Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"


Yes it has. and before you go with "well they were all off duty law enforcement" most of the places this happens restrict gun possession TO law enforcement. Its still a guy/girl with a gun stopping the bad guy.

No, it's a trained, licensed professional.

I'd have no problem if we restricted gun ownership to those.

You mean these?

NYPD 9 shooting bystander victims hit by police gunfire Fox News

All nine people wounded during a dramatic confrontation between police and a gunman outside the Empire State Building were struck by bullets fired by the two officers, police said Saturday, citing ballistics evidence.

The veteran patrolmen who opened fire on the suit-wearing gunman, Jeffrey Johnson, had only an instant to react when he whirled and pointed a .45-caliber pistol as they approached him from behind on a busy sidewalk.

Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times. Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police said. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.
Why is it that self defense in your tiny mind means someone ends up dead?

What about all the times a gun is used in self defense where no one dies?

Because I find that highly improbable.

Frankly, listening to you gun nuts, constantly talking about how you just can't WAIT for the opportunity to drill a bullet into the head of a bad guy, how you all Admire Zimmerman because he was "Livin' the Dream". (As opposed to just being a sociopath who showed bad judgement.)

I find it hard to believe that if an opportunity came up to kill a bad guy, you wouldn't fully avail yourselves of it.

claims for Defensive gun uses go from a low of 89,000 a year (US DOJ) to 2.5 million a year. (Kleck).

Yet we are to believe that when that happy day to finally get to use your Penis Compensater in a meaningful way comes, and you only manage to do it 0.2% to 0.008% of the time?

That sounds really kind of improbable. You all don't sound like you can maintain that much self-control.
Now you have to quote me saying I can't wait to kill someone.

Good luck with that.

The fact that you will not admit that the mere brandishing of a weapon is enough to deter crime is proof of your utter idiocy.

There is is. The solution to a problem. You gun owners don't even have to worry about loading your guns with ammo. Just pull that gun and pretend that you are gonna shoot that bad ass criminal you all are so scared of.

Skull says that brandishing a weapon at someone is just as effective to deter crime as shooting the criminal.

So don't worry about loading that gun where your kid might find it. Leave it unloaded and just show it to the criminal (if that need ever arises).. Works just as well.

Think of the lives saved.

Problem is skull that your method leaves the criminal alive to commit other crimes. Is that what you want to happen? Of course it is. I saw where you say it is only YOU that you are concerned with. Nice guy.

You could at least call the cops and give them the description of the criminal you just scared away. Couldn't you?
It is not the responsibility of a private citizen to kill criminals.

Self defense is NOT public defense.

I don't see why you have a problem with that position. All your posts tell me that you should be agreeing with me but because I own guns and support gun ownership not confiscation you cannot bring yourself to agree with the point can you?
Joe is scared and wants the government to protect his fat pansy arse. Get up off your lazy arse and protect yourself and your family like a MAN, Joe. :rolleyes-41: The government doesn't care if you live or die, as long as you pay your taxes fool!
New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

So, what's your point?


typically in making that point the left is advancing that

it is better to let the shooter decide

when enough killing has occurred

Well, you're clearly an idiot, so it's very hard to refrain from letting you know this fact. . . especially because you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Just think of it as us helping you out. It would be cruel not to tell you, I think. Lol.

All you have is name calling. The facts aren't on your side. Guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people who they want to defend themselves from.

How about learning to form a grammatically correct sentence, little boy?

Uh, that sentence is perfectly fine, thanks. You're sputtering now, probably because you have nowhere to go.

Your last sentence is a grammatical train wreck, and you are a fearful little boy. Oh! I think I hear your mommy calling! :D
why is it so hard for you leftards to understand these clear cut words: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" ?

are these "people" mentioned in the second Amdt. the same "people" mentioned in the first TEN Amdts. ??

The First Ten Amendments to the US Constitution are also known as the Bill of Rights. It is a list of rights guaranteed to the American people that the government is not allowed to infringe upon. The First Ten Amendments were added to the Constitution at the direction of the very first Congress in 1789, though they were not official law until 1791. They were added because many people believed the Constitution did not adequately protect them from the government's power.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

are there any questions you libercrat scum need answered now ?

Again, knew a lady who found her dead teenage son who killed himself with that gun she bought to protect herself from rapists...

Fact is, guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people they are afraid of.
there is no doubt that to fairies like you, a pistol is more dangerous to you than potential attackers. that sharp front sight is going to cause rectal damage when you try to use the weapon as a dildo
Why is it that self defense in your tiny mind means someone ends up dead?

What about all the times a gun is used in self defense where no one dies?

Because I find that highly improbable.

Frankly, listening to you gun nuts, constantly talking about how you just can't WAIT for the opportunity to drill a bullet into the head of a bad guy, how you all Admire Zimmerman because he was "Livin' the Dream". (As opposed to just being a sociopath who showed bad judgement.)

No, you're projecting again.

I find it hard to believe that if an opportunity came up to kill a bad guy, you wouldn't fully avail yourselves of it.

Many thugs survive being shot. (I recall a recent case, I think in Florida, where a woman shot an intruder 5 times with a .38 revolver, and he lived.)

claims for Defensive gun uses go from a low of 89,000 a year (US DOJ) to 2.5 million a year. (Kleck).

Yet we are to believe that when that happy day to finally get to use your Penis Compensater in a meaningful way comes, and you only manage to do it 0.2% to 0.008% of the time?

More projection. You should probably see a shrink for your obsession with male genitalia.

That sounds really kind of improbable. You all don't sound like you can maintain that much self-control.

You simply are not smart enough to figure it out...but that's OK. Everyone but you realized long ago that you simply aren't too bright. Nobody expects much from you.

Yes it has. and before you go with "well they were all off duty law enforcement" most of the places this happens restrict gun possession TO law enforcement. Its still a guy/girl with a gun stopping the bad guy.

No, it's a trained, licensed professional.

I'd have no problem if we restricted gun ownership to those.

My uncle, my wife, and I all have more firearms training than most cops. Were you trying to stumble on a point here?

Your last sentence is a grammatical train wreck, and you are a fearful little boy. Oh! I think I hear your mommy calling! :D

Okay, I get paid to write, honey. deal with it.

So you have nothing left, do you?
Again, knew a lady who found her dead teenage son who killed himself with that gun she bought to protect herself from rapists...

Fact is, guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people they are afraid of.
there is no doubt that to fairies like you, a pistol is more dangerous to you than potential attackers. that sharp front sight is going to cause rectal damage when you try to use the weapon as a dildo

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. Something the gun industry doesn't advertise.

Maybe they should require them to, like the makers of smokes have to put up the cancer warning.
Again, knew a lady who found her dead teenage son who killed himself with that gun she bought to protect herself from rapists...

Fact is, guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people they are afraid of.
there is no doubt that to fairies like you, a pistol is more dangerous to you than potential attackers. that sharp front sight is going to cause rectal damage when you try to use the weapon as a dildo

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. Something the gun industry doesn't advertise.

Maybe they should require them to, like the makers of smokes have to put up the cancer warning.
your stupid study would mean that there were 43 million deaths because killing a thug is not the only way a weapon stops crime

that study was debunked

only morons and dishonest assholes repeat it
Why is it that self defense in your tiny mind means someone ends up dead?

What about all the times a gun is used in self defense where no one dies?

Because I find that highly improbable.

Frankly, listening to you gun nuts, constantly talking about how you just can't WAIT for the opportunity to drill a bullet into the head of a bad guy, how you all Admire Zimmerman because he was "Livin' the Dream". (As opposed to just being a sociopath who showed bad judgement.)

I find it hard to believe that if an opportunity came up to kill a bad guy, you wouldn't fully avail yourselves of it.

claims for Defensive gun uses go from a low of 89,000 a year (US DOJ) to 2.5 million a year. (Kleck).

Yet we are to believe that when that happy day to finally get to use your Penis Compensater in a meaningful way comes, and you only manage to do it 0.2% to 0.008% of the time?

That sounds really kind of improbable. You all don't sound like you can maintain that much self-control.
Now you have to quote me saying I can't wait to kill someone.

Good luck with that.

The fact that you will not admit that the mere brandishing of a weapon is enough to deter crime is proof of your utter idiocy.

There is is. The solution to a problem. You gun owners don't even have to worry about loading your guns with ammo. Just pull that gun and pretend that you are gonna shoot that bad ass criminal you all are so scared of.

Skull says that brandishing a weapon at someone is just as effective to deter crime as shooting the criminal.

So don't worry about loading that gun where your kid might find it. Leave it unloaded and just show it to the criminal (if that need ever arises).. Works just as well.

Think of the lives saved.

Problem is skull that your method leaves the criminal alive to commit other crimes. Is that what you want to happen? Of course it is. I saw where you say it is only YOU that you are concerned with. Nice guy.

You could at least call the cops and give them the description of the criminal you just scared away. Couldn't you?
It is not the responsibility of a private citizen to kill criminals.

Self defense is NOT public defense.

I don't see why you have a problem with that position. All your posts tell me that you should be agreeing with me but because I own guns and support gun ownership not confiscation you cannot bring yourself to agree with the point can you?

Your last sentence is a grammatical train wreck, and you are a fearful little boy. Oh! I think I hear your mommy calling! :D

Okay, I get paid to write, honey. deal with it.

So you have nothing left, do you?

Yeah, sure you do. :D

Is there really anything else to say? ALL of your arguments have been destroyed completely. You keep trying desperately, but unfortunately for you, I think you have no arguments against our second amendment rights.

Your last sentence is a grammatical train wreck, and you are a fearful little boy. Oh! I think I hear your mommy calling! :D

Okay, I get paid to write, honey. deal with it.

So you have nothing left, do you?

Yeah, sure you do. :D

Is there really anything else to say? ALL of your arguments have been destroyed completely. You keep trying desperately, but unfortunately for you, I think you have no arguments against our second amendment rights.

he probably engages in behavior that would cause an honest citizen to shoot his sorry ass

thus he wants to ban others from having guns
your stupid study would mean that there were 43 million deaths because killing a thug is not the only way a weapon stops crime

that study was debunked

only morons and dishonest assholes repeat it

Well, no, t here's no real evidence guns stop crimes, other than bogus studies by the NRA and the Gun Lobby that detail how having a gun made a guy like you with a tiny pecker feel better.

The real statistic- only 200 gun deaths r uled 'Justifiable" when civilians were doing the shooting.

Compared to 19,500 suicides, 11,101 murders and 800 accidents.

Yeah, sure you do. :D

Is there really anything else to say? ALL of your arguments have been destroyed completely. You keep trying desperately, but unfortunately for you, I think you have no arguments against our second amendment rights.

Sure I do.

the word "Gun" doesn't appear anywhere in the Second Amendment.

"bear arms" means keeping a militia. Not private gun ownership.

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