Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"

...I think the Chief gets an erection any time he hears dueling banjos

( just to be mischievous
super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"

He'd probably enjoy it more if they roughed him up. :D

rip his panties off and bend him over a sofa

he'd be squealing like a catholic school girl her first time

I think the Chief gets an erection any time he hears dueling banjos

Dueling Banjos is pretty cool, IMO.
As usual you are name calling and just making stuff up. But not providing an answer to the question. I guess we both know why that is. But keep carrying on like a child, it's a funny kind of pathetic.

They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)

Hey asswipe, I shot a mugger. that alone is proof enough to me

and btw that saved the mugger's life because If I didn't have the gun I would have used the butterfly knife I was carrying (I am trained in silat) and that would have resulted in me doing the "clock" on him
what is pathetic is trying to denigrate our rights because a very small percentage of gun owners are morons

why should my rights be infringed because of some low grade morons?
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post: 9895387, member: 50165

Could we at least agree that the toddlers are shot dead because of irresponsible gun owner parents?[/QUOTE]

No we cannot. I don't know the details of those cases, and neither do you. Even so, I would not give up ONE of my rights because of some irresponsible people, murderers, criminals, etc. NO way.[/QUOTE]

Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post: 9895387, member: 50165

Could we at least agree that the toddlers are shot dead because of irresponsible gun owner parents?

No we cannot. I don't know the details of those cases, and neither do you. Even so, I would not give up ONE of my rights because of some irresponsible people, murderers, criminals, etc. NO way.[/QUOTE]

Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.[/QUOTE]

they might be but such shootings are decreasing

so what the fuck is your point? more kids die in pools and buckets than from irresponsible gun owners

but that doesn't fit your agenda does it?
They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)

Hey asswipe, I shot a mugger. that alone is proof enough to me

and btw that saved the mugger's life because If I didn't have the gun I would have used the butterfly knife I was carrying (I am trained in silat) and that would have resulted in me doing the "clock" on him

Wow, you are so special. So now you're a kung fu ninja.
Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.

Could you please quote me correctly. If you mess up, there is an edit option. That way, I get notification that you have quoted me. Thank you in advance. :D

Now, that "2 children per week" is taking the whole number of "accidental" gun deaths and averaging them per week.

Although it's tragic, who is to say those same kids wouldn't get hit by a car, fall out a window, drown? What do suggest we do with the parents of children (or just to punish EVERYONE) who die in such a manner?
They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)

Hey asswipe, I shot a mugger. that alone is proof enough to me

and btw that saved the mugger's life because If I didn't have the gun I would have used the butterfly knife I was carrying (I am trained in silat) and that would have resulted in me doing the "clock" on him

Wow, you are so special. So now you're a kung fu ninja.

Only a moron would confuse Ninjutsu with Silat

one is a Japanese art, the other is Filipino and Kung Fu is chinese

Danny Inosanto would call you an uber moron
Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.

Could you please quote me correctly. If you mess up, there is an edit option. That way, I get notification that you have quoted me. Thank you in advance. :D

Now, that "2 children per week" is taking the whole number of "accidental" gun deaths and averaging them per week.

Although it's tragic, who is to say those same kids wouldn't get hit by a car, fall out a window, drown? What do suggest we do with the parents of children (or just to punish EVERYONE) who die in such a manner?

...or abducted by aliens, or hit on the head by meteorites, or.....
Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.

Could you please quote me correctly. If you mess up, there is an edit option. That way, I get notification that you have quoted me. Thank you in advance. :D

Now, that "2 children per week" is taking the whole number of "accidental" gun deaths and averaging them per week.

Although it's tragic, who is to say those same kids wouldn't get hit by a car, fall out a window, drown? What do suggest we do with the parents of children (or just to punish EVERYONE) who die in such a manner?

...or abducted by aliens, or hit on the head by meteorites, or.....

No, not so much, but from drowning, getting run over by vehicles, falling out of windows, other such accidents are responsible for way more deaths than accidental shootings. So what should we do about this problem? Swimming is NOT a right. Perhaps we should ban it? :D
Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.

There is a counter at Extranos alley, a gun blog that uses CDC numbers for accidental deaths by guns...compared to other deaths...

Extrano s Alley a gun blog The history of gun control is perfectly clear. Gun control enables killers.

Total accidental gun deaths since January 1, 2014...(481)....total...

Falling deaths since January 1, 2014...total...(15,000) spend your time more wisely, help people from falling...it will save more lives...

But then the irrational fear of guns would have to be dealt with...

Under 100 accidental deaths of children in a country of 300 million people who own 310 million guns...really? are you serious...?

Suffocation deaths since January 1, 2014...(10,688)
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Ok. I hear you. Two dead children per week from playing with guns is not due to irresponsible gun owning parents.

There is a counter at Extranos alley, a gun blog that uses CDC numbers for accidental deaths by guns...compared to other deaths...

Extrano s Alley a gun blog The history of gun control is perfectly clear. Gun control enables killers.

Total accidental gun deaths since January 1, 2014...(481)....total...

Falling deaths since January 1, 2014...total...(15,000) spend your time more wisely, help people from falling...it will save more lives...

But then the irrational fear of guns would have to be dealt with...

Under 100 accidental deaths of children in a country of 300 million people who own 310 million guns...really? are you serious...?

Suffocation deaths since January 1, 2014...(10,688)
public safety does not motivate the gun hating eunuchs

rather, they hate the politics of people they perceive as gun owners
I remember a few years back in my area, a guy ran through a daycare center's playground with his vehicle and took out a few kids, at least one died if not more. A bunch were injured, some seriously. The bottom line is there are going to be lunatics, and once these lunatics get it into their mind that they want to kill people, they will find a way.

We also had the Boston Marathon bombing. Should we ban pressure cookers? It isn't a right. You can get along without one, and someone COULD make it into a bomb and kill and maim a whole bunch of people.
I remember a few years back in my area, a guy ran through a daycare center's playground with his vehicle and took out a few kids, at least one died if not more. A bunch were injured, some seriously. The bottom line is there are going to be lunatics, and once these lunatics get it into their mind that they want to kill people, they will find a way.

We also had the Boston Marathon bombing. Should we ban pressure cookers? It isn't a right. You can get along without one, and someone COULD make it into a bomb and kill and maim a whole bunch of people.
if only conservatives or mainly conservatives owned pressure cookers, the anti gun turds would want to ban them too
I remember a few years back in my area, a guy ran through a daycare center's playground with his vehicle and took out a few kids, at least one died if not more. A bunch were injured, some seriously. The bottom line is there are going to be lunatics, and once these lunatics get it into their mind that they want to kill people, they will find a way.

We also had the Boston Marathon bombing. Should we ban pressure cookers? It isn't a right. You can get along without one, and someone COULD make it into a bomb and kill and maim a whole bunch of people.
if only conservatives or mainly conservatives owned pressure cookers, the anti gun turds would want to ban them too

That's probably the case with some people, and other people display an irrational fear of an inanimate object. I don't think it's right that they would ask honest people who obey the law to give up their right because of the actions of crazy people. It's ridiculous IMO.

No, it's a tradeoff.

As I've said, we have 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries a year. That's the cost of our permissive gun laws. Compared to a Japan that only has 11 gun homicides a year or a UK that only has about 50 or so.

So you have to come up with a pretty impressive number of "lives saved" to justify that kind of carnage.

but according to the FBI, only 200 cases of homicides with guns are ruled "Self-Defense". And according to the OP of this article, of hundreds of "active shooter" incidents at workplaces, only one was a civilian with a gun stopping it.

Like any cost-benefit analysis, you have to see what the policy is accomplishing vs. what the costs are. In the ccase of the gun culture, they aren't equal. We have the highest murder rates and incarceration rates and crime rates in the Industrialized world.
I remember a few years back in my area, a guy ran through a daycare center's playground with his vehicle and took out a few kids, at least one died if not more. A bunch were injured, some seriously. The bottom line is there are going to be lunatics, and once these lunatics get it into their mind that they want to kill people, they will find a way.

We also had the Boston Marathon bombing. Should we ban pressure cookers? It isn't a right. You can get along without one, and someone COULD make it into a bomb and kill and maim a whole bunch of people.
if only conservatives or mainly conservatives owned pressure cookers, the anti gun turds would want to ban them too

That's probably the case with some people, and other people display an irrational fear of an inanimate object. I don't think it's right that they would ask honest people who obey the law to give up their right because of the actions of crazy people. It's ridiculous IMO.

Pressure cookers and cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are. Therefore, who owns them deserves greater scrutiny.
I remember a few years back in my area, a guy ran through a daycare center's playground with his vehicle and took out a few kids, at least one died if not more. A bunch were injured, some seriously. The bottom line is there are going to be lunatics, and once these lunatics get it into their mind that they want to kill people, they will find a way.

We also had the Boston Marathon bombing. Should we ban pressure cookers? It isn't a right. You can get along without one, and someone COULD make it into a bomb and kill and maim a whole bunch of people.
if only conservatives or mainly conservatives owned pressure cookers, the anti gun turds would want to ban them too

That's probably the case with some people, and other people display an irrational fear of an inanimate object. I don't think it's right that they would ask honest people who obey the law to give up their right because of the actions of crazy people. It's ridiculous IMO.

Pressure cookers and cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are. Therefore, who owns them deserves greater scrutiny.

There ALREADY is greater scrutiny when buying a gun than a pressure cooker, genius!!!

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