FBI reportedly recovers deleted emails from Clinton server

Or nothing will happen. Which would by oh so typical for the lying old hag and this admin.

"The rabbit hole is getting deeper and blacker for Hillary Clinton’s emails. On Monday, the FBI refused to cooperate with a court-ordered inquiry delving into Clinton’s emails and her private server.

The FBI says they won’t even confirm that they are investigating Hillary Clinton and her emails and therefore, won’t be telling the judge anything about what they have.

Judicial Watch, which along with Citizens United has taken the lead in forcing Clinton’s emails into the open, says no one really knows a) if Clinton’s private server was ever handed over; b) if indeed a server was handed over whether it is the actual server used by Clinton; and c) whether any copies of the server or emails exist at this point.

Is the FBI even conducting an investigation?"

The Clinton email rabbit hole is getting deeper and blacker
I bet seeing the FBI has recovered some of her e-mails was the last thing Hillary wanted to hear. She wants so much for this story to go away doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

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