Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"


good smack, you napalmed that moron

All I saw her do is her typical batshit crazy name-calling. She brought no statistics to the argument.

STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

good smack, you napalmed that moron

All I saw her do is her typical batshit crazy name-calling. She brought no statistics to the argument.

STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

I remember a conversation I had with Joe last year, where he tried to use the discredited Kellerman study to push gun control. "People are 44 times more likely to be shot in their homes than anywhere else."

What a laugh it was.

good smack, you napalmed that moron

All I saw her do is her typical batshit crazy name-calling. She brought no statistics to the argument.

STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

the best reason for owning hi grade military weapons is in case assholes like you get in positions of power
All I saw her do is her typical batshit crazy name-calling. She brought no statistics to the argument.

STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

I remember a conversation I had with Joe last year, where he tried to use the discredited Kellerman study to push gun control. "People are 44 times more likely to be shot in their homes than anywhere else."

What a laugh it was.

he's a brain dead moron who soils his pink panties thinking that his neighbor might have a gun

Gun ownership reminds losers like him that they are cowards
STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

I remember a conversation I had with Joe last year, where he tried to use the discredited Kellerman study to push gun control. "People are 44 times more likely to be shot in their homes than anywhere else."

What a laugh it was.

he's a brain dead moron who soils his pink panties thinking that his neighbor might have a gun

Gun ownership reminds losers like him that they are cowards

And this is why I have him on ignore now.
Actually, for most our 200 years, the Second Amendement was NEVER recognized as a right to own guns. In fact, quite the opposite.

On June 8, 1789, James Madison—an ardent Federalist who had won election to Congress only after agreeing to push for changes to the newly ratified Constitution—proposed 17 amendments on topics ranging from the size of congressional districts to legislative pay to the right to religious freedom. One addressed the “well regulated militia” and the right “to keep and bear arms.” We don’t really know what he meant by it. At the time, Americans expected to be able to own guns, a legacy of English common law and rights. But the overwhelming use of the phrase “bear arms” in those days referred to military activities.

Though state militias eventually dissolved, for two centuries we had guns (plenty!) and we had gun laws in towns and states, governing everything from where gunpowder could be stored to who could carry a weapon—and courts overwhelmingly upheld these restrictions. Gun rights and gun control were seen as going hand in hand. Four times between 1876 and 1939, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to rule that the Second Amendment protected individual gun ownership outside the context of a militia. As the Tennessee Supreme Court put it in 1840, “A man in the pursuit of deer, elk, and buffaloes might carry his rifle every day for forty years, and yet it would never be said of him that he had borne arms; much less could it be said that a private citizen bears arms because he has a dirk or pistol concealed under his clothes, or a spear in a cane.”

Read more: How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment - Michael Waldman - POLITICO Magazine

That is such bull. People have been carrying AND using weapons here in America since the country became a country, and the courts have never ruled against that right. Also, it is quite obvious that you are wrong about the "militia" when you read the founders own words in documents related to the Constitution and the second amendment. Obviously it was VERY important to the framers of the Constitution that EVERY able-bodied man be able to carry and use a weapon, at a moment's notice, as you can see by their OWN words in the link below.

The Founders on The Right To Keep and Bear Arms
It is when a gun shop sells that person a gun.[/QUOTE]

And HOW would the gun shop know this? Do tell how a gun shop would know that a person MIGHT be suffering from a mental illness?

If they had lost, we'd have ended slavery without a civil war. Can't see that as a bad thing.

OMG, you really are stupid, aren't you, you poor thing? :lol:
Joe is scared and wants the government to protect his fat pansy arse. Get up off your lazy arse and protect yourself and your family like a MAN, Joe. :rolleyes-41: The government doesn't care if you live or die, as long as you pay your taxes fool!

No, I just think people like you are more dangerous to me than the most tyrannical government. Listening to you guys and your snuff fantasies is kind of frightening.

That's because you are a frightened moron. Maybe it's time to change your little baby soiled panties. :D

good smack, you napalmed that moron

All I saw her do is her typical batshit crazy name-calling. She brought no statistics to the argument.

STFU you hysterical lying fairy. You want to ban all guns. You have proven you are incapable of intelligent conversation on this subject

Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

Well, you're clearly an idiot, so it's very hard to refrain from letting you know this fact. . . especially because you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Just think of it as us helping you out. It would be cruel not to tell you, I think. Lol.
Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

I remember a conversation I had with Joe last year, where he tried to use the discredited Kellerman study to push gun control. "People are 44 times more likely to be shot in their homes than anywhere else."

What a laugh it was.

he's a brain dead moron who soils his pink panties thinking that his neighbor might have a gun

Gun ownership reminds losers like him that they are cowards

And this is why I have him on ignore now.

Joe's a gun banning tard. CJ is a fraud. both are morons

No it isn't. Obviously the second amendment is about having an armed populace, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Like we did with the Brits during the Revolutionary War. THAT was the purpose behind the second amendment. Just because YOU and people with your silly ideological beliefs would try and redefine the second amendment only means you are a dishonest POS and a traitor to the American people. United States citizens should DESPISE people such as yourself. You are a like a pimple on the butt of our freedom.

Actually, for most our 200 years, the Second Amendement was NEVER recognized as a right to own guns. In fact, quite the opposite.

On June 8, 1789, James Madison—an ardent Federalist who had won election to Congress only after agreeing to push for changes to the newly ratified Constitution—proposed 17 amendments on topics ranging from the size of congressional districts to legislative pay to the right to religious freedom. One addressed the “well regulated militia” and the right “to keep and bear arms.” We don’t really know what he meant by it. At the time, Americans expected to be able to own guns, a legacy of English common law and rights. But the overwhelming use of the phrase “bear arms” in those days referred to military activities.

Though state militias eventually dissolved, for two centuries we had guns (plenty!) and we had gun laws in towns and states, governing everything from where gunpowder could be stored to who could carry a weapon—and courts overwhelmingly upheld these restrictions. Gun rights and gun control were seen as going hand in hand. Four times between 1876 and 1939, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to rule that the Second Amendment protected individual gun ownership outside the context of a militia. As the Tennessee Supreme Court put it in 1840, “A man in the pursuit of deer, elk, and buffaloes might carry his rifle every day for forty years, and yet it would never be said of him that he had borne arms; much less could it be said that a private citizen bears arms because he has a dirk or pistol concealed under his clothes, or a spear in a cane.”

Read more: How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment - Michael Waldman - POLITICO Magazine

Your "he says/she says" scenarios are also stupid beyond belief. "Everyone" knew he was nuts. Well, THAT is not the fault of other responsible gun owners, you traitor.

It is when a gun shop sells that person a gun.

What you personally believe about the founders of our country (which you are LUCKY to live in, you ingrate), is irrelevant to anything.

Uh, no, the Founding Slave rapists were a bunch of rich guys who didn't want to pay their taxes. Kind of the Founding retardation. Oh my God, they saved us from being Canadians!!!!! I just can't get that worked up about it.

If they had lost, we'd have ended slavery without a civil war. Can't see that as a bad thing.

We don’t really know what he meant by it.


yeah sure

the best reason for owning hi grade military weapons is in case assholes like you get in positions of power

Uh, no, guy, that's the most retarded thing you have said yet.

You gun nuts own hi-grade military weapons.

The GOvernment (which we are going to be completely running as soon as we get the illegals all made citizens, heh, heh, heh....) has tanks, bombers, drones, and artillery pieces.

I mean, that's even more retarded than thinking you need them to defend yourself from criminals.

Well, you're clearly an idiot, so it's very hard to refrain from letting you know this fact. . . especially because you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Just think of it as us helping you out. It would be cruel not to tell you, I think. Lol.

All you have is name calling. The facts aren't on your side. Guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people who they want to defend themselves from.

And HOW would the gun shop know this? Do tell how a gun shop would know that a person MIGHT be suffering from a mental illness?

Do I look like I care? There are tons of women in the women's prison who had no idea their boyfriends were hiding crack cocaine in their house.

The gun shops know EXACTLY who they are selling to. They just don't care.

If they had lost, we'd have ended slavery without a civil war. Can't see that as a bad thing.

OMG, you really are stupid, aren't you, you poor thing? :lol:

The British Empire abolished slavery in the 1820's. Not a shot had to be fired. We spent 80 years trying to accommedate the slave rapists, then fought a civil war, and spent another 150 years trying to get them to stop hating on black folks.
Again, all you guys are bringing is name-calling. The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

The ignorance and stupidity expressed by extremists do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber' might so.
yeah you keep saying that and you never can back it up. you pretend to be some fountain of objectivity when in reality you are just a wishy washy know it all who really doesn't know all that much

I remember a conversation I had with Joe last year, where he tried to use the discredited Kellerman study to push gun control. "People are 44 times more likely to be shot in their homes than anywhere else."

What a laugh it was.

he's a brain dead moron who soils his pink panties thinking that his neighbor might have a gun

Gun ownership reminds losers like him that they are cowards

And this is why I have him on ignore now.

That and all the ass kickings and reminders that you are a loser who lives off of his relatives and can't hold down a job.
New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

So, what's your point?

Again, knew a lady who found her dead teenage son who killed himself with that gun she bought to protect herself from rapists...

Fact is, guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people they are afraid of.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

I wont call you a liar, but I will say you sound full of shit here.

Again, knew a lady who found her dead teenage son who killed himself with that gun she bought to protect herself from rapists...

Fact is, guns are more dangerous to the people who own them than the people they are afraid of.

But none cares but you and about (3) others here

But carry on


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