FBI Preliminary 2013 Numbers Show Violent Crime Continues to Drop


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The trend continues. Indeed an armed society is a peaceful society.

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


From the blog-

It has become almost an article of faith in the firearms industry that even reports from our federal government that show a continuing decline in crime will get little media attention. And so it was again with the release this month of the FBI’s preliminary Uniform Crime Statistics for the first half of 2013 that showed that murders fell by nearly 7 percent compared with the same period in 2012 while violent crime overall fell by 5.4 percent.

FBI Preliminary 2013 Data Show Violent Crime Continues to Drop | NSSF Blog

FBI ? Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, January-June 2013
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It looks like it has to do with the way crimes are classified not that there is any drop in crime. When someone is murdered in a knockout game, that's not classified as a violent crime. It isn't put in the murder category but accidental death category.

When people look around them, in their own communities, they know whether crime has dropped or not. Politicians tell them it's not where they are, crime has gone up there, but elsewhere it's dropped.
When looking at the crime rates between 1960 and 2012, the trend from 1960 through 1980 saw an increase in crime rates. However from 1990 through 2012, the trend has reversed, and we've had a decrease in crime rates. This decrease is continuing through 2014. It is encouraging.


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