FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

How about that Steve Bannon? Definitely the smartest little weasel that Trump ever surrounded himself with. It looks like he's going to skate right throuhh this.
Bannon’s convoluted speeches are augmented by his filmmaking career, which includes a bizarre “documentary” called Torchbearer starring Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. The duck-call-patriarch-turned-prophet believes that “the Roman Empire’s bloody debauchery, Robespierre’s French Terror, the Nazi genocide, the Khmer Rouge, Boko Haram, the ISIS terror army, and America’s embrace of abortion…are the predictable results of cutting God out of entire societies”; for Robertson, forming a “Judeo-Christian republic” is the only way to fight the forces of godless evil and save our civilization.

But despite his supposed championship of “Judeo-Christian” ideals, Bannon is the same man who allegedly did not want his daughters going to school with Jews. His recent CPAC speech was full of dog-whistles to white supremacists, including bashing the “corporatist, global media” (which translates as “Jews” in the “alt-right” ear). ...”

So, to support your smear of the man, you OPEN with an unsupported allegation, and claims of dog whistles?

If that is the best you have, you should not be making the accusation.
Done it hundreds of times. Trump Tower meeting: proven conspiracy. And by the way, there are no crimes against the Democrats with Russia.
Democrats claim the meeting between Jr and the Russian Lawyer was a crime perpetrated by Jr and thus Trump.....without posting any evidence to support the claim. They then, like you, completely ignore the facts:

To make the meeting happen Barak Obama had to override his own Department of Immigration's ban preventing the lawyer from entering the US.
The FBI knew about it and had the place bugged in advance.
Obama's personal ex-FBI Russian translator was there.
Jr was told the meeting was about Russian adoptions.
When he found out it was not he texted his secretary asking her to call him, giving him an excuse to leave - verified.
He left after 15 minutes - no information changed hands.

Hillary paid foreign spies and Russians for info.
'Nuff Said
I want to take this opportunity to accuse Valeria of not wanting her children to go to school with jews.

The accusation has been made.

There is now as much evidence that she is antisemitic as there is that Bannon is.

SO, she should be shunned by all people of good will, ie "liberals".
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
Done it hundreds of times. Trump Tower meeting: proven conspiracy. And by the way, there are no crimes against the Democrats with Russia.
Democrats claim the meeting between Jr and the Russian Lawyer was a crime perpetrated by Jr and thus Trump.....without posting any evidence to support the claim. They then, like you, completely ignore the facts:

To make the meeting happen Barak Obama had to override his own Department of Immigration's ban preventing the lawyer from entering the US.
The FBI knew about it and had the place bugged in advance.
Obama's personal ex-FBI Russian translator was there.
Jr was told the meeting was about Russian adoptions.
When he found out it was not he texted his secretary asking her to call him, giving him an excuse to leave - verified.
He left after 15 minutes - no information changed hands.

Hillary paid foreign spies and Russians for info.
'Nuff Said
If all that were true, then why did Trump, Jr, and others concoct another story on Air Force One that it was about getting dirt on Clinton through opposition research then? Answer, because Jr. wanted dirt on Clinton via the correspondence email he previously had that said "I love it" before the Trump Tower meeting ever happened. It was never about adoptions. They lied.

Barrack Obama did not override an Immigration ban for the lawyer to come here. She was supposed to be here for a different reason for which that was a lie. She has since been arrested for obstruction.

Hillary paid Fusion GPS and spies for information. It wasn't the Russians. That has been debunked as a total fabrication.

Keep pissing on yourself. This is getting good.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
A lifetime experience living among the hate can smarten you up in a hurry.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
A lifetime experience living among the hate can smarten you up in a hurry.

Your delusions are not evidence.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
A lifetime experience living among the hate can smarten you up in a hurry.

Your delusions are not evidence.
My eyes and ears never lie. Been around this kind of crowd all my life. Believe me, I've got their number.
it isn’t just extreme white supremacists writing love letters to Putin. Some American evangelicals also admire the Russian leader as “the lion of Christianity,” a heroic champion of the Christian faith in a ‘pagan’ world. Putin cultivates this neomedieval image. He even erected a giant statue to his medieval namesake Prince Vladimir the Great—the “founder of eastern Slavic Orthodox civilization.” In fact, he used this particular segment of medieval history to argue for his annexation of Crimea.

You would think religious Americans might be less eager to sacrifice their principles, and their Constitution, to partner with a world leader who silences the free press, jails and kills his political rivals, and who has shut down democracy to ensure that he’ll be president for life. But for those lost in a racist, Islamophobic fever dream, liberty and democracy are no longer the point. Instead, many of them believe the West needs to sacrifice these unrealistically lofty ideals to arm itself for a global war against Islam.

The New Crusade

Crudely photoshopped “alt-right” memes fuse crusader imagery, inside jokes and crypto-langauge to put a playful veneer on their hateful ideology.

Peter Beinart, writing for The Atlantic, identifies the segment of the right wing willing to cast aside democracy to ensure Christian supremacy as “civilizational conservatives.” Allied with the so-called “alt-right,” this splinter group believes that a “civilizational struggle” between Christianity and Islam is immanent.

Unlike more tolerant, mainstream “ideological conservatives,” civilizational conservatives do not distinguish between radical Islam and the vast majority of ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

Instead, they believe a new crusade between Islam and Christianity is inevitable, and that everyone must choose a side.

Unfortunately for peace-loving Americans of any religious affiliation, these civilizational conservatives are now in our White House and directing our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
A lifetime experience living among the hate can smarten you up in a hurry.

Your delusions are not evidence.
My eyes and ears never lie. Been around this kind of crowd all my life. Believe me, I've got their number.

One's preconceived ideas ARE barriers to communication. It is normal for people's "eyes and ears" to lie to them.

You assume racism, thus you "see" racism, but it is mostly in your head, not in reality.
Now you’re lying again. I didn’t define it. I said it could be anything from foot stomping to armed rebellion. That’s a range and not a definition of what you mean by blow back. And yet you don’t want to say what you mean but you want people to answer your nebulous question.

And now we see the liberal, who has defined a word as a wide range of actions, asking for the word to be defined more specifically,

as though he does not understand that the word he just defined, as a wide range of possible action, is by it's very definition, that he has repeated posted, is not specific.

Thus we see that the modern liberal is completely and utterly with the slightest sense of intellectual honesty, or shame.

Meanwhile, while he is playing games, with semantics, extremely dishonest games with semantics,

he all the while is dodging a very simple quest that he has been asked, because he does not have an answer that does not paint him as a fucking moron.

Using your bizarre logic, blow back can mean foot stomping. No one cares about that.

See now why you’re a moron and a pussy?

You talk real tough online. YOu ever talk like to a man's face, cocksucker?
Sure, what else do you call a pussy but a pussy? You cowered away from clarifying a vague question. That’s on you.

Liar. If you did, you would not feel the need to do so online, where you can pretend to be tough, from the safety of your mom's basement.

If think you've defined the word four times now. Fucktard.
Nope, not lying. And I don’t call you a pussy because I “need to.” I do so because you demonstrated you are one. Just calling the spade a spade. Now if you wanna prove me wrong, man up and exlain what you mean by “blow back.” Or keep running with you tail tucked firmly betwixt your hind legs.

Then explain what that has to do with Trump working for Russia, which is actually what this thread is about.
I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that you are trying to derail this thread. Start a thread on that subject if you think it's worthwhile but don't troll here or you will be reported

Of course you have "no idea" because this Trump/Rooskie witch-hunt is being used to deflect attention away from the REAL Russian collusion that allowed Russia to procure 20 percent of America's uranium and the kick back program that greased the skids. The heads of certain intel agencies got their palms greased as well. It's germane to the topic.....you are just pissed that yet another factor is put into the equation. "Report" away, little troll.......you are not changing hearts and minds here, dipshit.

Directly from Alex Jones propaganda. Don’t worry they will liquidate his assets this year or next year to stop him from spreading conspiracies.

Nice to see our lib friends openly admitting that they support government oppression and censorship.

I remember the old days when libs would lie about that. We all knew they were lying, but they never broke character.

No I don’t but spreading conspiracies are bad for your health.

And it’s very nice to know that you believe a real fake news.

I’m sure 100% you also believed that Sandy hook massacre was a hoax created by actors accordingly Alex Jones and Dale Smith.

Now I know how fucking low you are.

Sounds like you just threatened or implied that you would support violence against Alex Jones.
Done it hundreds of times. Trump Tower meeting: proven conspiracy. And by the way, there are no crimes against the Democrats with Russia.
Democrats claim the meeting between Jr and the Russian Lawyer was a crime perpetrated by Jr and thus Trump.....without posting any evidence to support the claim. They then, like you, completely ignore the facts:

To make the meeting happen Barak Obama had to override his own Department of Immigration's ban preventing the lawyer from entering the US.
The FBI knew about it and had the place bugged in advance.
Obama's personal ex-FBI Russian translator was there.
Jr was told the meeting was about Russian adoptions.
When he found out it was not he texted his secretary asking her to call him, giving him an excuse to leave - verified.
He left after 15 minutes - no information changed hands.

Hillary paid foreign spies and Russians for info.
'Nuff Said
If all that were true, then why did Trump, Jr, and others concoct another story on Air Force One that it was about getting dirt on Clinton through opposition research then? Answer, because Jr. wanted dirt on Clinton via the correspondence email he previously had that said "I love it" before the Trump Tower meeting ever happened. It was never about adoptions. They lied.

Barrack Obama did not override an Immigration ban for the lawyer to come here. She was supposed to be here for a different reason for which that was a lie. She has since been arrested for obstruction.

Hillary paid Fusion GPS and spies for information. It wasn't the Russians. That has been debunked as a total fabrication.

Keep pissing on yourself. This is getting good.
Adoptions is simply the code word for removing Russian sanctions.

I'll give you dirt on Hillary if you remove Russian sanctions.

And now we see the liberal, who has defined a word as a wide range of actions, asking for the word to be defined more specifically,

as though he does not understand that the word he just defined, as a wide range of possible action, is by it's very definition, that he has repeated posted, is not specific.

Thus we see that the modern liberal is completely and utterly with the slightest sense of intellectual honesty, or shame.

Meanwhile, while he is playing games, with semantics, extremely dishonest games with semantics,

he all the while is dodging a very simple quest that he has been asked, because he does not have an answer that does not paint him as a fucking moron.

Using your bizarre logic, blow back can mean foot stomping. No one cares about that.

See now why you’re a moron and a pussy?

You talk real tough online. YOu ever talk like to a man's face, cocksucker?
Sure, what else do you call a pussy but a pussy? You cowered away from clarifying a vague question. That’s on you.

Liar. If you did, you would not feel the need to do so online, where you can pretend to be tough, from the safety of your mom's basement.

If think you've defined the word four times now. Fucktard.
Nope, not lying. And I don’t call you a pussy because I “need to.” I do so because you demonstrated you are one. Just calling the spade a spade. Now if you wanna prove me wrong, man up and exlain what you mean by “blow back.” Or keep running with you tail tucked firmly betwixt your hind legs.

Then explain what that has to do with Trump working for Russia, which is actually what this thread is about.

I asked you if you had ever considered the blowback from your desired coup.

That is what my question was about.

You are the one who has been too much of a fucking pussy to answer a simple fucking question.

Your deflections and word games, don't hide that fact. Pussy.
Unfortunately, this article is spot on. Hate is a powerful force within the religious conservative Right.

Really? The lib thinks that he enemies are motivated by "hate"?

What a shocker.

ANyone want to bet on what he thinks of their level of intelligence?
A lifetime experience living among the hate can smarten you up in a hurry.

Your delusions are not evidence.
My eyes and ears never lie. Been around this kind of crowd all my life. Believe me, I've got their number.

Yea, we heard Trump trying to tell his Sheep the same thing.
Done it hundreds of times. Trump Tower meeting: proven conspiracy. And by the way, there are no crimes against the Democrats with Russia.
Democrats claim the meeting between Jr and the Russian Lawyer was a crime perpetrated by Jr and thus Trump.....without posting any evidence to support the claim. They then, like you, completely ignore the facts:

To make the meeting happen Barak Obama had to override his own Department of Immigration's ban preventing the lawyer from entering the US.
The FBI knew about it and had the place bugged in advance.
Obama's personal ex-FBI Russian translator was there.
Jr was told the meeting was about Russian adoptions.
When he found out it was not he texted his secretary asking her to call him, giving him an excuse to leave - verified.
He left after 15 minutes - no information changed hands.

Hillary paid foreign spies and Russians for info.
'Nuff Said
If all that were true, then why did Trump, Jr, and others concoct another story on Air Force One that it was about getting dirt on Clinton through opposition research then? Answer, because Jr. wanted dirt on Clinton via the correspondence email he previously had that said "I love it" before the Trump Tower meeting ever happened. It was never about adoptions. They lied.

Barrack Obama did not override an Immigration ban for the lawyer to come here. She was supposed to be here for a different reason for which that was a lie. She has since been arrested for obstruction.

Hillary paid Fusion GPS and spies for information. It wasn't the Russians. That has been debunked as a total fabrication.

Keep pissing on yourself. This is getting good.
Adoptions is simply the code word for removing Russian sanctions.

I'll give you dirt on Hillary if you remove Russian sanctions.

Exactly! Thank you!

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