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FBI too busy monitoring Twitter to worry about Fentanyl shipments from Mexico.

Yes, I'm sure a steady diet of Hate Radio and Faux News would have you believe that, but it's Trump who has been acting increasingly unhinged in the last few months.

Meanwhile, Biden continues to work to get legislation passed, and solving the actual problems.

Frankly, you haven't made a good case that Hunter Biden had broken any laws, and Congress ALREADY investigated Joe's dealing with Hunter and came up with nothing.

Yes, it's so adorable when you wingnuts who never saw a war you didn't like under Dubya pretend to be a fucking hippy drum circle now. Trump's idea of "peace" was to sell out the few people in the Islamic world willing to side with us (the Kurds in Syria, the Afghan government).

Thank God we have a grown up in the White House then?

What would be your solutions to any of these problems? Let Putin take over Ukraine? let China take over Taiwan? Have Trump lavish praise on Kim until he stops?

Oh, and I've been hearing the Zionist bullshit artists say, "IRAN IS ABOUT TO GET THE BOMB!!!" since the fucking early 1990's. I'm tired of hearing it. The Zionists don't want us to go to war because of Imaginary Nukes, they want us to go to war to take out support for the Palestinian people.
If you were honest with yourself you would at least admit that your mainstream liberal media deceived you for years by telling you the totally made up tale that Trump and Putin colluded to defeat Hillary.


Putinā€™s goal in 2016 was, and remains today, to weaken America. He wants Washington out of his way as he aims to reintegrate former Soviet states like Ukraine into a USSR-like alliance.

The Hillary-Obama-Biden crew and their spy chiefs aided Putin in his goal as they pursued their own objective of casting Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate. They ran a Soviet-style Playbook, weaponizing intelligence resources and processes to spy on innocent Americans, such as Trumpā€™s former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn.

It took five years for the truth to come out. The American peopleā€™s faith and trust were betrayed by Hillary Clinton and the Obama-Biden spy chiefs. Instead of identifying and neutralizing threats to American security, these Soviet-style American apparatchiks became ā€œuseful idiotā€ soldiers in Putinā€™s war on America.

Often there is plenty of evidence to charge high level democrats with crimes but it does seem they are above the rule of law.

It remains to be seen what, if any, charges will be filed against Hunter Biden as a result of the federal investigation into his business dealings, but some experts have now said the evidence is ā€œunassailable and undeniableā€ that that he broke foreign lobbying laws.

The federal grand jury related to the probe of President Joe Bidenā€™s son may have disbanded and, thanks to concerns over impacting the upcoming November elections, a conclusion may not come until after the midterms. As American Wire reported, charges ā€œcould include alleged tax violations and making a false statement in connections withā€¦purchase of a firearm,ā€ yet the possible ā€œforeign lobbying violationsā€ are holding significant weight with experts.


Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, spoke with The New York Post and expressed, ā€œThe recent disclosures of additional foreign contacts has only strengthened what was already a strong case. Indeed, in the last few weeks, the compelling basis for a FARA charge has become unassailable and undeniable.ā€

ā€œThe influence peddling schemes directly reference the President and [Joe Biden] is repeatedly cited as a possible recipient of funds,ā€ Turley added, with specific regard to the number of meetings Hunter had with his father scheduled closely after meeting with foreign officials.

The reason Putin has been pushing so hard in the Ukraine is that he perceives Joe Biden as a weak President. Xi Jinping of China undoubtedly has dirt on Hunter that he can use to blackmail Joe Biden.

The world around us is falling apart because we have a corrupt, fool with dementia leading our nation today. I hate to say it, but Hillary would be a better President than Joe Biden.
I am not at all concerned about what opinion is held of my character, by a piece of shit that openly takes the side of subhuman criminal filth against that of human beings.

Gee, Mormon Bob, frankly your character speaks out loud and clear.
Do you mock the homeless for being homeless? I suspect you do.
If you were honest with yourself you would at least admit that your mainstream liberal media deceived you for years by telling you the totally made up tale that Trump and Putin colluded to defeat Hillary.

If you are going to site the NY Post quoting the Durham Report, then you have some credibility problems. Durham spent three years and 40 million dollars casting shit on the FBI and the Democratic party, and at the end of the day the ONLY "conviction" they got was one lawyer admitted he altered the text of an warrant application to get a third extention on a wiretap.

The problem with the Mueller investigation was that it was hamstrung by Trump's obstruction. Now, you would think that if Trump was totally innocent of what he was accused of, he'd be jumping through hoops to clear things up.

In 1991, a guy named Gary Sick, a National Security Advisor during the Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations, wrote a book claiming that George H. W. Bush secretly negotiated with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election to boost Reagan's election chances. It was a completely absurd charge. But it was STILL treated seriously. An independent counsel was appointed and Congress investigated and concluded it was bullshit, but you didn't see Bush engage in the kind of behavior Trump did.

Jonathan Turley,
is a legal whore. Next.

The reason Putin has been pushing so hard in the Ukraine is that he perceives Joe Biden as a weak President.

No, the reason why he pushed so hard in Ukraine was that Trump had already done the work of undermining the Ukraine and NATO, and this was his best opportunity before Biden fixed the damage Trump did. Trump lifted sanctions on Russia. He even tried to get Russia back into the G-7, despite their actions in the Donbass and Crimea that got them thrown out.

Xi Jinping of China undoubtedly has dirt on Hunter that he can use to blackmail Joe Biden.

He does? Really? What more embarrassing selfies.. More emails with lines taken out of context? Do tell!

The problem we have with China is that most Americans of both parties are piss ignorant of Chinese history and culture, or they would understand EXACTLY why China is so upset about Taiwan.

The world around us is falling apart because we have a corrupt, fool with dementia leading our nation today. I hate to say it, but Hillary would be a better President than Joe Biden.

Oh, wow as you... that you don't have a president who validates your bigotries.

Meanwhile... um, NATO has held firm on Ukraine and Putin is in retreat. China is saber rattling but know that it's not feasible to invade Taiwan. The economy has recovered from the damage Trump did to it.
YIf you are going to site the NY Post quoting the Durham Report, then you have some credibility problems. Durham spent three years and 40 million dollars casting shit on the FBI and the Democratic party, and at the end of the day the ONLY "conviction" they got was one lawyer admitted he altered the text of an warrant application to get a third extention on a wiretap.

The problem with the Mueller investigation was that it was hamstrung by Trump's obstruction. Now, you would think that if Trump was totally innocent of what he was accused of, he'd be jumping through hoops to clear things up.

In 1991, a guy named Gary Sick, a National Security Advisor during the Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations, wrote a book claiming that George H. W. Bush secretly negotiated with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election to boost Reagan's election chances. It was a completely absurd charge. But it was STILL treated seriously. An independent counsel was appointed and Congress investigated and concluded it was bullshit, but you didn't see Bush engage in the kind of behavior Trump did.

is a legal whore. Next.

No, the reason why he pushed so hard in Ukraine was that Trump had already done the work of undermining the Ukraine and NATO, and this was his best opportunity before Biden fixed the damage Trump did. Trump lifted sanctions on Russia. He even tried to get Russia back into the G-7, despite their actions in the Donbass and Crimea that got them thrown out.

He does? Really? What more embarrassing selfies.. More emails with lines taken out of context? Do tell!

The problem we have with China is that most Americans of both parties are piss ignorant of Chinese history and culture, or they would understand EXACTLY why China is so upset about Taiwan.

Oh, wow as you... that you don't have a president who validates your bigotries.

Meanwhile... um, NATO has held firm on Ukraine and Putin is in retreat. China is saber rattling but know that it's not feasible to invade Taiwan. The economy has recovered from the damage Trump did to it.
In our nation today the FBI and the DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through. Therefore I doubt that anyone of any importance in those agencies or in other alphabet intelligence agencies will ever be held to account for their malfeasance. High level Democrats are above any and all rules of law.

Eventually the massive corruption could lead to the break up of our nation. I hope it doesnā€™t and if it does it is a peaceful breakup. If it does, it will be a hell of a shame to see the Founderā€™s dream of an entirely new form of government where the government works for the people end up as a tragic failure due to the greed of corrupt politicians such as the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens.

Of course you will argue that the real corruption was brought on by Trump. To people like you Trump is responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the entire universe.

The way things are heading today you should get your grandkids to learn Mandarin Chinese as they may well find the Chinese boot on their necks because corrupt politicians like Joe Biden sold our nation out.

Joe Biden Sold Out America To China While Working For Hollywood​

(link ā€¦)


In 1962, the Manchurian Candidate depicted an effort by Communists in China, Russia, and elsewhere to kidnap and brainwash American soldiers. The modern remake replaced the Communists with a corporation and the Chinese doctor with a South African geneticist. China could not be offended.

While Biden, Katzenberg, and Xi were partying at the Marriot, human rights protesters were calling for freedom, and being arrested by the henchmen of a one-party Democrat city and state for their trouble.

Even while Biden was falsely claiming that the Hollywood sellout would improve human rights in China, the rise of China was already violating human rights in America. Now, as Chinese drones fly over American cities, police stalk empty streets, social media monopolies monitor every single phone, and Democrat officials dismiss the Bill of Rights while locking up millions of people, our rights are gone.

And Joe Biden is the Manchurian Candidate who long ago sold out the country he now seeks to rule.
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In our nation today the FBI and the DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through. Therefore I doubt that anyone of any importance in those agencies or in other alphabet intelligence agencies will ever be held to account for their malfeasance. High level Democrats are above any and all rules of law.

Right, so let's apply Occam's razor to this contention.

Either the entire DOJ and FBI are corrupt, including Trump appointees like Wray, Barr and Sessions.

Or Donald Trump is corrupt.

Occam's razor. The simplest answer is usually the right one.

Eventually the massive corruption could lead to the break up of our nation. I hope it doesnā€™t and if it does it is a peaceful breakup. If it does, it will be a hell of a shame to see the Founderā€™s dream of an entirely new form of government where the government works for the people end up as a tragic failure due to the greed of corrupt politicians such as the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens.

First, the Founders didn't shit marble. They were a bunch of rich slave-owners who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes. America's two founding sins... Racism and unwillingness of the rich to pay their fair share.

Secondly, you are investing an awful lot into the Trump cult. One has to wonder why, as he was a lesser person than Either Bush, Reagan, Jerry Ford or even Tricky Dick. All of which would be horrified by his conduct.

Third, the country isn't going to "break up". As much as I would LOVE to be rid of the Red states and their inbred, bible thumping morons, they need us more than we need them. The reality is, that all you old angry white people will die off, and future, multi-racial generations will look back at you the way they look back at 1920's Klan rallies.

Of course you will argue that the real corruption was brought on by Trump. To people like you Trump is responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the entire universe.

Not at all. He's responsible for everything that went wrong after 2016. I would love to have my life from 2016 back. Although the life I am living now is pretty good.

The way things are heading today you should get your grandkids to learn Mandarin Chinese as they find the Chinese boot on their necks because corrupt politicians like Joe Biden sold our nation out.
Right. There's a Chinese hiding under your bed right now.

Actually, there is a Chinese in my bed, but I invited her. And she keeps hogging the covers.

The Chinese aren't our enemy. Our biggest enemy are the rich people who moved all those jobs to China because they didn't want to pay an American a living wage. But sweet evil Jesus, you Republicans have gotten too crazy for them, even.
Right, so let's apply Occam's razor to this contention.

Either the entire DOJ and FBI are corrupt, including Trump appointees like Wray, Barr and Sessions.

Or Donald Trump is corrupt.

Occam's razor. The simplest answer is usually the right one.

First, the Founders didn't shit marble. They were a bunch of rich slave-owners who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes. America's two founding sins... Racism and unwillingness of the rich to pay their fair share.

Secondly, you are investing an awful lot into the Trump cult. One has to wonder why, as he was a lesser person than Either Bush, Reagan, Jerry Ford or even Tricky Dick. All of which would be horrified by his conduct.

Third, the country isn't going to "break up". As much as I would LOVE to be rid of the Red states and their inbred, bible thumping morons, they need us more than we need them. The reality is, that all you old angry white people will die off, and future, multi-racial generations will look back at you the way they look back at 1920's Klan rallies.

Not at all. He's responsible for everything that went wrong after 2016. I would love to have my life from 2016 back. Although the life I am living now is pretty good.

Right. There's a Chinese hiding under your bed right now.

Actually, there is a Chinese in my bed, but I invited her. And she keeps hogging the covers.

The Chinese aren't our enemy. Our biggest enemy are the rich people who moved all those jobs to China because they didn't want to pay an American a living wage. But sweet evil Jesus, you Republicans have gotten too crazy for them, even.

I suspect Donald Trump is the most investigated man in the history of the United States. With all the money and manpower spent on these investigations, the fact that Trump was not been indicted or prosecuted yet may well mean that he is squeaky clean.

Trumpā€™s biggest threat to those who really run this nation is they donā€˜t own him. They do own Joe Biden. They can squish him like a bug anytime he steps out of line.

I am not saying that next week the Chinese are going to invade California. They may in 20 or 40 years but more likely they will just buy our nation piece by piece.

Many of the Founders opposed slavery but without compromise on slavery this nation would have never existed but would likely have been two separate nations, one that allowed slavery and the other where it was outlawed.

Those two nations or just one of the two would likely have lost the War of 1812 with the British.

The United States would not have existed to save Europe from Germany twice in WWI and WWII.
I suspect Donald Trump is the most investigated man in the history of the United States. With all the money and manpower spent on these investigations, the fact that Trump was not been indicted or prosecuted yet may well mean that he is squeaky clean.

No, it just proves that holding a president accountable for misconduct is damned near impossible, as we saw with Nixon, (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra) or Clinton (Monica-gate). Trump has probably crossed enough lines to be the exception, though. He seems to be pissing off the few people in his post-presidency he didn't get around to during his presidency.

Trumpā€™s biggest threat to those who really run this nation is they donā€˜t own him. They do own Joe Biden. They can squish him like a bug anytime he steps out of line.
Funny, I thought we the people ran this nation. So now you think there is a secret cabal that is running things?

We've voted on Trump four times, and he has lost every time.

I am not saying that next week the Chinese are going to invade California. They may in 20 or 40 years but more likely they will just buy our nation piece by piece.

Or they might, never.

Sweet Evil Jesus, this is getting tiresome.
In the 1970's, it was "Oh my God, the Arabs are going to buy everything!"
and then in the 1980's, it was "Oh my God, the Japanese are going to buy everything".
Now it's the scary Chinese.

Many of the Founders opposed slavery but without compromise on slavery this nation would have never existed but would likely have been two separate nations, one that allowed slavery and the other where it was outlawed.
Very few of them opposed slavery, which is why all their statues need to come down. There was no excuse for keeping slavery in a country based on the notion that all men are created equal.

Those two nations or just one of the two would likely have lost the War of 1812 with the British.

The United States would not have existed to save Europe from Germany twice in WWI and WWII.
Or WWI would have ended in a German victory and Germany would have continued to move towards parlimentary democracy instead of fascism.

Or the War of 1812 might have been avoided because a smaller US wouldn't have tried to steal Canada while the British were busy with Napoleon.

For the record, the US lost the War of 1812. The British just didn't want to be bothered with ruling us.
No, it just proves that holding a president accountable for misconduct is damned near impossible, as we saw with Nixon, (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra) or Clinton (Monica-gate). Trump has probably crossed enough lines to be the exception, though. He seems to be pissing off the few people in his post-presidency he didn't get around to during his presidency.

Funny, I thought we the people ran this nation. So now you think there is a secret cabal that is running things?

We've voted on Trump four times, and he has lost every time.

Or they might, never.

Sweet Evil Jesus, this is getting tiresome.
In the 1970's, it was "Oh my God, the Arabs are going to buy everything!"
and then in the 1980's, it was "Oh my God, the Japanese are going to buy everything".
Now it's the scary Chinese.

Very few of them opposed slavery, which is why all their statues need to come down. There was no excuse for keeping slavery in a country based on the notion that all men are created equal.

Or WWI would have ended in a German victory and Germany would have continued to move towards parlimentary democracy instead of fascism.

Or the War of 1812 might have been avoided because a smaller US wouldn't have tried to steal Canada while the British were busy with Napoleon.

For the record, the US lost the War of 1812. The British just didn't want to be bothered with ruling us.
Of course there is a secret cabal that runs things.

President Truman warned us about it as did President Eisenhower.

Of course there is a secret cabal that runs things.

President Truman warned us about it as did President Eisenhower.

Truman shouldn't have started the CIA if he didn't believe in it.

For Ike, he pretty much walked back his comments about a military industrial complex.

None of which have anything to do with Trump. The establishment hates him because he's a corrupt buffoon who had no business in the office.
Oh, yes, nuts with tiny penises carrying guns as compensation worry me all the time.
why? what do they do to you?
The reality is, most murders are not vicious criminals,
do you not see how bass-ackwards your thinking is?
they are domestic violence. That's why the murder rate spiked during Covid even though we were all locked up in our homes.
and yet you see this as being a gun problem
Truman shouldn't have started the CIA if he didn't believe in it.

For Ike, he pretty much walked back his comments about a military industrial complex.

None of which have anything to do with Trump. The establishment hates him because he's a corrupt buffoon who had no business in the office.
Trump is NOWHERE near as corrupt as Biden and Family.

Burt fear not, Joe Biden will waltz away scot-free as high level Democrats are above the rule of law.

Trump is NOWHERE near as corrupt as Biden and Family.

If you are going to use a couple of legal whores like Turley and Dershowitz (of Lolita Island Fame) as your examples, not sure that there is much to say.

Burt fear not, Joe Biden will waltz away scot-free as high level Democrats are above the rule of law.
Or they didn't actually do anything wrong, unlike Trump.
The riots were staged by the Democrats to make Trump look bad and to insure a big black voter turn out.

Trump set up a warp speed program to hasten the development of Covid vaccines in record time. If Hillary had been the President we would likely still be waiting for the first vaccine.

We still have employment problems. It seems nobody wants to fill many of the available jobs With low pay and benefits.

I was just talking to a lady who had went grocery shopping today. She said the meat isle was depleted and many items were out of stock. Never had that problem when Trump was in office.

Home heating bills are expected to skyrocket this year.

I would take Trump over Joe Biden as President every day of the week and twice on Sunday. But I hope DeSantis runs and becomes the Republican candidate. He is my Governor and the best Governor I have seen in my half century of living in Florida.

I think we have identified the foundation of Trump Support. It is Senile Dementia.

No shortages when Trump was President?

I think we have identified the foundation of Trump Support. It is Senile Dementia.

No shortages when Trump was President?

It was Democraps that put forth and implemented the policies that caused these supply issues, and associated economic damage.
It was Democraps that put forth and implemented the policies that caused these supply issues, and associated economic damage.
Wow, you don't know dick about Supply Chain, do you, Mormon Bob?

Most of the supply chain issues started when Trump imposed tariffs on China. Didn't bring that many jobs back to the US, but a lot of companies had to find Non-Chinese sources.

Then you had Covid, which we know you don't believe in, but unlike your magic friend in the sky, Covid doesn't stop being a thing when you don't believe in it.

That slowed down demands and then they ratchet right back up again.

Finally, you had the backups in the ports. Again, problem was YEARS of neglect in not increasing our port capacity.

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