FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Whitmer will be interviewed on CNN at 7ET (25 minutes from now)

in other news, this is the first time i will ever watch CNN
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Update: It was more than a kidnapping attempt. Plotters planned to start civil war: Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt. Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Update: It was more than a kidnapping attempt. Plotters planned to start civil war: Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt. Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt.
If some people who have training really wanted to kill state or local politicians, they could do it. Whether this event is real or not, who knows? The real issue is the slow rise of the other side starting to counter you. Even if it is in a scattered way.
And you describe why we are doomed as a nation. And you feel justified. In fact you feel justified to “give them a dose of their own medicine”.

It is perfectly acceptable to abuse power when you have it. Because those before you did the same thing. Nothing good can come from doing evil.
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about -- but you missed the entire point...

An ounce of their own medicine would be how everyone clutched their pearls and fainted just because Biden told Trump to shut up......compared to the ton of bullshit Trump has done, telling him to shut up is an "OUNCE" of that

But I just posted a Tweet of an elected republican congressman flat out saying "why should we let you vote when you talk bad about Trump?"

And we also have another elected Senator -- who at one time wanted to be on the Supreme Court -- outwardly attacking democracy.....as most conservatives do....
View attachment 398739

There is no both sides to any of that shit...

There are always two sides to the story. And sadly both may be telling truth. Although neither side has the market cornered in truth.

You forget. Trump is a dose of your own medicine. Obama’s IRS targeted conservatives and their groups. Demanding information on members and donors. Ten minutes after Obama announced the ACA a Whitehouse hotline was established to report people who were speaking against the ACA. Corruptions and abuses of power existed in that Administration and I voted for Obama. So no. I am not taking the Conservative side. I take the side of the Constitution always.

When Ted Kennedy died the Democrats in Massachusetts passed a law changing the existing law. They could not allow a Republican Governor to name the replacement Senator. Today Nancy Pelosi is claiming to be holding a group discussing how they can remove Trump under the 25th Amendment. Congress has no damned say until or unless the Cabinet decides. But that isn’t stopping Nancy.

Republicans and Democrats have become mirror images of each other. All the things you hate about the Republicans they hate about Democrats. The one thing you all have in common is hate. Neither of you jackasses have any core beliefs left except destroying the other side. You will each say and do anything to win.

You will promise anything to get the voters into the booth to press the screen. So will they. Both sides have become so radicalized as to be unrecognizable to anyone with life experience or knowledge of history. We will get them is your battle cry. And it is theirs.

I called out Obama on his mistakes and errors just as I call out Trump. I called out Bush, and everyone else. Because integrity and honesty matters to me. Everyone is completely full of shit. And like the idiots who wanted to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. You believe the propaganda. The best thing that could happen to this nation is if all of you true believers got together and wiped each other out. Then perhaps this Nation could move forward without the hatred and desire for revenge that drives both the left and the right.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I wonder if Timothy McVeigh is considered a terrorist.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Sorry liar, this is who they are....

The FBI needs some good press so they evesdrop on some loony tune internet conversation and call it a "plot to kidnap a sitting governor". Fine but how many lefties are engaging in various conspiracies to overthrow the Trump administration? The FBI doesn't want to deal with it.
Anarchists are now right wingers.

Yup... fake news strike again.

I want to educate the left, right wingers don't do this sort of petty stuff. Once we have had enough you will know... if your cognition is quick enough.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Fuck the FBI
Said like a good American. I suppose you trust Putin more than the FBI, just like your cult leader DJP.
Putin never claimed that my wife was a terrorist.

Did he?
Yes he did. You didn't know. C'mon dude, when you have your head permanently stuck up your rear end as a Trump supporter, you miss many things going on in the world.
It's not just extreme right wingers. We aren't exactly living in relaxed, civil times in the battle of America vs China.

Remember this, China has the upper hand. The West has little mass support from the communists.
Against china?

Wake up man!

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