FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

This is a soft coup d 'etat attempt by the shadow government
and we (the people who elected Trump) won't let it happen.

Why do you keep posting videos of that nut case who goes by conjecture with no facts?
Tucker slays the MSM as usual.

Carlson asked all the wrong questions for his convenience. Why didn't he ask the right questions, Like Trump asking for Hillary's emails from Russia that magically appeared later on to discredit her.

What was a joke told in public, moron. Anyone who believes that is a basis for an FBI investigation is a fucking moron.

Or what about that major announcement Trump was going to make about Clinton during the campaign right after the DNC hack of emails?

"He was going to make?" You're actually trying to use something that never happened as a justification? Did the FBI mention that as a justification? No, only dumbass snowflakes like you have.

What about Trump telling the Russians that he got rid of Comey because of Russia. He told the Russians that. And Carlson wants to question the FBI. Is he high?

He didn't say that, moron.

Anonymous source. That's fake news. There's no evidence that Trump ever said it. Even the NYT doesn't claim he said what you claim. Nowhere does it state the Trump said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

So where did the quotes come from then? Out of the sky?

A growing number of legal experts say President Trump has opened himself up to a charge of obstruction of justice this week when he said “this Russia thing with Trump” was on his mind when he fired FBI Director James Comey.

The federal law against obstruction of justice, a felony, is written broadly and applies to pending investigations. It can cover anyone who “corruptly … endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States.” In another section, the word “corruptly” is defined as “acting with an improper purpose.”

Trump’s repeated references to the Russia investigation in interviews, tweets and the letter he sent Comey informing him that he'd been fired could be interpreted as an effort to “obstruct or impede” the investigation, the legal experts said.
dumbo donny's unhinged base is comprised of religious zealots who wish to re-live the Christian crusades.

Trump is on the warpath over the media’s exposure of his administration’s ties to Russia. Many Americans find themselves confused: why would a Republican administration that wants to “Make America Great Again” be so interested in cozying up to an undemocratic world power? And why are so many Republican legislators unwilling to investigate Trump’s glaring foreign conflicts of interest?

The obvious financial ties between Russia and the Trump administration may be one explanation for Trump’s strange bedfellows, but these don’t explain why, as the Washington Post reports, “Vladimir Putin’s popularity is soaring among Republicans.” The truth—deeper and far more disturbing than economic corruption—is that some people on the American right hope to partner with Russia in a neomedieval crusade against Islam.

To Russia, With Love: Courting a New Crusade | The Public Medievalist
Too late for that story line. There is a cocktail of evidence already proven. You can piss all over yourself now.
You're the ones who pissed on yourselves
when Trump won. Now two tears later you still can't wash it off.
Fucking hilarious.
Too late for that story line. There is a cocktail of evidence already proven. You can piss all over yourself now.
You're the ones who pissed on yourselves
when Trump won. Now two tears later you still can't wash it off.
Fucking hilarious.
Two years ago we didn't have the evidence. Now we do. Who's pissing all over themselves now? It sure as hell isn't the Left.
The Link between Russia and White Terrorism

This Crusader meme was shared enthusiastically on conservative websites, including Fox News commentator Stacey Dash’s blog.
In November 2016, anti-terrorist intelligence specialist Malcolm Nance warned that the Trump administration’s embrace of Russia was linked to white nationalism and possible plans for war in the Middle East:

“What we’re seeing is an alignment where people believe that they have to align the United States and Russia as an axis of Christendom against Islam, in a clash of civilizations that Osama bin Laden dreamed about.”

Nance even predicted that we would see an “Americanization” of terrorist acts committed by white supremacist neo-Crusaders like Anders Breivik in Norway. Breivik, who believed he was a Knight Templar, murdered seventy-seven people in what his own manifesto called a pre-emptive strike on behalf of a “pan-European Crusader Movement.”

Unfortunately, Nance has turned out to be exactly right. For example, the same anti-Muslim, white nationalist propaganda that caused Breivik to think he was reviving the Crusades drove Alexander Bissonnette to murder six people at a mosque in Quebec last month. Like Breivik, Bissonnette imagined himself as a neomedieval warrior, even posting this image on his Facebook page:


Image from the Facebook page of Quebec terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette.
Too late for that story line. There is a cocktail of evidence already proven. You can piss all over yourself now.
There is zero evidence against Trump and a host of evidence of crimes by Democrats. Every time snowflakes claim the opposite and I challenge them to present their evidence, all I ever get is personal attacks and distractions. If you have any, don't be like every other snowflake - present it.
You already defined it and your asking me to define it for you as though you don't know?

LOL! Dude. Dont' twist yourself into any more bullshit pretzel shapes.

You are an ass that never considered the likely response to your desire for a soft coup, and now that it has been brought to your attention, your only response is to play semantic games?

That will be a lot of help to you, if you get your way, and if blows up in your stupid face.
Now you’re lying again. I didn’t define it. I said it could be anything from foot stomping to armed rebellion. That’s a range and not a definition of what you mean by blow back. And yet you don’t want to say what you mean but you want people to answer your nebulous question.

And now we see the liberal, who has defined a word as a wide range of actions, asking for the word to be defined more specifically,

as though he does not understand that the word he just defined, as a wide range of possible action, is by it's very definition, that he has repeated posted, is not specific.

Thus we see that the modern liberal is completely and utterly with the slightest sense of intellectual honesty, or shame.

Meanwhile, while he is playing games, with semantics, extremely dishonest games with semantics,

he all the while is dodging a very simple quest that he has been asked, because he does not have an answer that does not paint him as a fucking moron.

Using your bizarre logic, blow back can mean foot stomping. No one cares about that.

See now why you’re a moron and a pussy?

You talk real tough online. YOu ever talk like to a man's face, cocksucker?
Sure, what else do you call a pussy but a pussy? You cowered away from clarifying a vague question. That’s on you.

Liar. If you did, you would not feel the need to do so online, where you can pretend to be tough, from the safety of your mom's basement.

If think you've defined the word four times now. Fucktard.
The Link between Russia and White Terrorism

This Crusader meme was shared enthusiastically on conservative websites, including Fox News commentator Stacey Dash’s blog.
In November 2016, anti-terrorist intelligence specialist Malcolm Nance warned that the Trump administration’s embrace of Russia was linked to white nationalism and possible plans for war in the Middle East:

“What we’re seeing is an alignment where people believe that they have to align the United States and Russia as an axis of Christendom against Islam, in a clash of civilizations that Osama bin Laden dreamed about.”

Nance even predicted that we would see an “Americanization” of terrorist acts committed by white supremacist neo-Crusaders like Anders Breivik in Norway. Breivik, who believed he was a Knight Templar, murdered seventy-seven people in what his own manifesto called a pre-emptive strike on behalf of a “pan-European Crusader Movement.”

Unfortunately, Nance has turned out to be exactly right. For example, the same anti-Muslim, white nationalist propaganda that caused Breivik to think he was reviving the Crusades drove Alexander Bissonnette to murder six people at a mosque in Quebec last month. Like Breivik, Bissonnette imagined himself as a neomedieval warrior, even posting this image on his Facebook page:


Image from the Facebook page of Quebec terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette.
These folks are dangerous and evil nuts.
and the pos republicans support the traitor?? Let them all do what Hitler did

Cold War is over, why would we want to invade Russia? Are you insane?

Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.

That is what Hitler did. He invaded Russia. Are you insane?

George Bush put military forces in the Black Sea to support people fighting the Russians. Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include fucking Estonia! Hillary Clinton wanted, if she was elected, to order a no fly zone against Russian planes, ie to have them shot down it they entered the zone.

Watching our actions since the end of the Cold War, it looks like there are a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle that want war with Russia.

At best, millions would die. AT BEST.

Do you honestly believe by licking Putin boots will stop any war?

Do you honestly believe by being Putin puppy will make Putin stop invading our democracy?

But your Boi is showing lots of moves that benefits Putin.

I think NOT sending US military forces in support of people in a war with Russia, could stop a war.

I think NOT expanding NATO to include fucking Estonia could stop a war.

I think NOT engaging in air to air battles with the Russians, could stop a war.

That you would characterize that list as "licking Putin's boots" shows that you are indeed, a fucking warmonger.

You would plunge this nation into a war, for partisan political purposes.

There is not a level of Hell deep enough, for someone like you.
FBI Chief: Agency Has 1,000 Open Domestic Terrorism Investigations

To Russia, With Love: Courting a New Crusade | The Public Medievalist

...two Indian engineers were murdered in Kansas by a man who thought they were Middle Eastern Muslims. It didn’t matter to the shooter where his victims were actually from: his white nationalism and his anti-Muslim “crusade” ensured that the only important factor when he chose his victims would be the color of their skin. For him, and for many others on the violent far right, race and religion are interchangeable.

But why would Nance tie white terrorism to Russia in particular? First of all, contemporary white nationalist terrorists get much of their motivation from the Internet, particularly from Reddit, Twitter, and 4chan, where paid Russian commenters actively promote far-right nationalism and anti-Islamic bigotry. Secondly, and more importantly, this cocktail of Islamophobia and white nationalism is being raised in a toast to one particular, neomedieval leader: Vladimir Putin.

The Great White Hope

Many of the alt-right’s pro-Putin memes are also anti-Obama. This one reimagines Putin as a violent, sociopathic billionaire with delusions of self-righteousness.

Shirtless on horseback, singing a charming song, and (literally) throwing down on Russia’s national Judo team with his “manly” martial arts prowess, Putin was the darling of media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart throughout the latter half of Obama’s presidency. Putin has long promoted this cult of personality, peddling himself as a leader who can reclaim the power that whites, men, and Christians believe they have somehow lost to “political correctness” and “social justice”.

Putin uses this myth of lost power to fuel his merciless persecution of LGBTQ people, his crackdown on feminism, and his elevation of the Orthodox Church in Russia. But his methods are brutal: he has outlawed “homosexual propaganda,” inspired mob violence against gays, and even endorsed the abuse of women by officially decriminalizing domestic violence.

Needless to say, American white supremacists are big fans.


The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow :eusa_shhh:

The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.

1. You want my speculation? Trump made an ill conceived and pathetic attempt at reconciliation, possibly on bad advice.

2. Because witch hunts always find witches. Also, see number one. So much for reconciliation.

3. Also, thanks for demonstrating the witch hunt mentality.

You can ask the AG nominee Barr. He just said that on going Mueller investigations. There are no witch hunt

Btw as always you never answer my questions. Always deflections.

Why the fuck would I take his word, over the evidence of my own senses?
A growing number of DEMOCRATS / LEFTIST MEDIA say President Trump has opened himself up to a charge of obstruction of justice this week when he said “this Russia thing with Trump” was on his mind when he fired FBI Director James Comey.

There, I fixed it for you.

Democrats / snowflakes continue to refuse to accept several facts:
1) The President of the United States has the authority to fire the Director of the FBI.
-- Since his firing there has been more than enough evidence of corruption / misconduct / criminal activity to justify his firing.

2) Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein made the case for firing Comey to the President.

Democrats, Liberals, the propaganda-pushing leftist media, and snowflakes ripped the 'goal posts' up long ago and have been desperately moving them all over the field trying to find and / or manufacture any crime against the President ... and have failed miserable to do so.
The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.

1. You want my speculation? Trump made an ill conceived and pathetic attempt at reconciliation, possibly on bad advice.

2. Because witch hunts always find witches. Also, see number one. So much for reconciliation.

3. Also, thanks for demonstrating the witch hunt mentality.

1. From what we know he doesn’t listen to his advisors. That is why it’s very chaotic and having a hard time getting people to apply.

2 and 3. Just plain philosophical.

1. From what we know he does sometimes listen to advisers.

2. Calling your support of a witch hunt, does not make it any less evil.
Why are you so eager to overlook the crimes of the deep state swamp critters that are involved in money laundering involving CIA friendly banks like HSBC and BCCI that Comey and Mueller were intimately involved with and especially as it pertains to Uranium One?

I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that you are trying to derail this thread. Start a thread on that subject if you think it's worthwhile but don't troll here or you will be reported

Of course you have "no idea" because this Trump/Rooskie witch-hunt is being used to deflect attention away from the REAL Russian collusion that allowed Russia to procure 20 percent of America's uranium and the kick back program that greased the skids. The heads of certain intel agencies got their palms greased as well. It's germane to the topic.....you are just pissed that yet another factor is put into the equation. "Report" away, little troll.......you are not changing hearts and minds here, dipshit.

Directly from Alex Jones propaganda. Don’t worry they will liquidate his assets this year or next year to stop him from spreading conspiracies.

Nice to see our lib friends openly admitting that they support government oppression and censorship.

I remember the old days when libs would lie about that. We all knew they were lying, but they never broke character.

No I don’t but spreading conspiracies are bad for your health.

And it’s very nice to know that you believe a real fake news.

I’m sure 100% you also believed that Sandy hook massacre was a hoax created by actors accordingly Alex Jones and Dale Smith.

Now I know how fucking low you are.

Sounds like you just threatened or implied that you would support violence against Alex Jones.
Too late for that story line. There is a cocktail of evidence already proven. You can piss all over yourself now.
There is zero evidence against Trump and a host of evidence of crimes by Democrats. Every time snowflakes claim the opposite and I challenge them to present their evidence, all I ever get is personal attacks and distractions. If you have any, don't be like every other snowflake - present it.
Done it hundreds of times. Trump Tower meeting: proven conspiracy. Cambridge Analytica: proven conspiracy. Jerome Corsi email dump to Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0: proven conspiracy. Prosecutors implicated Trump in campaign finance crimes with Michael Cohen. Multiple obstruction charges like the firing of Comey: Proven.

And by the way, there are no crimes against the Democrats with Russia.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.

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