them anyway. And his ”convictions” included campaign finance violations.
That was part of his plea agreement. It proves nothing. Mueller could have made plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot.
Fucking moron, you actually said Cohen’s convictions had nothing to do with the campaign. Despite the fact he was convicted of campaign finance violations.
If Mueller made Cohen plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot, would that mean Bigfoot actually exists?
Fucking moron, Mueller couldn’t make Cohen plead guilty to anything. And yes, a conviction of campaign finance violations does have something to do with the campaign, I don’t care how big of s fucking moron you are.
Of course he can, moron. Mueller can put whatever he wants into a plea deal, even non crimes. The campaign finance charges in Cohen's plea were complete fiction, I don’t care how big of a fucking moron you are.
Fucking moron, Mueller can offer any deal he wants, he cannot make Cohen plead guilty to anything. dayum, you’re a fucking moron.

And yes, the campaign violation was real. He was legally restricted to making donations no greater than $2700 and he made one of $130,000.
Oh right, he can't threaten Cohen with spending the rest of his life in prison.

It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. It had nothing to do with the campaign. Furthermore, it was Trump's own money, and he can donate as much of that as he wants.

Dayum, you are a fucking moron.
Well that will come when pigs fly as you're one of the reasons we have an AH in office now BUT can't hate you like I do these other trump kiss assers
Questioning the corrupt intel community and MSM doesn't make anyone
a Trump lover, but I personally feel MUCH better with him there than what our
alternative was. That bitch is a war criminal.
While you didn't vote for trump you speak the same BS they do In 2020 vote for trump Don't fool yourself you're as bad as they are for america
Fucking moron, you actually said Cohen’s convictions had nothing to do with the campaign. Despite the fact he was convicted of campaign finance violations.
If Mueller made Cohen plead guilty to murdering Bigfoot, would that mean Bigfoot actually exists?
Fucking moron, Mueller couldn’t make Cohen plead guilty to anything. And yes, a conviction of campaign finance violations does have something to do with the campaign, I don’t care how big of s fucking moron you are.
Of course he can, moron. Mueller can put whatever he wants into a plea deal, even non crimes. The campaign finance charges in Cohen's plea were complete fiction, I don’t care how big of a fucking moron you are.
Fucking moron, Mueller can offer any deal he wants, he cannot make Cohen plead guilty to anything. dayum, you’re a fucking moron.

And yes, the campaign violation was real. He was legally restricted to making donations no greater than $2700 and he made one of $130,000.
Oh right, he can't threaten Cohen with spending the rest of his life in prison.

It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. It had nothing to do with the campaign. Furthermore, it was Trump's own money, and he can donate as much of that as he wants.

Dayum, you are a fucking moron.
How can he threaten Cohen to life in prison for murdering Bigfoot?? What court could convict him of such a crime?
It wasn't a campaign donation, moron. It had nothing to do with the campaign. Furthermore, it was Trump's own money, and he can donate as much of that as he wants.
Of course it was for the campaign. Why else would he pay a porn star 11 days before an election, one that he would not pay off after the election, to stay quiet about an affair with Trump?

And the money came from Cohen, for which he was also convicted of bank fraud for lying to the bank for why he actually needed the money.
So a President doing something they have the legal constitutional authority to do fire an FBI director means they are working for the Russians wow seriously fucking wow.

Maybe you can ask Steve Bannon why firing Comey was biggest mistake in modern political history.

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'
By LOUIS NELSON 09/11/2017 07:29 AM EDT
President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey was perhaps the greatest mistake in “modern political history,” the White House's former chief strategist Steve Bannon suggested in an interview broadcast Sunday night

Steve Bannon? Is that the same Steve Bannon that leftards here decried as a nazi/white nationalist????? THAT Steve Bannon?

Peter Comey???? Hmmmmm???

Report: Comey's Brother Works for the Law Firm That Handles Clinton Foundation's Taxes

You are very funny Dale. Your post has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

Are you telling me that S. Bannon lied?

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