Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"


do you have a point you hysterical fairy?

yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


do you have a point you hysterical fairy?

yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"
Hey @JoeB131

If you want to remain unarmed against a possible intruder because of your irrational pansy bed-wetting over firearms, that is on YOU. YOU don't have any right to dictate to the rest of us whether or not to exercise OUR 2nd amendment right, you arrogant mofo.

do you have a point you hysterical fairy?

yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"

He'd probably enjoy it more if they roughed him up. :D
These macho NRA gun nutters are the greatest threat to our future gun rights. Here's what a macho gun nutter looks like after his ignorant ass is burned by the law:


Michael Dunn was found guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of 17-year-old Jordan Davis in September, 2012 after an argument over loud music.

Michael Dunn Found Guilty Of First-Degree Murder In Killing Of Jordan Davis

He doesn't look so tough now.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless phukking blah...

Gun-Grabbers are not going to get America's guns...

Nor are they going to be allowed to trash the present broadest Gun Rights -centric interpretation of the Second Amendment...

No matter how many of them come crawling out of the woodwork...

Get used to it...

You sound fearful. You should be...
Not fearful, so much as vigilant... the price of Liberty.
Hey @JoeB131

If you want to remain unarmed against a possible intruder because of your irrational pansy bed-wetting over firearms, that is on YOU. YOU don't have any right to dictate to the rest of us whether or not to exercise OUR 2nd amendment right, you arrogant mofo.
but EUNUCH BOY said citizens have no need to own a firearm

do you have a point you hysterical fairy?

yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"

He'd probably enjoy it more if they roughed him up. :D

rip his panties off and bend him over a sofa

he'd be squealing like a catholic school girl her first time

do you have a point you hysterical fairy?

yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"

He'd probably enjoy it more if they roughed him up. :D

rip his panties off and bend him over a sofa

he'd be squealing like a catholic school girl her first time

Hey @JoeB131

If you want to remain unarmed against a possible intruder because of your irrational pansy bed-wetting over firearms, that is on YOU. YOU don't have any right to dictate to the rest of us whether or not to exercise OUR 2nd amendment right, you arrogant mofo.
but EUNUCH BOY said citizens have no need to own a firearm

I see that by your siggy line! :)
The price of Liberty:

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

"Two children die almost every week in unintentional shootings — far more than government statistics show — according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety.


The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
In most of the deaths, the shooter was a child playing with a gun.
"Toddlers have the highest risk of unintentionally shooting themselves," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America , a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "In the news we hear: 'Toddler shoots baby. Toddler shoots himself.' This doesn't happen in any other developed nation, and it shouldn't happen in ours."
The price of Liberty:

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

"Two children die almost every week in unintentional shootings — far more than government statistics show — according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety.


The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
In most of the deaths, the shooter was a child playing with a gun.
"Toddlers have the highest risk of unintentionally shooting themselves," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America , a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "In the news we hear: 'Toddler shoots baby. Toddler shoots himself.' This doesn't happen in any other developed nation, and it shouldn't happen in ours."

That is because of irresponsible parenting. Many more children fall out of windows and drown, most of the time ALSO because of irresponsible parenting.
The price of Liberty:

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

"Two children die almost every week in unintentional shootings — far more than government statistics show — according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety.


The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
In most of the deaths, the shooter was a child playing with a gun.
"Toddlers have the highest risk of unintentionally shooting themselves," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America , a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "In the news we hear: 'Toddler shoots baby. Toddler shoots himself.' This doesn't happen in any other developed nation, and it shouldn't happen in ours."

yet with millions of more guns in circulation, accidental firearms deaths are decreasing

and guess what

Moms Demand idiocy is an astroturf wing of the DEM party and wants complete gun bans
They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)
The price of Liberty:

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

"Two children die almost every week in unintentional shootings — far more than government statistics show — according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety.


The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
In most of the deaths, the shooter was a child playing with a gun.
"Toddlers have the highest risk of unintentionally shooting themselves," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America , a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "In the news we hear: 'Toddler shoots baby. Toddler shoots himself.' This doesn't happen in any other developed nation, and it shouldn't happen in ours."

That is because of irresponsible parenting. Many more children fall out of windows and drown, most of the time ALSO because of irresponsible parenting.

what do you think MOMS demand Idiocy see as a solution to this

a complete handgun ban

they might deny it but the twat that started that group is a hard core Demotard activist and a hard core gun banner
They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)

Hey asswipe, I shot a mugger. that alone is proof enough to me

and btw that saved the mugger's life because If I didn't have the gun I would have used the butterfly knife I was carrying (I am trained in silat) and that would have resulted in me doing the "clock" on him
The price of Liberty:

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

"Two children die almost every week in unintentional shootings — far more than government statistics show — according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety.


The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
In most of the deaths, the shooter was a child playing with a gun.
"Toddlers have the highest risk of unintentionally shooting themselves," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America , a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "In the news we hear: 'Toddler shoots baby. Toddler shoots himself.' This doesn't happen in any other developed nation, and it shouldn't happen in ours."

Sad story, I grieve with the family and friends, but no you cannot have my guns or my gun rights.
yes, but after explaining it to you twice now, I don't think you will get it.

If Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, how is it we only have 200 dead bad guys with 300 million legal guns.

I mean, seriously, the chances of a bad guy being shot by a good guy come in at 1.5 million to one. I mean, they'd be better off buying lottery tickets.

You are an idiot.


super fairy needs to put a sign on his door proclaiming

his home is a gun free zone

and asking invaders to be gentle and use the pre-lubed condoms he keeps by his bed for such "guests"

He'd probably enjoy it more if they roughed him up. :D

rip his panties off and bend him over a sofa

he'd be squealing like a catholic school girl her first time

I think the Chief gets an erection any time he hears dueling banjos
"That is because of irresponsible parenting. Many more children fall out of windows and drown, most of the time ALSO because of irresponsible parenting."

Could we at least agree that the toddlers are shot dead because of irresponsible gun owner parents?
As usual you are name calling and just making stuff up. But not providing an answer to the question. I guess we both know why that is. But keep carrying on like a child, it's a funny kind of pathetic.

They can't answer that. In their fantasy land there are 2.5 million defenses and millions of crooks dead.

But that's where it becomes unbelievable. You gun nuts come on here EVERY FUCKING DAY and share your snuff fantasies. So it's really hard to believe that there are supposedly 100,000 to 2 Million "Defensive Gun Uses" a year, but only 200 or so actually end up with a dead crook.
you are on record being a gun banner. You are in a conspiracy with violent criminals

I knew you couldn't answer the points.

If there are anywhere from 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION "Defensive gun Uses", they why do we have SO FEW dead crooks? (Only about 200 a year, according to the FBI.)

Hey asswipe, I shot a mugger. that alone is proof enough to me

and btw that saved the mugger's life because If I didn't have the gun I would have used the butterfly knife I was carrying (I am trained in silat) and that would have resulted in me doing the "clock" on him
"That is because of irresponsible parenting. Many more children fall out of windows and drown, most of the time ALSO because of irresponsible parenting."

Could we at least agree that the toddlers are shot dead because of irresponsible gun owner parents?

No we cannot. I don't know the details of those cases, and neither do you. Even so, I would not give up ONE of my rights because of some irresponsible people, murderers, criminals, etc. NO way.

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